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Christmas gifts?

Post 1


Ok, not to sound ungrateful for receiving gifts for Christmas, but every year I always get shower gel, deodorant and other things relating to personal hygiene. And will probably will again this year.. Should I be offended and be self conscious? I shower every night before I go to bed, and I shave and wash in the morning. Are they trying to tell me I smell? Maybe my current deodorant smells funny to other people? I only wear Links deodorant and I wear Millionaire aftershave.

I don't think they mean to tell me I smell, but I get the same thing every year... But I suppose it's better than socks or a knitted sweater smiley - laugh

I don't know.. what do you guys think?

Christmas gifts?

Post 2


The givers lack imagination, don't know you well or haven't asked you what you'd like.
It's in the same realm as giving socks - something you're bound to use.

I avoid giving toiletries as I'm fussy about what I use - so I think others might be. I will buy socks for my men folk cos it's so hard to find anything more suitable. And socks do get worn & wear out.

Christmas gifts?

Post 3


Un original, may be lazy thinking, possably expensive but ....... Very useful, dont complain, they mean well and it could be very much worse...smiley - biggrin

Christmas gifts?

Post 4

Gnomon - time to move on

I'm pretty sure that menfolk will always appreciate the gift of socks, as long as they are the right colour and size. There's not much that be wrong with socks.

Christmas gifts?

Post 5

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I have bottles of of aftershave, unopened, dating back, some of them, I think, a decade or two... Periodically I try and pass one off on someone else... I don't think I've ever used aftershave smiley - blush all of them of course, being Christmas gifts... I know this probably sounds even more* ungrateful, but I in many ways just wish no one would buy me anything; anything I actually want, I tend to have, or can just go get, and so most of the things I get remain unused smiley - blush Like the two* ocunt them, two* fancy kitchen things; for 'cutting herbs', both unopened unused... I've got fingers and/or knifes, or/and sisssors to chop herbs, and really.... no more kitchen clutter/gadigits that I'll never use smiley - laugh

Though, strangely, sometimes the simplist things are the best; a set of measuring spoons; just plastic ones, probably cost next to nothing, my Brother got me... I use so much, clearly just something until I got it, that I never thought* to actually go out and buy smiley - blushsmiley - blushsmiley - 2cents I tend to be particular too, about what sort of shoer gel, soap, and other such things I use, so simularly a 'gift set' of that ever-so-familliar Christmas variety, useually will* get used, but often only when I run out of the stuff I actually like/get on with/suits me smiley - blush

Anyone want a bottle of afterhsave circa 1997 for Christmas? smiley - winkeye

Christmas gifts?

Post 6

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

Actually, stuff from 1997 would be a great gag gift for my husband--that was the first Christmas that my last name wasn't Hoppersmiley - winkeye

Christmas gifts?

Post 7

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I'm not really sure on the dates of them... I know I did* have some unopened bottles from roundabout the time I was at University, which would be 97 to 2000, or therabouts... and, of course, now I think about it, I can't quite picture in my head, where all these old unopened bottles of aftershave are... Its possible I eventually threw them out, or gave them all away smiley - laugh I've a fancy herb chopping thing, X 2, if anyone wants one? smiley - laugh ooo... and I've still got a bar of sandlewood soap, I've had for years, and keep forgetting I've got! Must actually use that one! smiley - laugh

Christmas gifts?

Post 8

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - erm
>>...every year I always get shower gel, deodorant and other things
relating to personal hygiene. And will probably will again this year..
Maybe my current deodorant smells funny to other people? I only
wear Links deodorant and I wear Millionaire aftershave. <<

Just to be clear here... You get free stuff, don't use it, and spend
money on at least two specific other brands?

OK then. Just tell all these people what brands you prefer. Simples.
smiley - jester

Christmas gifts?

Post 9

Sho - employed again!

if I give shower gel and stuff I make sure to check what they use first and then try to get a luxury version of it, something that they would appreciate but wouldn't usually fork out for themselves.

When it comes to gifts (christmas, birthday, whatever) I prefer to work with lists. I usually get the person I'm buying for to give me a list of everything they might like to receive, then only buy from that list. That way they still get a surprise, and I know it's really wanted.

And people buying gifts for me are expected to follow the same procedure - it took me ages to get smiley - chef to understand the thinking behind that. (but then I'm easy to buy for because I want everything)

Christmas gifts?

Post 10


I'm with Sho on this one.

The trouble is, what else do you give? You could potentially give gift vouchers, but half the time the shop they're for goes into administration around December and stop accepting gift vouchers (Zavvi, Borders etc). Book vouchers that are accepted in lots of different book shops might work.


Christmas gifts?

Post 11

pebblederook-The old guy wearing surfer beads- what does he think he looks like?

