A Conversation for Cunnilingus - A guide

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 21

Fragilis - h2g2 Cured My Tabular Obsession

I do sympathize, TG.

You know, we *could* always *invent* such a God. Then we could write about it... in a purely documentary manner, mind you. I mean, who wouldn't wonder how one worships such a God? smiley - winkeye

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 22


Why, yes I am the unidentifiable Seti Wonky smiley - smiley

- Adam

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 23

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

My good deed for the day smiley - smiley
If that had been me - *I* would have wanted to know! smiley - winkeye
I still can't work out why I am in white, when I have done all the links...smiley - sadface

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 24

Twophlag Gargleblap - NWO NOW

Come to think of it Fragilis I could probably just put my picture up and lay claim to the title. Worship could take the form of payment in kind.

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 25


there are plenty o' entries on condoms, sex, etc. i dont see why this one would cause a problem.

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 26

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

I agree wholeheartedly with the idea of having h2g2 have some kind of flimsy adults only barrier like about.com's. In no way would this be an attempt to keep out curious teens -- it wouldn't work, and it's not worth it. The issue here is not curious teens, but younger children who stumble upon the site accidentally. If the title of the entry was female oral sex, your average eight-year old might think "ooh, gross, sex!" and go elsewhere. But with a word like "cunnilingus" the child thinks "gee, what's that? let's click and find out!" and comes upon content that he or she might well find confusing or even disturbing.

I have no problem with the idea of h2g2 providing "explicit" content to people who are looking for that -- I just don't want children (or even older clueless people -- I do know adults who wouldn't know that was a sexual term) to stumble upon something like this unwillingly.


A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 27

Fragilis - h2g2 Cured My Tabular Obsession

Honestly, the issue is the law. Courts worldwide have grown to understand that there is no clear-cut way to determine whether someone visiting a web page is a child or an adult. Even in cases where passwords are required, kids are notorious at being able to figure them out. For this reason, it is generally considered okay to ask the person doing the clicking to verify their own age.

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 28

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

...and here I was thinking a cunnilingus was a small beady-eyed monkey on the isle of madagascar...

... and here I was thinking cunnilingus is an italian pasta recipe...

... and there I went...

I think I can agree with you mike. Usually I'd be thinking the world is the world and if cunnilingus is there and kids are there, eventually they'll meet. but I suppose a flimsy adult verification, just to warn the kid s/he's not about to see a small beady eyed monkey, is okay. eventually s/he's going to click on the "Yes I'm old enough" button anyway.

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 29

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

But is there going to be a good girl (or gay) doing a counter-guide on fellatio as well? might as well balance them scales... smiley - smiley

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 30

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I'm a good girl - well so I'm told smiley - winkeye

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 31


And maybe an Irishman writing an entry on Aer Lingus?

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 32

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Can you pop over to Foxy Manor?
We welcome people with your sense of humour! smiley - tongueout

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 33


A most excellent entry indeed. Very informative and, I think, not unfitting in any way. As a practicing cunnilingulist, I myself am greatly interested in the subject, and I find your guide very usefull. I wish you good luck in getting it through as a genuine edited Guide entry.

smiley - smiley JASS

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 34


Wot no mention of *that* 007 joke yet? Y'know, 'Oh James, you're such a cunning linguist...' smiley - winkeye

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 35


Boom boom! I was waiting for that one smiley - smiley

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 36


Thanks Jass, and thanks to everyone who has commented.

I've tried to write this entry to be appropriate to adults and not children. Most of the kids I know would look up 'willy' or 'fanny' but are unlikely to do a search for 'clitoris'. My thought was if they're old enough to search for Cunnilingus, then they probably know a reasonable amount about it already.

Having said that, it's not my website, so I'm quite happy for the 'Powers that Be' at h2g2 to make any kind of decision regarding the entry. I just think that the internet is a really good place to deciminate this kind of information, and what with so many porn sites deseminating misinformation, it would be good to be able to easily find a few real facts out there.

Any way, thanks for your comments everyone, much appreciated. I'll wait and see what happens... smiley - smiley

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 37

Micheal Jay Mole

Now hey! I'm Irish and we just about invented sex. Look how we reproduce. Of course, we just about invented guilt also. Maybe thats why I don't get much oral sex. You know, there is a great Freudian slip there. Fear of flying and all. Just a slip of the tounge I'll bet. Ha Ha Ha Really, a good line and no offence taken! Have one on me. smiley - coffeesmiley - smiley

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 38

Kadu Flyer

H2G2 - Lawyers - legal departments ???? Reality imitating art - I refer of course to the final book in the triolgy that started this site, where the Guide itself has been taken over by lawyers, accountants...... smiley - smiley

Now lets read that article in case I ever have the oputunity again to practice - although last GF did give precise instructions.


A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 39

melbourne mark

Bearing in mind that one should always be wary of cunning linguists..

A337547 - Cunnilingus - A Guide

Post 40


This entry has now got the go-ahead from the legal department and from the Editor.

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