A Conversation for h2g2 Announcements

Thursday 4th April - Announcing: h2g2 is one of 100 websites Capturing the digital universe

Post 61

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - bubblyI am so proud to be part of h2g2 smiley - loveblush and intend being around for a long time to come. smiley - teasmiley - chocsmiley - cake

Newbies are gonna smiley - love the smiley - magic smileys smiley - wizard (I mean, who else has a smiley - pggb, smiley - chocolateteapot or even a smiley - flyingpig)?

100 years? smiley - yikes I am sure there is already a cult of 2legs, the undisputedsmiley - handcuffs incumbent smiley - divaqueen of h2g2, somewhere on the 'net. If not, there should besmiley - towel

smiley - galaxysmiley - diva

Thursday 4th April - Announcing: h2g2 is one of 100 websites Capturing the digital universe

Post 62

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

By the way, the typo on the British Library webpage is the 2nd instance "hg2g", not the capital letter at the start:

smiley - star•H2g2 - launched in 1999 by Douglas Adams, and formerly hosted by the BBC, hg2g did Wikipedia before Wikipedia. A wonderful eclectic community which does the original source proud smiley - star

although I guess hg2g would make more sense to some.

Thursday 4th April - Announcing: h2g2 is one of 100 websites Capturing the digital universe

Post 63


smiley - yikes So it is. smiley - smiley

smiley - fairy

Thursday 4th April - Announcing: h2g2 is one of 100 websites Capturing the digital universe

Post 64

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I'm useually rather bad at spotting spelling mistakes... for some reason, but I just happened to notice that one smiley - weirdsmiley - magicsmiley - handcuffssmiley - pony
I do often worry, about future generations, looking back on the historical record.... They're only ever going to get 'edited' highlights, what happens by accident to be preserved, or what happens to be chose,for whatever reasons, to be preserved.... They may not get a fully fledged representation of the world as it is, only as how it seems to have been... But this has always been the case I guess... As ever the bits not present, are the 'interesting' bits, in some ways... smiley - weird BoB knows what future historians may have to say about the history of the late 20th early 21st C, if they base much of it on the contents of our website smiley - snorksmiley - coolsmiley - weirdsmiley - zensmiley - erm *thinks* smiley - ermsmiley - cool

Thursday 4th April - Announcing: h2g2 is one of 100 websites Capturing the digital universe

Post 65

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

h2g2 has both contents and discontents. I'm not sure which tents are best for a camping trip, though. smiley - winkeye

Thursday 4th April - Announcing: h2g2 is one of 100 websites Capturing the digital universe

Post 66

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Never, ever, take malcontents camping... Its just not much fun.... Mind, if we're quick, they've got a sale on at the Camping shop; yeh, its the discount of their winter-tents... smiley - run

Thursday 4th April - Announcing: h2g2 is one of 100 websites Capturing the digital universe

Post 67

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Good one, 2Legs! You're on a roll. Do you want butter or mayonnaise with that?

Thursday 4th April - Announcing: h2g2 is one of 100 websites Capturing the digital universe

Post 68

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Why does that have to be an either/or sort of question.... Rather than with butter and* mayo smiley - drool and some bacon.... grilled chicken, sliced sausage, pastrami, a bit of salami (peppered), maybe a sliced tomato and lettuce, plus grated mature cheddar.... Mmmm.... smiley - drool

Thursday 4th April - Announcing: h2g2 is one of 100 websites Capturing the digital universe

Post 69

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

Just had a cuppa! Nice smiley - smiley

Thursday 4th April - Announcing: h2g2 is one of 100 websites Capturing the digital universe

Post 70

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Nighthoover is a time lord. He will not be back

He will be forward smiley - zen

smiley - pirate

Thursday 4th April - Announcing: h2g2 is one of 100 websites Capturing the digital universe

Post 71

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

He cannot* be back.
He cannot* return.

"So I got stuck here then?"

He never left smiley - zen Eternal and immutable unchanging and resolute, forever and for all time.... Perpetual and forever. Praise be, mhrily so, ever thus forth as ever it was, and so forever shall it continue to be smiley - zen

Thursday 4th April - Announcing: h2g2 is one of 100 websites Capturing the digital universe

Post 72

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Forever is an unfortunate word. Not even a Sequoia tree lives forever. Try to think of someone [anyone] who was alive 4,000 years ago. Do you know even the slightest bit about what that person was like. In the last 65 million years or so, no one has met a live dinosaur. Or a living trilobite. Cockroaches we've got; they were there before the dinosaurs came along, and will likely be around after we are long gone.

If any creature approaches immortality, the cockroach does. Correct me if I;m wrong, but no religions worship the cockroach. Why is that? smiley - winkeye

Thursday 4th April - Announcing: h2g2 is one of 100 websites Capturing the digital universe

Post 73

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Okay, that's it. smiley - cross I got in trouble a few weeks ago for suggesting that I wanted h2g2 to be the 'roach motel of the internet' - somewhere you couldn't stand to leave. smiley - rofl

Enough cockroach metaphors.smiley - run

Thursday 4th April - Announcing: h2g2 is one of 100 websites Capturing the digital universe

Post 74

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I don't remember that controversy, Dmitri. Relax! Roasted cockroaches and acorns will be a big delicacy when food becomes scarce in the coming decades. smiley - smiley

Thursday 4th April - Announcing: h2g2 is one of 100 websites Capturing the digital universe

Post 75


I go away for the weekend and leave you all in the capable hands of the rest of the volunteer team, and look what I come back to! You've only gone and got us into the British Library! smiley - biggrin

I've actually just had another website I've built put into there through the day job, a medical/doctors/patient forum thingy that got such good results and interaction that it was considered leading edge. So now my count is at two?

This one though is by far and away the best. And to think, a couple of years ago it could all so easily have disappeared. It's been said, I'll say it again though, well done us!

Thursday 4th April - Announcing: h2g2 is one of 100 websites Capturing the digital universe

Post 76

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Amen. smiley - applause Enjoy all your fresh reading today - get 'em while they're hot - and rejoice in the success. smiley - biggrin

Thursday 4th April - Announcing: h2g2 is one of 100 websites Capturing the digital universe

Post 77

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

smiley - smiley all go there smiley - biggrin

Thursday 4th April - Announcing: h2g2 is one of 100 websites Capturing the digital universe

Post 78

Secretly Not Here Any More

"Try to think of someone [anyone] who was alive 4,000 years ago. Do you know even the slightest bit about what that person was like."

2,000 BC? I think Abraham was about then. He was a fantasist. Thought God was talking to him...

Thursday 4th April - Announcing: h2g2 is one of 100 websites Capturing the digital universe

Post 79

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Cockroach church? Hmmm, now there's an idea! smiley - bigeyes

smiley - pirate

Thursday 4th April - Announcing: h2g2 is one of 100 websites Capturing the digital universe

Post 80

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I can see it now.... a huge shiney bright alter at the front, light by the sun coming in through the massive and tall stained glass windows, and every surface, wall, flor, cealing doors, covered in cockroachs... and flyirng through the air smiley - zen and in the middle, a giant, oversized, cockroach, resplendant in its ornate, ceramonial dress smiley - zensmiley - weird

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