This is the Message Centre for Pandora
Pandora Started conversation Jun 11, 2000
Original title huh?!? I am Pandora. I live in a log home and have way too many animals! A river runs through my property so lots of critters visit...everything from deer to weasles & fox! I'm married to a wonderful man whom I wished I'd never met! Go figure...he cares not what I do or say & never, ever reads h2g2 or my E's. I love music & play several insrtuments. I spell badly. I barely know how to use my Mac. I am 1/2 Cherokee Indian on my Mother's side...Pop's side came from a small Village on the Transillvania boarder. My Uncle Jesse has
traced us back hundreds of years...we went from royalty to enslavement
by a Count whom my ancesters made wine for in the mt. caves & hunted wild turky feathers for his robes. My Grandmother was sold to him when she was 9. I use to be active in local politics and community theatre.
Now I painfully struggle with a muscle disease and will be glad to leave this planet, but will do nothing to speed it up I have a wicked sense of humor. I use it often. If you visit here you're sure to experience some groans from some of what I say-at the very least you are sure to get a chuckle...probably from my spelling
Oh, I also have VERY long fingernails that contribute to lots of typo's!
So, welcome one and all to my Home Page. Feel free to say whatEVER you
like here. Just think of it as sitting in my home! Best wishes to one and all...Pandora-& no-I am NOT the one who opened that dang box
Shirps Posted Jun 12, 2000
Hi there, guess what? It's me!!
Wow, what a background! Ever thought of writing a book?
The only ancestors I "know" about, as being something, are on my father's side: one designed and built windpumps in Norfolk & the other drove the first train, I think it was across USA, but without looking it up I can't remember, maybe the Canadian pacific. I have no paperwork to prove this, only handed down by mouth!!
What talent to play musical instruments - what type of instru. can you play? I always wanted to play something, but considering my last music exam (many years ago) marks were 13 percent, perhaps it IS kinder to everyone that I don't However, I adore music, of all sorts, as you prob. gathered from my last message about watching 3 musicals in one weekend!! My collection of records, tapes &, now, CDs are really very varied.
When I bought my new hi-fi set, I insisted on a record player also - I've still got 2 boxes of LPs & I'm hanged if I am going to fork out for more music I already have, with the exception of a few
Gosh, I think we'll have alot to chat about & I'll have a million questions!
Wish there was some way of posting photos over H2g2.
What an idyllic place you live in - most people dream of that way of life. What animals have you got? That'll be another series of chatlines!!
Ooooooooh, I'm so excited .........
Liz doesn't have to sit a viva - I think, thank goodness. We'll know the final result tomorrow evening. Bill roll on the drums!
I've got around to doing a "home page" - it's not that great, but hey at least I've put something down in black & white.
Speak to you tomorrow.
Night Night
Pandora Posted Jun 13, 2000
Hello Shirps!!! for being the 1st to visit my home page you win the prize!!! All the virtual trips, to all the vertual places you've ever wanted to visit...with virtually all the money you can carry
Yes I've several books floating around in my head...only who would believe the life I've led?!? Scuba diving in the British Virgin Islands was my favorite trip! Sunken ships, caves, even a shark attack!!! I even lived my fantasy of being aboard a three mast clipper
during a wicked storm! Everyone was odred below, but I lashed myself to the rail with a rope & rode it out! I was dubbed:The Crazy Yankee!
As for what I play...what don't I? I sold my beloved piano to pay for advanced education, oh how I miss it! I do have a very nice key board, but it's not the same...I play classical on that. Rock on my guitar, jazz on my alto sax, march & tropical on my trumpet, Native Am. Indian tunes on my wooden flutes & my father's E flat alto horn just sits...I've never even seen another?!? I use to transpose his music for him because they just never made music for a horn like that...I often wonder how old it is & where it came from? It's silver. That's all I know about it. I had a recorder-a sort of flute,
but haven't seen it since the move to the country. Just before I moved
my ex-boyfriend trashed my house. The fellow I married cleaned the mess for me & threw out many treasures, not knowing what to keep with the house being so in a rubble!
