A Conversation for An Empty Area of Space...

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Post 61

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

OK, OK...I'm there already...smiley - smiley

What am I? A cleaner too??smiley - winkeye

I dunno...1st officer on the Esirpretne, Deputy Donut Seller & cleaner here...smiley - winkeye Doesn't quite fit does it...smiley - smiley

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Post 62

Chris Tonks

*comes running back in, stylishly*
Hello, welcome back! Oh, that should go for me, you guys never left!smiley - smiley
Welcome Alien! Didn't I mention that all members from the h2g2 Space Centre are our special guests?smiley - smiley
Thanks for helping E, you're doing a great job! I've seen what a mess they did to the labs there. But hey, they're just getting used to it.
So, how's everyone enjoying there little stay here? Nice ain't it?

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Post 63

Chris Tonks


Ho hum. Oh damn! Watch deactivated my speech centers! And I've run out of time again! Right, I'll be back tomorrow!
*teleports out*

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Post 64

Archangel Big 'Evil' Dan

So I'm a special guest? smiley - smileysmiley - smiley
Does this mean I'm forgiven for what I did to the lab?

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Post 65

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

Course you can be forgiven...there's nothing happened there that an SEP-field can't hide...smiley - smiley

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Post 66

Archangel Big 'Evil' Dan


*runs off to trash the lab some more* smiley - smiley

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Post 67

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

LOL, and worst comes to worst...they'll just have to invent something to keep it untrashed...smiley - smiley


*thoughts occur to E*

Hmm...if it were to be really trashed...then they'd have to think for a change...smiley - winkeye

Not that I'm suggesting anything...smiley - smiley

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Post 68

Engels42 (Thingite Minister of Leaky Ethics and Spiffyness)

*realizes that a lot of button pushing has probably gone on in his absence, grabs a PGG and runs to the lab*
This could get bad...Happy unbirthaday to me. smiley - winkeye

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Post 69

11_3082 Tysbe Perich_(ACE)_

*looks around anxiously for BigC, throws his socks on a nearby table*
Hey if anyone sees the BigC let them know that my drunken friend, Dodge Ram, and I would like to start a new research and development branch up here on the space station, mostly to reasearch and then do a little...well..er..developing, I guess. smiley - winkeye thanks. *starts to get a craving for some more cheesy bisquits and head back to the 'tea flooded, where a missle had struck the SEP field generator and damp soggy monkeys are currently MIA and there's a loud alarm going off that nobody can figure out what the heck its for' lab, just down the hall*

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Post 70

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

I wonder what would happen if I did this...

*Sets up a SEP field generator around the entire of h2g2 and presses the on button. The whole device whirs to itself and h2g2 begins to flicker before the generator collapses into itself in a puff of logic as it considers itself to be SEP* smiley - bigeyes

That was FUN!

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Post 71

11_3082 Tysbe Perich_(ACE)_

Well....um...er....I guess it's Someone Elses Problem now.
*finds some half empty glasses of PGGs and downs them in a toast to the new Puff of logic H2G2*

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Post 72

canadian girl(resigned)

sorry if i'm butting in. has anyone seen a small black rabbit? he wandered off my ship shortly after i landed.tell bigC he's done a great job with this place. is there a lost and found around around here somewhere? * eats some peanuts * i ask a lot of questions, i know.smiley - winkeye

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Post 73

Chris Tonks

*teleports in again*
Oh hello!smiley - smiley
Um, I haven't seen your rabbit I'm afraid, but I can get the computer to scan the ship.
*does so*
There isn't a Lost Property Office up here, because I generally thought nothing could get out of my scans, but there's one down on the beach. You never know, your rabbit could have commandeered one of my ships!smiley - winkeye

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