A Conversation for Ask h2g2
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What did you forget today?
Baron Grim Posted Mar 30, 2021
Actually, I don't mind being an hour early. I get a better parking spot and I get home in time for the evening news (when I'm working my normal full schedule).
But I do hate changing my waking schedule twice a year, so I just don't anymore.
What did you forget today?
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Mar 30, 2021
I sort of compromise.
My evening medication schedule has not changed, though the morning scheule has.
What did you forget today?
Baron Grim Posted Mar 30, 2021
Heh... this morning was actually just the result of missing my evening medication.
I had my teeth cleaned yesterday, so figured there was no real reason to bother with brushing them just a few hours later, so I skipped my bedtime brushing... which is also when I take my bedtime medications.
One of those is my Desmopressin so I slept a bit fitfully and had to get up to pee a couple of times in the night. This fitFULLness is what caused me to wake at 4:37.
What did you forget today?
Baron Grim Posted Apr 19, 2021
My breakfast. Actually 4 of them. It's Monday so I left my 4 bananas, cans of vegetable juice, and granola bars for the week at home.
I got new cats on Thursday so I assume that part of my brain making their breakfasts forgot mine.
What did you forget today?
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Apr 19, 2021
I'm posting from Ripley, as Dmitri advised. Otherwise I can't get it.
What did you forget today?
Baron Grim Posted May 16, 2023
My security badge.
I got up early, not on purpose, I popped out of a dream, rolled over and made the mistake of opening my eye and looking at the clock. It was 30 minutes before the alarm. On my way out of the door, I grabbed my keys (on the same hook as my badge on its lanyard) and fumbled hooking them to my belt loop and stuffing them in my pocket and in that fumbling, I forgot to grab the badge. I didn't notice this, of course, until 16 minutes later when I was pulling into the gate at work. So, I made a U-turn and my 16 minute drive to work became an hour.
I have a favorite parking spot. It's usually available when I get in around 6:30-6:50 as usual. It definitely was available when I first got to work at 6:19. It was available when I got to work at 6:59 right up until the car directly in front of me through the gate, about half a mile away, pulled into it.
This is a large campus so the irony of her picking that exact spot was notable.
What did you forget today?
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted May 16, 2023
I forgot that I had a star pass at the local movie theater. I thought it had expired, but the lady at the ticket counter looked in the database and fund I was still there. So she gave me a new card, and I qualified for free
What did you forget today?
Baron Grim Posted Jun 21, 2023
Yesterday was a doozy. It was the Tuesday after a long weekend (Juneteenth), and the cats woke me up early, again. I have a set routine in the mornings, and the last thing I do before taking the dog downstairs and leaving is I grab my keys off the hook by the door. For some reason, while herding the cats or something, I grabbed the keys early. My mother offered some leftovers for me to have for lunch but at the last minute I decided (for parking reasons) to go out for lunch instead. As I arrived at the security gate I realized I also left my wallet and everything else I carry in my pockets *except* for the keys. No wallet, and no bag lunch. Fortunately, I know I'm prone to these occasional memory lapses and left a can of soup at work.
Now I need to remember to bring another safety lunch to work.
What did you forget today?
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Jun 21, 2023
I forget where I've put my newspaper and miscellaneous medication. Either that, or someone is sneaking into my house and taking them away. A couple of years ago, little things began going missing or switched around, never anything big enough to report to the police.
Someone apparently wants me to wonder if I'm losing my mind. I, in turn, think that anyone who would try to do such a thing has lost his/her own mind.
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What did you forget today?
- 21: Baron Grim (Mar 30, 2021)
- 22: Baron Grim (Mar 30, 2021)
- 23: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Mar 30, 2021)
- 24: Baron Grim (Mar 30, 2021)
- 25: Baron Grim (Apr 19, 2021)
- 26: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Apr 19, 2021)
- 27: Baron Grim (May 16, 2023)
- 28: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (May 16, 2023)
- 29: Baron Grim (Jun 21, 2023)
- 30: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Jun 21, 2023)
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