A Conversation for Cunnilingus - A guide

Follow your nose!

Post 1

Positive Feedback

I think this is a well-written and potentially useful piece of de-mystification, which seems to cover the bases fairly well.

The only thing it seems to miss is the possibilities available through using your nose to stimulate one part of the vagina whilst your tongue is doing its stuff further down (or up, depending on your orientation - no pun intended). smiley - smiley

Oh, and do you mean 'mistral' sweets, or 'minstrels'? It may depend on your geographic frame of reference.

Otherwise, good luck and congratulations on an admirably non-sensationalist item.

Follow your nose!

Post 2


Thanks for the comments. smiley - smiley

The sweets I'm thinking about are Minstrels, which are sold in the UK. They're chocolate with a crisp coating and oval shaped...

Now, I've never thought about using the nose. I'll try it out and hopefully, so will lots of other people... smiley - smiley

Thanks PF. smiley - smiley

Follow your nose!

Post 3

The Caffeine Kid

Tounging the vagina while rubbing the clitoris with the nose, has been very well recieved in my past experience... maybe this addition could be made about the use of the nose. I totally agree.

You have talked about using the fingers for extra stimulous, and the nose should come{rolling my eyes} under this heading too.

smiley - smiley


Follow your nose!

Post 4

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Ahhh... Minstrels... the subject of many a post-coital conversation...

Eating them off someone else's body is rather fun too.

Right: genuine experience; first date, just kissed. Boyfriend comes out with "Damn! I didn't get to eat the Minstrels... my mouth was too full..." smiley - smiley

Follow your nose!

Post 5

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

You might also want to add that humming whilst you are licking and sucking is a big turn-on for many women.... no, really! If you can get over the initial embarassment, you'll find that the vibrations from a good baritone hum (or a basso profundo if she's really lucky smiley - winkeye) will do a lot for her enjoyment.

Follow your nose!

Post 6


I'll add these ideas on. The humming one sounds particularly intriguing. I'd believe that this would work. I'll add it into the entry *and* give it a try... Thanks for the suggestion. smiley - smiley

Follow your nose!

Post 7


Thanks, I've updated the entry. BTW - what song do you think the person should hum? 'Stairway to Heaven'? Any other suggestions? smiley - smiley

Follow your nose!

Post 8

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

LOL! I never really thought about a tune, I just hum a note, but I'm sure there must be something very appropriate which I can't think of right now but which I'm sure (at least) one of the h2g2 researchers will come up with smiley - smiley


Post 9

100 watt warlock of rock (aka plurrr) the Keeper of Last Minute Disasters, Minister of Green

This post has been removed.

Follow your nose!

Post 10

Niz (soon to be gone)

Cunnilingus - I thought it was a make of cough medicinesmiley - ok

Well, you learn something everyday!!!

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