WOW the 1st train across the US?!? T hiked along the Great Divide on both sides: Montana & Colorado & watched as trains wound around the Mts.! I rode the train through the Mt.s in the Eastern part of the USA
during a was scary! Water all about the tracks! Then we stopped! The train just ahead of us derailed! We had to go backwards many miles-then they stuck us on buses ;-( I had a bad feeling on that train. I switched my seat to the one nearest the exit door & put my meds & warm coat into a fairly water proof bag-an old man across from me laughed at me & said,"These trains never have trouble!" HA! Glad it wasn't ours...I probably would have drowned tring to save everyone!!!
My native name is Two Feathers. The elders wanted to call me Many Feathers (it's for how many lives you've saved) They said that as a therapist there was no telling how many I saved. I argued that people saved themselves. I only showed them how! So they said I had to take credit for the boy I saved from drowning & the young lady who wrecked her car (my ESP made me drive like an idiot to the spot-I was about to have dinner w/a friend when I "had" to leave) I did CPR & revived her.
Then she became a client & I helped her get her memory back. I still get a Christmas card from her every year! It's a good feeling
I want to know all about you!!! Are you an artist? Where do you have the most pain? What type of artheritis do you have? Or am I wrong, which I hope I am? I feel as though you've had a sad life. Hope I'm wrong about that too!!! Where will the first place be that you go on your virtual trip?!? It's 10pm & we're going to the city tomorrow
so my hubby can surch for another job. Things were slow & he was laid off from the machine shop where he worked 7 years. So, I'd best toddle
off to my big queen sized bed! He sleeps upstairs. I stay down in my huge room that's done up like the belly of a ship! Except for the picture window that faces the river & tree line to the woods. I'll loose that view if we enclose the porch...but I'll gain a room! Nite!
Shirps Posted Jun 13, 2000
Happy times Two Feathers, Liz has just phoned with her results - she's got a FIRST!!!!!!! I'm so happy for her & so excited. I'll tell you more later or tomorrow. Rrrr is going to take me to the local station for a drink or two or ....... (yes, the station - I'll explain later!!)
What have I done to deserve such a clever hard-working daughter?
Pandora Posted Jun 14, 2000
With a mamma like you, she was certian to do well
I'm sooooo excited for her & for her proud mom!!! I'm going straight to the cupboard and have a dirnk in honor of Liz's future! Cheers
I'd like her to keep in mind a saying a patient framed & gave me...I read it several times a week: I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today!!!
Shirps Posted Jun 14, 2000
Thanks, I'll pass that saying on to her!
Hey, it sounds as if you were as excited as I was yesterday!!! I kept hopping around & didn't know what to do with myself! (I ended up doing a bit of ironing! - Just to try & calm down, what better way!!) We went down to the station & had 2 pints of the strongest bitter they had!!
Oh, the station: basically it's an old Victorian railway station that was closed down in the late 50's. An 'Historical Transport Society' has taken it over, so there is a museum & most important, a bar where you can buy real ale in the evenings (it used to be the old waiting room). They have renovated a bit of the track & keep some old engines, & carriages, chugging away!
With the drink you "had/have"(?), I'll say an English phrase: "Bottoms up!" (I reckon that refers to the bottom of the glass )
Do you know something, yours has been the best reaction from any of my friends or acquaintances so far! I e-mailed them, including my relative in USA, yesterday evening about 6pm. Yet, now, 11.30pm I still have no word! Huh - who cares? I don't (I do really, but what's the point of getting miffed?)
Anyway, night night & sweet dreams - Oh Liz reckoned she dreamed her A level results before she got them & now reckons she dreamt this result, along with another coursemate getting the same result, which again has come true. What do you reckon?
TIMELORD Posted Jun 15, 2000
Found you at last were to start what a life i have done very little traveling i have only left Britain once i went to France on a boat trip but i had no passport so the only bit of France i could stand on was the pier which was made in England i do not like much music but on the other hand i don't dislke it.
I have often been called psychic or is it psychotic well its one of them two.
