This is a Journal entry by Number Six

London Transport - Here We Go Again?

Post 21


Something else has happened:

London Transport - Here We Go Again?

Post 22

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Could've been one of the suspects from yesterday, I suppose.

smiley - ale

London Transport - Here We Go Again?

Post 23


If it was then they must be stupid as well as evil. SUrely they'd try to stay low for a whilesmiley - erm

London Transport - Here We Go Again?

Post 24


I'm not sure that I would be that keen to be Asian and moving around London at the monment. And if I was, I certainly wouldn't be carrying any luggage of any description with me!

London Transport - Here We Go Again?

Post 25


Has anyone claimed responsiblity for yesterday yet? Or are they too embarassed?


London Transport - Here We Go Again?

Post 26


I found this earlier:,,30000-1189884,00.html

London Transport - Here We Go Again?

Post 27

Number Six

smiley - sigh I *really* wish the media would stop talking about Al-Qaeda like it's a tangible thing that exists...

smiley - mod

London Transport - Here We Go Again?

Post 28

Trin Tragula

ITN used the phrase 'War on Terror' this lunchtime as well - that's another one I'd like to see prohibited.

London Transport - Here We Go Again?

Post 29


Oh dear... today in the papers it seems as if the five-bullets-in-the-back guy is in fact 'innocent', 'young' and 'brazillian'.

Maybe it's best not to run to catch trains for a while smiley - yikes

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