A Conversation for Ask h2g2

How did you find H2G2?

Post 61

Mu Beta

That was the first Entry I read as well!


How did you find H2G2?

Post 62


smiley - ghost

How did you find H2G2?

Post 63


By accident I found out at the BBC-2 site about h2g2.
Never before had I heard about the Hitchhicker's Guide to the Galaxy.
Neither the book and the website.

I use internet for very personal e-mails, practical things, photography, to visit a forum of a national newspaper and sometimes a datingsite. That's about it.

When I surfed at h2g2, I was intrigued by the possibillity to write in a personal Journal, that would remain there for a long time.

I liked the idea, that it all was linked with and under supervision by the BBC; a broadcasting company that I admire.

It seemed to be a friendly place with room for the fiction aswell non fiction.

H2G2 was for me the push to start "writing" and so I did.
Sometimes as a maniac, but I didn't mind, although I lack the skill to play with words as I do in Dutch. Writing in English is a great effort for me.

Well, that's my entree to h2g2.

How did you find H2G2?

Post 64


I bought Starship Titanic and on registering the game had an email inviting me to join h2g2.

That was some years ago, 1998? Anyway I was too much of a chatroom newbie to take the plunge and register at the time.

I knew what h2g2 was having listen to the radio series and watched the tv series years ago.

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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