I keep thinking of a joke about the man who goes on to the u.s.a. on holiday and meets a native american 90 years old and as a perfect memory he can recall every day of is life in detail so he asks what did you have for breakfast 50 years ago today and he replys eggs when he returns to England and tells his friends they all say the old man was making it up and laugh at him so after a few weeks of this he tells them he will go back on the same day next year and ask what he had for breakfast 51 years ago and see what he says so the next year he returns wakes up to the old man an says HOW he looks up and says boiled.
hope you like the joke i seem to tell them around you may be you need to smile more.
More about me lets see i live in bradford west yorkshire i work nights in a gas station like you i can nit spoll very good and full stop are some thing new to just chuck in here and there..
I love sci-fi watch a lot of tv play snooker and like quizes both sci-fi and pub i have a wicked sence of humour but like to help as many people in life as i can
i some times wish i could write better i have storys i would love to tell but can never get them down on paper i think i need to tell them to someone that can write.
anything i can help you with let me know but thats all i can think to write at the moments.
talk again soon
P.S. my name is neil
Pandora Posted Jun 16, 2000
FIRST: Shirps- I couldn't be MORE excited if Liz were MY daughter!
Lift your glass dear...*HERE'S TO THOSE WHO WISH US WELL-THOSE THAT DON'T CAN GO TO HELL!!!* The night you posted you were going to 'The Station' I'd awakened from my nap & told Bear (hubby) that two times in a row I've dreamed of a train station at the end of our cabin & a party for some type of celebration!!! There were train cars with pretty tins & a rug & all sorts of pretties! (I start a new job as a phone counserlor tonight...gotta goXXX
TIMELORD...YOU CRACK ME UP... I'll get back to you too! Time for work!!! Something I haven't done in awhile
TIMELORD Posted Jun 16, 2000
I hope you like the new job i am sure you will do well at it i think the best gift is the gift of laughter i once saw a old friend of my mothers at work it was raining so i rain inside and came out with a great big umbrella singing "singing in the rain" and marched her to her husbands car she said for weeks after she would be doing something and just burst out laughing thinking of me and that umbrella*
*I have to type it at leased twice when i look up the spelling.
Great news about the job i am sure you will soon get back in the swing of things but don't do to much i have the funnist feeling that you push your self to hard at times.
One last thing at the place i worked before one of the kindest ladys i have ever met won a prize for the employee of the year so some PRATT put 4 nails in her car tyres the next day she was in such a bad mood i thoght she was going to blow a fuse and get saked so i took her to one side knowing that if she went mad at me there at leased it would be ok for her(unless she killed me)and said jenny about your car any chance i can have my nails back.
it was amazing i lived 10 years i worked a that place i would write a book about it but know one would belive it*
*and i can't write things like that books and storys i mean
TIMELORD Posted Jun 16, 2000
Shirps i am sorry i seem to have ignored you in the last message i did not mean to say a big WELL DONE to liz from me and if she can dream a 5-0 win for England agaist germany this weekend i would be greatful fingers crossed.
If you like ironing so much you can come round to my house anytime i hate it.
If you can cook as well i will go down on one knee right now.
Pandora Posted Jun 16, 2000
IRONING??? Hmmmm...sounds sort of like like should know the word...
Years ago I bought myself a steamer-nice thing-put in water, hang garment-whoosh...wrinkles all gone! Warning: when in a hurry to get a
missed wrinkle out of the skirt you're WEARING - NEVER-EVER hold the steamer against your thigh & press the buttom MAJOR DUH!!!
Shirps, so glad Rrrr didn't take you to the GAS STATION!!! (sounded lovely!)
TIMELORD-you still crack me up! You are right about me pushing myself!
To earn $11 per hour I need only get 600 mins in per week-last night I
got 317 minutes! Soon I'll passout in my bedy-by...then back to work at mid-night for the next few nights. Doing therapy over the phone is GREAT! you can actually roll your eyes at what's been said & no one's the wiser But it's not the good $$$ I use to make. However, beggers
can not be too pickie! With Bear out of work & in no hurry to find more...need I say more?!?
As the priest is saying good-bye to his Sunday congragation he notices a woman crying & asks what's wrong? She tells him that her husband had died the night before! "That's awful!" says the preist, "Did he have a last request?" "Well, yes." says the woman..."He did ask me to put the gun down!"
