A Conversation for Ask h2g2

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Post 1

Sho - employed again!

... to take a very small baby to an evening showing of Thor 2?

(and hands up if you think a crying baby's parents only escaped The Slapping Hand on Saturday evening because - luckily for them - at that moment Thor found it necessary to take off his chain-mail? smiley - drool)

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Post 2


Thor needs chain-mail? What a let-down. smiley - sadface

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Post 3


Thor takes off his chainmail?! smiley - bigeyes
Lucky I'm not busy tonight, then. When's it showing here? smiley - run

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Post 4

Secretly Not Here Any More

Taking a child to the pictures is probably more appropriate than letching and dribbling at an actor and his mighty tool.

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Post 5

Icy North

I got some chain mail the other day. I binned it. I didn't believe the threats.

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Post 6

Gnomon - time to move on

You'll regret it, Icy. Mr Normal of Surrey broke the chain. Three weeks later, he died in a nasty accident involving an axe.

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Post 7


Oh I think I forgot to answer the question... smiley - blush

I think taking a very small baby to anything other than a very-small-babies movie is wrong.
The very small baby doesn't enjoy it, the parents don't enjoy it properly, and the other spectators don't enjoy having the dialogue drowned under the very small baby's noises.
And more importantly, not leaving when the very small baby starts being noisy is really rather selfish. And not the *baby's* fault.

I do understand, though, that it is sometimes difficult for parents to find someone to look after the very small baby while they are off to the cinema.
Should the other movie-goers bear the consequences? I'm not sure.

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Post 8

Gnomon - time to move on

We often brought our very small baby places, but we would certainly leave immediately if the baby started to cry.

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Post 9

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Thor takes his chainmail off? smiley - droolsmiley - blush

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Post 10


Mr603, you are an evil, evil man.

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Post 11

Secretly Not Here Any More

In fairness, it's a huge tool. I mean, if you got pounded by Mjolnir, you'd know about it. Thor could nail you to just about anything with that.

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Post 12


My wife once had to deal with an irate woman demanding a refund at the Cinema she used to manage. Apparently the woman's baby had cried through the last half hour of the film and she'd missed the dialogue so she thought a refund was in order.

I kid ye not!

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Post 13

Sho - employed again!

to be fair to us droolers, Mr603, the reason he gets his kit off is so that the audience have something to drool at. It's only fair (thinking of things like GoT...)

My take on it is: i had 2 small children once. I was stuck at home on many an occasion when I'd have loved to have gone to the pictures to smiley - drool at men with their shirts off (or elves or whatevers). The point being that I am not a selfish spoiled brat and I didn't want to ruin other people's evenings.

I did make a complaint to the cinema because we paid nearly €40 for tickets, had schlepped ourselves all the way to Düsseldorf for a screening in English (ok so nobody but me cares about that) and the screening was totally full.

Not least - Thor has a 12 certificate here... smiley - grr

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Post 14

Secretly Not Here Any More

"Not least - Thor has a 12 certificate here..."

Is it not 12A? We had similar happen to us at Iron Man 3. Some five year old sat behind us really didn't get what was happening.

There's a point when a man is executed by a terrorist (off-screen), when the kid just piped up with "what happened mummy?"

Good luck explaining that.

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Post 15

pebblederook-The old guy wearing surfer beads- what does he think he looks like?

The Wittertainment Cinema Code of Conduct created by Simon Mayo and Mark Kermode, presenters of BBC Radio Five cinema review programme.

1. No eating
2. No slurping
3. No rustling
4. No irresponsible parents
5. No hobbies
6. No talking
7. No mobile phone usage
8. No kicking of seats
9. No arriving late
10. No shoe removal

I think that covers it.

Someone queried whether engaging in heavy petting should be included but it was pointed out that this was already covered by numbers 1,2,3,4,and 5. smiley - smiley

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Post 16

Icy North

Not to mention 8 and 10.

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Post 17

pebblederook-The old guy wearing surfer beads- what does he think he looks like?

Indeed, which is why I didn't. smiley - smiley

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Post 18

Gnomon - time to move on

Sometimes spoken or shouted comments can enhance a film.

That moment in Lord of the Rings where the giant spider crawled out from a hole in the cliff behind Sam and a woman in the audience involuntarily shouted out "Jaysus Christ" was a classic.

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Post 19

Sho - employed again!

I don't mind if there are audience expostulations - there were a few during the film we were watching, and it adds to the fun to know that when X happens just about everyone else is having the same thoughts as me (when Thor takes his shirt off, for example)

I didn't even mind the Tom Higgleston (sp?) fangurls sitting next to me who sighed and giggled whenever he was onscreen (I can smiley - drool silently) and I don't mind, too much, if there is a bit of sweet paper rattling (but only a bit and I am mostly inclined to want to push peoples faces into their trays of nachos)

Part of it is, of course, that I don't like children and babies and usually take extraordinary measures not to be confronted with either.

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Post 20

Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge")

I think this rather sweary cartoon just about covers it...


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