A Conversation for H2G2 Free-Form Fantasy Forum

The Siege of Galyana

Post 421

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

*Ma Chao continues his rampage. The generic evil villans are no match for him, and so decide, as all good villans do, to run like hell.*
[Trance Ma Chao] Isn't there anyone who can stop me!?
*In obedience of Sod's Law, Vortex steps backwards, and flattens Ma Chao.*
[Ma Chao] Ow. smiley - injured

The Siege of Galyana

Post 422

Don Malvado, so bitter my cat won't even lick me

~as hes still nowhere near limit break Eric continues to stab at vortexs' feet with his sword and making no percivable impact~

The Siege of Galyana

Post 423

Aries (ACE + Badger)

[Sparky] Eric move yourself away from Vortex!

casts [Demi] on Vortex

The Siege of Galyana

Post 424

Dizzy the Void

[Vortex WEAPON, being unharmed, is unharmed by Demi. It did, however, sustain some hurt from Trine.]


[Ribald] Dammit, not again!!

The Siege of Galyana

Post 425

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

*Ma Chao staggers to his feet, and stumbles across an elixer.*
[Ma Chao] ...yay...
*Downs the elixer, and recovers all his HP and MP.*
[Ma Chao] Alright! Bahamut! Mega-Flare on Vortex!!
*Bahamut circles around, and prepares to strike...*

The Siege of Galyana

Post 426

Aries (ACE + Badger)

[Sparky] Lets try this....


The Siege of Galyana

Post 427

Don Malvado, so bitter my cat won't even lick me

~Eric still trying to fing a weak link in vortexs armour~

The Siege of Galyana

Post 428

Aries (ACE + Badger)

[Sparky] Come on DIE damn you! [Trine]

The Siege of Galyana

Post 429

Dizzy the Void

[Vortex Weapon is hit by the magic attacks, but it doesn't seem to notice. Actually, it's damaged quite a bit, but it isn't going to show it!]


The Siege of Galyana

Post 430

Don Malvado, so bitter my cat won't even lick me

[Eric]Damn it! I'll just have to think up a new approach!

The Siege of Galyana

Post 431

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

*Bahamut rears up, energy crackling within his mouth.*
[Bahamut] [[MEGA FLARE!!!]]
*The blast rockets at Vortex WEAPON...*

The Siege of Galyana

Post 432

Dizzy the Void

[... which is knocked back half a mile. Of course, for a WEAPON, this isn't much, but it slams into the ground with the force of:]


[Vortex WEAPON stops flying, but it gets up, and is still capable of fighting. Better hurry.]


The Siege of Galyana

Post 433

Don Malvado, so bitter my cat won't even lick me

[How do you use limit breaks?

The Siege of Galyana

Post 434

Aries (ACE + Badger)

[Sparky] [Picking himself up off of the floor] More Soldiers [Demi] not any more and Vortex, take this [Trine]+[Flamethrower]

The Siege of Galyana

Post 435

Dizzy the Void

Limit Breaks are uber-powerful moves, typically attacks. There's this little bar at the bottom of the screen, see, called the Limit meter, right next to where it shows your HP, MP, and name, or in some cases under it, and it fills up as you take damage. When it's filled up all the way, you can use Limit Brakes, and when you do, it empties again.

The Siege of Galyana

Post 436

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

Some Characters, like mine, have the Trance ability instead. When the "Limit Bar" fills, the character can go into a "Trance", which allows them to use more powerful attacks. In Ma Chao's case, he can use a wide selection of powerful, Dragon-related attacks.

PS: Finally beat Dark Valefor on FFX, and got Anima and Magus Sisters. Welcome to painsville, population; Anima!!! smiley - biggrin

The Siege of Galyana

Post 437


Right. I'd like to join you guys, but I'd need to find out a bit more specifics on limit breaks, my own abilities, etc. I'm going to go through the B-Log for a while...

The Siege of Galyana

Post 438

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

[Alexander] Listen, I'll make this nice and simple for you...
[Alexander+KoTR] GET ON WITH IT!!!!

[Ma Chao] Alright alright... Bahamut! Come around and blast that oversized Manga toy!

The Siege of Galyana

Post 439

Dizzy the Void

[Vortex WEAPON pauses in its countdown long enough to whack at Ma Chao with one of its wings.]

The Siege of Galyana

Post 440

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

[Ma Chao] Waaaaaaaah!!!!!
*Goes flying off into the distance.*

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