TIMELORD Posted Jun 17, 2000
Now that one i like i would like to point out that a few years ago about 1976/77 i think some native amicans came over to bradford to do a rain dance as there was a heat wave over here then could you send them back as it as not stoped since they left.
One last thing you will notice i have not called you a indian as this is not very the moment there as been a lot of fuss over here about a collage that as baned forty words including lady,crazy,history*,and normal.what do you think.
*history is baned as sexest
Shirps Posted Jun 17, 2000
Hi to both of you, sorry not to have been around for a couple of days, but I had an art exhibition to get sorted. Artists are somewhat temperamental - at the "hanging", I felt like drawing & quartering most of them (medieval method of disposing of traitors, etc., not very nice!!) Anyway, all done, preview evening last night went like a dream with the chair. of main council opening it & attendance of, not one, but TWO mayors!! On top of this, the local press actually managed to send a photographer this time (I had pointed out it would be a good photo opportunity to the reporter). I disappeared quickly once I had gathered all the relevant folk together - I am NOT photogenic!! This is the 11th exhib. & the first time we've got the press there!! Anyway, sold 6 pics. & hope to sell more during the next week & next weekend. (And no, I haven't got any pics. in there - I haven't done any painting since taking over as sec. - one day!)
Let me make this very plain - I DO NOT like ironing - I hate it, it's painful, tedious & if I didn't like wearing cotton so much life would be alot easier
Sorry, but I don't cook any more either - again it's too painful to prepare food, etc., - so Rrrrr does it & actually enjoys cooking!! However, I still make cakes - Timelord & Pandy, I hereby send you a virtual chocolate & nut cake with a choc fudge filling
(Rrrrrr grinned about your virtual proposal, TL, prob. 'cos he knows he does the cooking!)
Congrats Two Feathers on landing that job - I agree, any money is good money & hey, at least you can have a coffee whenever you want!!
What happens if you have to phone the person back, would you be paid for your phone call or does that never happen? It must be difficult to counsel over the phone - only the voice, no facial or hand movements to help you. Don't you find it frustrating sometimes? Sorry, I am sounding negative - don't mean to be, only interested.
Over here, we have something called the Samaritans, where people can phone & talk to someone when they are really desperate about life, etc. This is a purely voluntary organisation & therefore, no pay is involved, but some years back I had wondered about helping, except mum said I would get too involved, upset & frustrated.
Weird, about the dream - the only difference is that the carriages are very basic!! (They could be made more attractive, but noone seems to be interested in that, only the engines!!) However, the station is only 2 minutes walk away, so it's almost like being next door!!
Is there a real truth about "dream catchers" or are they just a fashionable craze? How do they work?
Timelord: Liz didn't need to dream the score - they did it all by themselves!! We were in the garden (not being football fanatics & afraid to watch in case we lost again)having a glass of the hard stuff, then heard a cheer from all the houses & local pub, so rushed indoors to see the shots of THE goal from different angles. I just hope we go further on & don't get too cocky!!
Pandy - the football score was 1-0 England v. Germany. Timelord I'm sure will explain more if you want to know
Gotta go, fingers are locking & got to be up early to get Liz home from Univ. plus 2 years worth of belongings - I don't know where it's all going to be put!!
Speak soon
Love to you both & cheers for England - Hurrahhhhhhhhhh
Pandora Posted Jun 18, 2000
So sleepy not speaking in complete sentances...TL those RULES are stupid! Herstory shows that women do need to become more equal...but NOT like this!!! Shesh! The reason(s) it's still rainy there: 1st we are not Indian givers...once it's's yours to keep And
when the Brits landed they tried to take over so the Indians are just paying them back
Shirps: Dreamcatchers are placed over the bed to snag the bad dreams in the web & allow the good dreams into your mind. Thousands of years old...not what I'd call a fad! Although they're trendy now.
Very easy to do therapy over the phone...for me anyway, my wicked sense of ESP...The client is given my extn # so they may call to speak with me again. The longest wait I had between calls was two minutes!
