A Conversation for Cunnilingus - A guide

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 41

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Great!smiley - tongueout

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 42


Woo Hoo. Great! I'm glad that it has got over the first hurdle, anyway. Thanks for telling me Peta. smiley - smiley

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 43


"Thanks for your recommendation. You'll be glad to know that we think this
entry is great, and it has now gone into the Editorial Process for future
inclusion in the Edited Guide. When it does get into the Edited Guide, we
will email to let you know, but please bear in mind it can take a while for
entries to go through the sub-editing system. Thanks for writing for the guide!"
§hadow smiley - smiley

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 44

Fragilis - h2g2 Cured My Tabular Obsession

Hurrah! I was hoping this entry would make it. Thanks to the h2g2 folks for working through the legal issues.

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 45

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

... though i really wouldn't mind what legal issues there were, exactly. Wouldn't it be limited to an ethics discussion? What laws are you actually in danger of breaking? ... unless we're talking precedents here. Publish one, publish them all, yes? I see. I think.

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 46

Fragilis - h2g2 Cured My Tabular Obsession

Well, in some parts of the world, there are laws against printing 'salacious' or 'explicit' material without doing *something* to prevent access to minors. In the US, for instance, there is a whole network of state and local decency laws which may or may not apply to the internet and h2g2.

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 47

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

Ah yes, I forgot that the whole world is not Holland, where ethics is still something you don't hAve to shove down people's throats smiley - winkeye

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 48


Being a resident of the US, I can tell you it's not so much the "Ethics" of the matter that's the problem in the US. It's the parents inability to accept their responsibility for their children and monitor what the hell their kids get into that's caused the problem.
~§~ smiley - smiley

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 49

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

You're probably right... but I don't have to like it smiley - smiley

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 50

a girl called Ben

Where has the entry gone?

Why is there no explanation of the fact it has gone?

What is going on?

I am really unhappy about the lack of communication to do with these (admittedly very tough) decisions.

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 51


We had to remove the entry as it stood because it was pointed out to us that it was similar in places to a page already on the internet.

We contacted the Researcher to discuss this, and he/she understands why the page was deleted and has offered to amend the Cunnilingus page and resubmit it to us. When the page has been adapted it will have a new A number and will hopefully be resubmitted to the Peer Review page.

When and if the page is resubmitted we, or one of the Scouts will post the new page number into this conversation thread.

Okay Ben? We'll keep you posted on progress... smiley - smiley

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 52

Mark Moxon

Just to reiterate what Peta just said, we legally have to act if someone points out that an entry is possibly similar to material elsewhere in the publishing world.

What we do in these instances is to contact the author, asking them to confirm that it is indeed their own work, but in the meantime we have to cancel the entry, just in case it is indeed a copyright piece of work. This is why things have gone quiet on this entry - it's nothing to do with the subject matter, which we definitely want to put in the Edited Guide.

Why didn't we say anything? Well, imagine us being told by someone that so-and-so's entry was copied from elsewhere, and then we cancel the entry and put up a notice saying 'This entry has been deleted because it's been copied'. That's really mean, especially if the entry turns out *not* to have been copied from elsewhere. We keep quiet until the author has had a chance to talk to us, and then we progress from there: it's us being polite to Researchers.

As for this entry, it did contain some small passages that were similar to other material on the Web, but only because that article was a source of research. The author has very kindly agreed to re-write the piece so it is definitely his/her own work, and then, as Peta says, it will go up again.

Hope this clarifies things.

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 53

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Still does not explain what happened to the thread "My First Blow Job" - and why?

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 54


Can you expand on this?

I don't recall the entry. We don't delete anything unless it breaches our terms and conditions.

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 55

a girl called Ben

Peta, Mark,

Thanks for the explanation. As I said in the adult content thread, when the powers that be explain, I often find the explanation reasonable. It was the apparently stalinist liquidation and silence that unnerved me.

All the best


A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 56

You can call me TC

I can't imagine that anyone should need to do any research on the subject if they felt confident enough to write it in the first place. There was certainly nothing new in it (to me) - and as I said in the Adult Content thread, I found it rather wanting in information and fairly insipid. Perhaps some alterations were made, on the basis of the conversations which arose from the entry. Pity we can't check now.

But I am glad the only reason it was taken away was plagiarism, because everyone who read it was in favour of keeping it.

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 57

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

I don't remember it's exact location - but I'll let you know as soon as I find out.

Meanwhile: If I have been a little hasty, harsh and critical I am truly sorry for that. My only excuse is that freedom of speech is a VERY major topic for me smiley - smiley

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 58

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Can I bother people to go here while we sort things out: http://www.h2g2.com/F54793?thread=85571&post=690207

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 59

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Where do I find those terms and conditions? I vaguely remember reading them when I registered, but that was many moons ago.

BTW: There WAS a thread called "My First Blow Job" and it IS gone now. I am posting more details when I find them seeing as there are things (censoring) going on here that you do not seem to know about.

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 60

Mark Moxon

Terms: http://www.h2g2.com/FullTerms

Privacy: http://www.h2g2.com/Privacy

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