A Conversation for Cunnilingus - A guide

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 1



I'd like to recommend my entry on Cunnilingus. This is a serious entry.I thought it would be helpful to give people some idea about how to go about giving oral sex to a female. I've tried to write the entry so that it is fairly detailed, but not crude.

I've researched the subject amongst my friends, who gave me a few tips on what they like their partners to do.

I'm happy to amend this entry or add to it, if anyone has any further suggestions.


A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 2


I thought you did a really good job with this topic without turning it pornographic.

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 3

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Not really my cup of tea (*grin*), but I agree that it's well written and deserves a place in the edited guide.

Although I'm definitely starting to wonder if we need an "adults only" section of the Guide. Not that this would prevent curious teenagers from finding out what they wanted to know, but it might help prevent younger kids from stumbling upon "adult content" accidentally.

What do y'all think?


A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 4


Its certainly well written and does fit the criteria for a place in the edited guide. I have a sneaking feeling that the Towers would maybe shy away from inclusion as it may have implications for things like advertising and PICS rating and the like. Then again I may be wrong - I usually am.
Personally I think its a very good article, and one that should get into the edited guide - it would be nice to hear a comment from an italic about the policy regarding this kind of stuff.
BTW its a shame that it is called cunnilingus - its a bit of a tricky word to get your tongue round.

- Adam

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 5

Gandalf ( Got my own Comp Now!! Still Redundant!! )

Sorry to pour cold water on this article, but I do not think I would like any youngsters to stumble across an article like this.
Being informative is OK, but this article, well written as it is, is being a little TOO informative, and may encourage experimentation.



A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 6


On hindsight, I have to agree with your first sentence. Don't forget however, it will still be present as an unedited entry for all to see.

Re encouraging experimentation - if you mean in youngsters I agree, but if you mean generally, experimentation is a great thing!

- Adam

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 7


From what I have seen on the site, this should not have a problem getting to be an Edited Entry, I would allow it. Similar stuff has already gone through. The rest of the net is wide open to kids, and why would a child look up cunnilingus on h2g2 anyhoo (hmmm, that sounds like an intresting thing, so we either look at cunnilingus, or we look at Pokemon. What do you reckon a child is going to have a shuftey at? smiley - smiley It may need a bit of editing, but I see no problem with it. Of course The Towers Team may take a different view smiley - smiley I think I will try and find out smiley - smiley Until later.....
BCNU - Crescent

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 8


If you do find out, would post it on the scouts eGroup? I think we need a definitive guide as to where the line is drawn with things like this.

Ta. smiley - smiley

- Adam

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 9


We're discussing into the implications of accepting entries like this one into the edited guide. We'll certainly get back to the Scouts when we've formulated the official line on this...

smiley - smiley

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 10

World Service Memoryshare team

Sorry everyone, but there might be more of a delay in getting back to you on this one. Our legal department are looking into it. Be back to you with news as soon as we have any. Catch you later smiley - smiley Anna

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 11

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

The legal department!

smiley - winkeye

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 12


Is that a department full of lawyers, or do you mean that all the other departments are illegal? Or am I just talking rubbish, as usual?

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 13


One couldn't possibly comment... smiley - winkeye

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 14


About the entry or the good Doctor's comment? smiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeye

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 15


I've PLENTY to say about the entry, but there's not much point till the legal team ahve done their stuff. Though I do wonder what it may do to their innocent minds...

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 16

Micheal Jay Mole

Laywers and cunnilingus! Great Galaxies, what are we coming to that the words are used in the same sentence? Both make use of the tongue and both can cause senesation. Any man who needs lessons on cunnilingus needs a better partner. Kids will experiment with ANYTHING whether they read about it on h2g2 or not. But alas, I do agree that, unless it furthers research of the galaxy, research of cunnilingus really need no further discussion. And if it is to be discussed, why be coy? "Get head" "Eat me". Or simply check out joecartoon. By the way, where was that lesson plan? (hee hee) smiley - smiley

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 17

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

On a more Peer-Revooickal Note:
-I don't remember the Guide to Cunnilingus actually ever mentioning what cunnilingus is, what Giving a Girl Head actually means.
If that could be put in, would it make the article better?
Or is it really meant to be a Guide and nothing more, with perhaps the author doing "Cunnilingus: an Explanation" when the lawyers give 'im the go ahead?

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 18

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Hehehehe smiley - smiley
btw, are you the "Wonky" who is unidentifiable on the seti researchers team? smiley - winkeye

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 19

Fragilis - h2g2 Cured My Tabular Obsession

I'm interested in the implications of this entry also. I wrote one on Female Masturbation a while ago, and it is showing some signs of navigating the editing process at last.

What makes this entry different is that it is basically a how-to guide. It would be useless to anyone who wasn't interested in performing the act, except perhaps as weak (no offense) prurient reading.

In my mind, it would be best to have an entry defining cunnilingus and its social implications first. The how-to portion should be a different entry, and it should be published second. The first one could conceivably be written in a format that was acceptable for minors. There is, after all, quite a bit of material on basic sexuality and the human body that kids are allowed to read already. But there's no way you could say the same about the latter.

For this reason, I agree it might be wise to designate an adult portion of the Guide. You can see http://www.about.com for a good example of a site that has successfully designated such a section. If you try to enter an area with questionable content for children, you are asked to verify that you are an adult or turn back to the previous page. The section editors have been given special code to use when clearly adult subjects are covered, and everything seems quite peachy.

In any case, I think there is something to be said for making an official provision for this type of content. I believe there is a chilling effect that occurs when authors can't tell whether their subject is one the Guide would be willing to cover. And meanwhile, you can't tell me nobody at h2g2 would benefit from this entry. After all, sex is part of the "everything" that the Guide is purportedly about. smiley - winkeye

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 20

Twophlag Gargleblap - NWO NOW

Someone write an entry titled "The God of Cunnilingus" and let's push it at the editors. Har har har.

TG (having trouble finding acceptance for his entry on God)

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