I'm required to do 600 mins per week to earn $11 per hour-otherwise it's $9 per hr. I did 800 mins in two nights! I'm soooo sore! And the day I started-the neighbors Grem. Shep. tore up the backs of my legs!
I had to shoot the gun to make him go back across the river! The man was very sorry about it! Bear keeps cleaning the wounds-so I'll live
I just hope if Belle (my blue dobe) ever breaks loose they are as understanding as I Need sleep/food 1st-love you both XXOOXX and will talk more after getting some rest...six hrs for three days-nite!
TIMELORD Posted Jun 19, 2000
The last time i proposed to some one i was working she was a young lady with a flat tyer so i changed it for her she was very upset at having to put me out(it was raining and quit dark i spent 30 minutes trying to get a torch but could not get one*)so i was trying to talk with her saying that i did this a lot and i did not mind.To change the subject i asked were she worked she told me she owned a pup well i was down on one knee**
*asda is one of the bigest supermarkets in britain it think's nothing of spending £100,000 on painting the stores but £1 on a torch is to much i once tryed to get a pety cash for 9p for some bleach what do you want that for i was asked to poor down the toilet i replyed it was refused by the manager and i was told only simon(the genral store manger(top man)) could sign it i give up and payed for it myself.
**i may not drink but what the hell i was down on one knee and she needed a laugh
Pandora Posted Jun 20, 2000
It's after 2:30am-can't sleep...there have been prowlers around mucking up neighbors gardens etc. I shot 20 rounds over their heads last night! I forgot to put ear plugs in & now...WHAT'S THAT YOU'RE SAYING?!? They let air out of our tires & cut young trees to bits!
This am the hubby's going for a job at a wonderful company!!! The fellow I'm selling my old house to offered him the job! He's a single
dad-working hard to be mother & father to his 7 yr old daughter. I refused his offer on the price-I insisted he give me 8 thousand dollars less than I was asking! It was worth it to see the look on hubby's face-HA! Cheap one he is! This fellow needs a helping hand! And in turn-he's giving Bear a, we all are going to be great friends! I've offered to keep his girl on nice days (maybe a swim), so
he can have some time for himself. You'd have thought I'd given him a
million dollars-he nearly cried! That's not right! (People, I believe are here to love & help on another!) I'm sure YOU BOTH see my point!
You're both loving, caring people! Birds of a feather & all that
Tea time...nite loves! XXXOOOXXX
Shirps Posted Jun 20, 2000
Crikey Pandora, what troubles! Can't the police help with these vandals? I think if I had a gun in my hand I'd want to shoot AT them, not over their heads - however "one has to be sensible doesn't one"
What happened to this chap's wife? Do tell him I understand how difficult it is to be mother and father. You have to kind of get the balance right between loving, advising & reprimanding - it is SO difficult. As she gets older & he explains whatever has happened to them, she should understand & will probably become his right hand girl. Even then, he must be careful not to rely on her too much, otherwise she would become older than her years. Ooooooh, so difficult.
I should think he really appreciates your kindness for two main reasons: give him a break free from worry & to give her some female company.
Why did you sell your old house & move into the cabin anyway? Was it money or just to live in this idyllic (except for the vandals) setting?
I'm slowly sorting out my father's belongings, cameras, engineering equipment, hundreds of photos & films, etc, etc. My brother doesn't want to help, he worries that my father willl suddenly make a miraculous recovery & return home. I told him I would rather sort through it now, while I know what I am doing, rather than when he dies & obviously I would be upset. It appears my dad is/was a very clever man with lots of things I never knew about!!!
Liz is home with ALL her belongings: we've taken alot over to mum to store in her spare room - we've none left!!! She came home Sunday & began work at 8am on Monday at a local supermarket, tomorrow she begins at 6am!!! She literally is completely broke & has debts - all students have these. I wish I could settle it all for her, but as I'm on benefits I just don't have enough income. Oooh, if I had only been working & getting a decent wage. C'est la vie!!!
Tell your friend about Liz, to show that there is no reason stopping his daughter from doing what she wants in the end, as long as he gives her a little rope, but not too much - you know what I mean!!
Hope you are not too tired & feeling OK. Give your husband a bearhug from me (get it? - sorry!!!)
