This is the home page of the one and the only, Demented Duck!

Did you know?

The reason we hear thunder is because all the scary things from under the bed are banging big hammers on the floor.

Elephants aren't actually poached, because they use the poachers as a cover so they can go home to the Planet X (or Rupert depending on which book you have or haven't read).

Toucans get their name from being able to open two cans in two seconds

The planet Saturn got it's rings when God and his wife got divorced they put their rings there for safe keeping.

When you throw away biro's they all grow legs and run away to sea.

Conkers are baby frogs that have been cross-bred with apples.

The planet Neptune is only blue because Neil Armstrong and 'Buzz' Aldrin sprayed blue metallic paint on it.

If you look at permanent marker ink under a mircoscope you can see your furture.

Dressing gowns are dead bats which have been surgically attached to over-size flannels.

P.V.A glue stands for Pathetic Voice Accents glue, which mean it can fix pathetic accents.

If you spend 2 hours without blinking you could turn into a very rare illuminous yellow, orange, green and purple flies. Dead people turn into normal flies.

On average you are abducted by aliens 35,485 times a night.

Every time you put more than 4 socks in the wash 1 goes into the future because of a natoinal sock shortage.

And if you believe that you'll believe anything!

Many thanks to Ming, who helped me translate my page into GuideML.

Some other people I know: Jaguar and Jenny (and Fred the Cheese).

Stuff about me

My name is Jill (NOT Jillian) I'm 13 (v. unlucky, supposedly), live in a village in west sussex, which doesn't seem to be the centre of the universe. I'm fairly normal excpt (I can't spell) I have 2 pet ducks, (or a duck and a drake) the drake has developed a strange habit of following me round the garden and trying to eat my fingers. The duck meanwhile just sits around and quacks at him, they love eating slugs , snails (only small ones), worms and (strangely) goose grass. That seems to be the only reason why we still have them as my mum was going to give them away. Maybe I should have called this section 'Stuff about me and my ducks'.


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Demented Duck

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