This is a Journal entry by Number Six

Only those brought up in the Midlands may understand this

Post 1

Number Six

Re: the DFS Classic Tennis tournament, in which I believe the likes of Maria Sharapova are currently competing.

smiley - borg

Are they playing it in Darley Dale (near Matlock) or Tamworth Road, Measham?

smiley - mod

Only those brought up in the Midlands may understand this

Post 2


I went past the place at Darley Dale a couple of years ago. It were rather huge.


Only those brought up in the Midlands may understand this

Post 3


Just noticed your current tag. The source is blindingly obvious, but it just makes me shake my head is disbelief that you should actually use it.

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.


Only those brought up in the Midlands may understand this

Post 4

Number Six

I'd better change it, hadn't I?

I don't believe DFS in Darley Dale really exists... it's one of those mythical places that are only talked about!

smiley - mod

Only those brought up in the Midlands may understand this

Post 5


I have personally laid eyes upon it. Though they asked me not to, so I returned them to my eye-sockets.


Only those brought up in the Midlands may understand this

Post 6

Number Six

smiley - biggrin

I rolled my eyes at the branch of DFS on the North Circular, but unfortunately they got run over en route by an ERF 38-tonner in the slow lane...

smiley - mod

Only those brought up in the Midlands may understand this

Post 7

Mu Beta

Sad witticisms aside, it's quite a nice little tournament. It's held a stone's throw from my old Hall of Residence in Birmingham and I went for a couple of years running. Quiet.


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