I'm going to have an earlier night tonight, so ...... sweet dreams!!
We must get a timeline sorted out!!!
Pandora Posted Jun 21, 2000
Your a wise one!!! I've already spoken to this fellow 'Dan' about all the points you've brought up. He's even asked me to help her learn bout things only we 'girls' deal with. Today hubby wemt where Dan works to get a job-thanks to Dan-looks like he'll be starting Monday
as a maintance tech! he's had it with working in machine shops. He has other offers, but he's ready to settle into a 'nice' job! The reason we built our 'dream home' was because accd. to all the dr.s I was supposed to die befor '98 was over! I WAS very ill. Now, I get about quite well, copmared to how ill I was! The other houise was all stairs! My Dr.-who actually does 'house calls' told me I HAD to stop with the stairs! I was taking care of my elderly dad, with the help of Home Health Care...he has senial dementia from alcohol. So, after 5 years I finally put Pops in the Vet Home (the old soldier & saliors home) where he's always wanted to go! Lovely, on a lake with albino
peacocks, geese,ducks, etc. I keep an eye on him-but I'd have never made it going like I was! Now instead of paying for physcoal therapy
I just dive into the pool or take my Native walking stick & go to the woods. We spent way more on this place than what I'll get for the other house! We just thought it a good idea to live our dreams rather than wait until the want of our dream slipped off into yesterday! hubby dosen't care to travel, but says I can go where & when & want. Now THAT'S what I call a vacation
Don't give these crooks a second thought! Today Bear installed 4 security cameras, we still want one or two more...but my dobe gas alreadt chewed up one fellow who pushed past me at 9 am!!! Belle tore him to bits! He was under the porch swing keepimg his face & neck covered! My Golden Retriever was alive then too-she turned into some type of blonde bear! My sweet Cassie-only time in all her years I ever saw her growl! There was another guy in thr van...when he saw Cassie, I guess he figured he could get another buddy-but not another
throat I feel quite safe! WhenI sleep in my hammock in the woods-I ALWAYS have a loaded 38 with Me! And lots of hollow point bullets!
Very glad you found a spot for all Liz's stuff! As for your family...
take it for one who knows! Do yout busy work now! Later you won't care to be there!!!
Nearly 3:30am-I'm soooo sleepy-I plan to sleep all day-even if I have to take a sleeping tablet! TAKE CARE! Have fun w/y B.B.!!! XXXOOOXXX
TIMELORD Posted Jun 21, 2000
"Are to sleep per chance to dream"
shirps i just hope its a better supermarket than the one i worked for.
It can be fun at times working in a shop but at the end i hated going i often said the place had healing powers if you sat outside and saw people coming to work they looked sick if you saw them leaving they were happy,healthy,and smilling.
on a more serious point you must do what you think is right and sort out your fathers things now it took my father a long time to die in the end he had been in hospital for 7 month straight and most of the year before that he was in and out every other week it was very hard after he died to go though is thing so if you can do it now it will help but your brother may not have come to terms with the facts that at sometime we all lose are parents let him come to trems with this in is own time.
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: Pandora (Jun 11, 2000)
- 2: Shirps (Jun 12, 2000)
- 3: Pandora (Jun 13, 2000)
- 4: Shirps (Jun 13, 2000)
- 5: Pandora (Jun 14, 2000)
- 6: Shirps (Jun 14, 2000)
- 7: TIMELORD (Jun 15, 2000)
- 8: Pandora (Jun 16, 2000)
- 9: TIMELORD (Jun 16, 2000)
- 10: TIMELORD (Jun 16, 2000)
- 11: Pandora (Jun 16, 2000)
- 12: TIMELORD (Jun 17, 2000)
- 13: Shirps (Jun 17, 2000)
- 14: Pandora (Jun 18, 2000)
- 15: TIMELORD (Jun 19, 2000)
- 16: Shirps (Jun 19, 2000)
- 17: Pandora (Jun 20, 2000)
- 18: Shirps (Jun 20, 2000)
- 19: Pandora (Jun 21, 2000)
- 20: TIMELORD (Jun 21, 2000)
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