I have been telling people for years and years not to buy me presents, Christmas or Birthday. I point out that they are just throwing money away. To press home the point I don't buy them presents either!!

There are still some who insist they want to buy me something, and ask for suggestions. I always say, 'If I need it I already have it.' 'If I want it I go out and buy it' ' If I want it but haven't bought it, it's because it is too expensive, and if it's too expensive for me then it's too expensive for you.'

In extreme cases when people get very upset (Why???) I give them the website address of a charity that sends a card to the recipient on your behalf saying 'thank you for buying a cow for our village.'

Some people won't be stopped. One person, who used to send his secretary out just before Christmas to buy 10 x £10 gifts 5 x £15 gifts etc for distribution to second division family members, would every few years, give me a nice travel shaving kit.

My full beard recently celebrated its 40th birthday. He didn't send it a present.

Christmas gifts?

Post 12

Gnomon - time to move on

Sho, when you want everything but are happy when you receive nothing, you will truly have achieved enlightenment.

Christmas gifts?

Post 13

Sho - employed again!

to be honest I'm just about at the point where I am happy not to receive birthday or Christmas gifts. I'm trying to do a deal with smiley - chef to that effect this year - but since I know he will buy me something I'm trying to
a) whittle down the amount that he will be "allowed" to spend


b) think of something I can get him...

it's not easy. I have the same problem with the Gruesome Twosome with one who is happy not to receive anything and one who insists that she only wants money and gets grumpy if I see something I think she'd like so I get it, wrap it and give it to her at Christmas. A few months later she'll moan that she likes it but is grumpy because it "probably reduced the amount of money I gave her" (which it didn't...)

Christmas gifts?

Post 14


I have to plug Pinterest at this point. You can create a board with all the things you'd like, and then let the buyers have a look at it and pick something from there.

Is it Lynx, the aftershave smelly stuff? Any particular flavour, or just anything with that brand name?

Christmas gifts?

Post 15

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I'm hoping not to recieve any gifts this year, though I'll probably end up with a couple smiley - doh I've already told my Dad I don't want anything smiley - alienfrown And William and I arn't exchanging gifts either, its just silly... (anyhow, if I see something I know he would like, use and need, I just buy it for him, as a gift, whatever the date on the calender is, like the coffee grinder I bought him, earlier this year) smiley - alienfrown Mind, certain things would always be appreciated... hmmm just about anything from Lush for example, but only because I'm too tight to go in and buy stuff for myself smiley - snorksmiley - alienfrown There is one thing I'd quite like, William to buy me... but... I'm not sure how easy dropping hints for it would be smiley - whistle and it'd not need to be a Christmas, birthday or anything gift anyhow really smiley - handcuffssmiley - pony

Christmas gifts?

Post 16


I tried suggesting we had minimalist gift giving last Xmas. Didn't work. Hubby means well but buys loads of stuff that often isn't anything I want, despite providing a wish list. Candles, bath bombs - when does he ever see me light a candle or have a bath smiley - doh

PS I should mention I do shower frequently in case you were worried.

Christmas gifts?

Post 17

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

(oh, another reason I forbid myself* from going to lush... half the stuff I wanna get, is for bath, and I never bath, only shower... smiley - sillysmiley - doh ) smiley - blush

well meaning, but unwanted/desired gifts, are a problem, but then, often the alternaive ends up being just buying booze, chocs, biscuits, or as in the first post and later here, the ever-present 'smellys' smiley - erm which arn't necessarily that* much more useful, but perhaps more likely to ultimately get used one day smiley - alienfrownsmiley - doh

Christmas gifts?

Post 18


R was complaining that he never sees me as I have so many evening activities. So for Christmas I'm going to give him the programme for the local arty cinema place, and a promise of a night out together once a month.

Christmas gifts?

Post 19

Wand'rin star

Thank the giver profusely and IMMEDIATELY pass on anything unwanted to your local charity shop or save it up and give it to them in November when it will be more useful. Personally I almost never get stuff I don't want; I'm a good hint dropper.
People who merit small gifts from me are getting Lincolnshire bulbs this year.My best friend in the village is getting a Christmas wreath from the new flower shop that opened here last week.smiley - starsmiley - star
BTW I hope that soap is being kept in your underwear drawer until you get round to using it.

Christmas gifts?

Post 20

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

(The Sandlewood soap?; I thinik it was a sort of 'extra gift' from my step mom, and yes, it is in the back of my knickers draw! (well, actually in my knicker drawer #1, as i have several such drawers smiley - blush ) smiley - diva

clutter... how does one deal with it? smiley - headhurts (a question for and quite probably already in, a seperate thread... smiley - dohsmiley - sorry (in middle of trying* to tidy some junk in the house!)) smiley - wah

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