A Conversation for Ask h2g2
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When will the media give up on clickbait?
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Oct 26, 2016
The persistence of nutters is indeed a scary thought.
When will the media give up on clickbait?
Hoovooloo Posted Oct 26, 2016
Yeah, I used to go to sites like that.
Fsck sites like that.
When will the media give up on clickbait?
ITIWBS Posted Oct 26, 2016
Myself, I'm usually adveryising friendly, so long as the advertising doesn't dominate, coming in amounts comparable to petiodicals or television.
Most recent occassion I was a little incensed, it was full screen pop-ups blazoned over advertising and content belonging to other websites, pirate material in other words, blocking access to the actual website I was visiting.
When will the media give up on clickbait?
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Oct 26, 2016
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When will the media give up on clickbait?
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