A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 2241


Facts, Facts, Facts
I love 'em.
Like the one in which America is the most obese nation in the planet...

Seriously, no offence, that bit was personal and fair enough that you can have an issue with it, although i have backed it up now with a statistic for you. But starbirth, you have stated no facts at all, so...

And are you actually debating these facts?:

'Breaking any treaty that wasn't any use to them now.

There is no excuse for overthrowing democratically elected governments, just because you dont like the fact that they are communist.

There is no excuse to for just ignoring international treaties, and there is definately no excuse for training people in torture'

Because id gladly get you references if you want...

And researcher Eagle Shark, Im sorry you feel that way, i have a spirit of goodwill to all men, even starbirth. As said by others, if i were to meet any of you face to face i would most probably get on fine. It's just your country/government really angers me in it's injustice.

I am a person angered by injustice. I am a person who feels strongly about issues. But that doesnt mean i dislike everyone who disagrees with me about something. If I did, i would be a very lonely person.

Anyway theres a lot i want to say, but i want to go home from work now.

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 2242

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

I'll take my conflation with Eagle 1 as a compliment under the circumstances. Though he may not feel the same way. smiley - winkeye
smiley - shark

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 2243


I doubt it. I remember when AIDS and HIV first hit the headlines, there were stories of people (with HIV) being arrested for attempted murder, for having spat at police. I can't remember which country that was in, though. The power of mass hysteria!

I think the thing most wrong with the US is not foreign policy, human rights, capitalist imperialism or any other pretentious crap that Economics students bang on about. It's the rubbish beer. Uncle Sam deserves to be dragged up against the nearest wall and shot for inflicting Budweiser on the world.

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 2244


Hmm, my last reply was in response to the posting about the BBC story, which I can't seem to find any more! Sorry for the confusion...

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 2245

Eggy - XP doesnt like final fantasy VII

YEY!!!!! WELL SAID!!!!!!!!

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 2246

Researcher Eagle 1

I can agree with that.. we just need to start exporting Sam Adams and Yuengling Lager to the rest of the world. smiley - smiley

Blues Shark... um, I suppose I'll take that as a compliment as well. smiley - winkeye

-Eagle 1

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 2247

Nbcdnzr, the dragon was slain, and there was much rejoicing

Pretentious crap? smiley - huh
Where did that come from? smiley - tomato

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 2248


Mainly from students of social sciences, in my experience smiley - winkeye

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 2249


And Sam Adams ain't all that, I'm afraid. Have you been to Belgium? They have beers that will blow your mind! Try Belgo Centraal if you happen to be in London; it serves them all.

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 2250


And Sam Adams ain't all that, I'm afraid. Have you been to Belgium? They have beers that will blow your mind! Try Belgo Centraal if you happen to be in London; it serves them all.

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 2251

Nbcdnzr, the dragon was slain, and there was much rejoicing

Don't let that fool you runner, most people that I know that study economics aren't all that social

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 2252

Nbcdnzr, the dragon was slain, and there was much rejoicing

that should be:

Don't let that fool you runner, most people that I know that study economics aren't all that social smiley - winkeye

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 2253

Researcher Eagle 1

I've been to Belgium, and the beer there is very good, I agree. I was just listing the top brands (in my opinion) of the US. But I still say the best beer anywhere is Guiness, my absolute personal favorite. smiley - smiley

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 2254


..and you have to have it in Dublin. Dublin Guiness is miles better than Guiness made or transported anywhere else.

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 2255

Darkthoughts {a wanderer of the human psyche}


What's Wrong With Americans

Post 2256

Darkthoughts {a wanderer of the human psyche}

I have read a lot of the past 500 posts and it is my opinion that T'Mershi followed by Apparition have a agenda agianst americans and go out of their why to inflame this thread. when things do not go their way they attack or whine.

Blue shark, runner, starbirth, digital and eagle seem to be intelligent people trying to actually have a conversation even though
though they have differing points of view.

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 2257

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Can I use that in my Users Guide to Blues Shark? smiley - ok
See my user space for details. smiley - winkeye

smiley - shark

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 2258


Now there is one Smart researcher! smiley - winkeye {Darkthoughts}

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 2259

T´mershi Duween

Bob the farmer. smiley - stiffdrink...You´ll need one if you stay here too long smiley - smiley

Your posts 2230 and 2234. Seems to pretty much cook down what I´ve been trying to say for the last 1/2 year. And as you noted, all critizizm of american politics is regarded as a personal insult.

If the attitude is that "I support my country no matter what", and live with the occasional smiley - bleep up, then it becomes so easy to shoot on that target, because there are some major smiley - bleep ups among those smiley - bleep ups. And then of course one MUST be percieved as arrogant and evil. It´s the same mechanism as in religion; you can´t critizize the prophet cause then you question the whole religion.

As you can see people are already beginning to drift again talking about niceities and nothing. So much for an argumentative debate. Even though you have posted some intelligent and relevant issues, where it would be nice to hear an american opinion on the politics and not just the "don´t insult me/us" attitude or, a bit more interesting though, an analysis of some kind.

And you haven´t even been here for more than 24 hours, so how much can you have upset people, still there seem to be the usual joint effort to avoid those unpleasasnt? issues.

Also it just ocurred to me, reading some of the backlog, that the present levael of debate accelerated as smiley - starbirth arrived, but that´s probably just a coincidence.

T´mershi Duween.

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 2260


T'Mershi way must you make it personal everytime? What so fills you with anger?

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