A Conversation for Ask h2g2
Government Shutdown
Icy North Posted Oct 1, 2013
Yes, please continue to post. You often spark some interesting topical conversations here.
Government Shutdown
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Oct 2, 2013
" I'd like to think it would be career suicide for those Representatives who blockaded the bill, but - then again - I've met some American voters..." [Mu Beta]
Life is exciting when you get up in the morning not knowing whether your country will be feared or considered the laughingstock of the world.
Is it true, as some have suggested, that the British Constitution is not an actual document that one could peruse?
Government Shutdown
Sho - employed again! Posted Oct 2, 2013
yes SA come back and at least finally let us know who said that the US has more democracy than the UK.
Enquireing (politics studenty) minds want to know
Government Shutdown
Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!" Posted Oct 2, 2013
~*~This is a low point for the heavily-edited document laughably known as the US Constitution.~*~
Hmph. Edited for a reason. And at least we have one.
Stupid childish Republicans....
Government Shutdown
Peanut Posted Oct 2, 2013
I think that SA has put forward the general political arguments as to why America could be seen as more democratic the Britain
These are widely debated and discussed.
Government Shutdown
Sho - employed again! Posted Oct 2, 2013
no it was sold to me as people having said it and I'd like to see that, because it's quite clearly rubbish.
Government Shutdown
pebblederook-The old guy wearing surfer beads- what does he think he looks like? Posted Oct 2, 2013
There are no democracies in the world, and thank our luck for that. Democracy is totally unworkable and would lead to disaster. What we have are a number of different attempts to avoid the pitfalls of total democracy allied to systems trying to incorporate the essential workable aspects of the philosophy.
I doubt whether any of these semi democracies is any more or less democratic than the others. It's just a question of taste.
Government Shutdown
Peanut Posted Oct 2, 2013
It didn't come across to me that SA was selling a point but was making a general comment
Which was followed up by a post that put across the general points of why America could be considered as being more democratic than Britain
Those points in themselves were valid and it seems reasonable that people would agree with them
Government Shutdown
Sho - employed again! Posted Oct 2, 2013
I don't want to labour the point but this is what SA said
>>It is said that there is more democracy in the American than in the British political system<<
To which I asked, who said that?
as I pointed out later, as a student of politics i'd be pretty interested to know who said it.
I rather suspect that nobody did but I'm still interested in an answer.
But to be honest, I've been here before so I think I'll unsub and get out of it all.
Government Shutdown
Peanut Posted Oct 2, 2013
I am not a politics student but I can see that valid points have been made for the case of America being more democratic
Now clearly the downsides haven't been fully addressed
I am going to take a punt though and say despite them there would still be people who would balance them up and conclude that America is more democratic
The suspicion that nobody holds this opinion or has said it seems is one that I find difficult to comprehend tbh
Government Shutdown
Pastey Posted Oct 2, 2013
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but as I understand it the American Constitution was written once, and then amended over the years to suit circumstances at the time.
This was something that I think was a good thing, because those that wrote the original constitution knew that they weren't politicians, so they left room for those that came later to fix it.
Now, whether they've changed it for the better or not, I couldn't say.
As for America being more democratic than Britain, I think that in some ways it is, but in some ways it's not.
Democracy isn't just about getting to vote, or how often you get to vote. It's about knowing you have a vote, and knowing that you can make a change. And it's not just the voters knowing you have a vote, it's about the politicians knowing that you can vote. And that they can be held accountable.
In the UK, there's not much we can do to be honest, unless we catch them red handed breaking the law. And even then they often squirm their way out of it.
It seems that in the US there's more ways that they can reign their politicians to keep them in check.
What they points out to me is that the US citizens trust their politicians less than we trust ours.
To be honest though, that doesn't matter. Who trusts their politicians less is just who's eyes are open more.
As for the government shutdown, I'm still quite curious about this.
In the UK, as far as I understand it, the government announces its budget, the Queen okays it, and that's it. And in the US, the government okays it, then a bunch of (elected?) people get to yay or nay it.
Now, to me in a way that sounds like a more infallible system, you're not reliant on one individual to make the right decision.
However, on the flip side with more people to make the decisions, there's more people that are potentially susceptible to corruption.
Government Shutdown
Peanut Posted Oct 2, 2013
I thought in the government announces it budget, it has to pass through parliament with a majority vote, once it has done that then it becomes law
The Lords have little to do with this and the Queen politically speaking nothing, although technically there are the laws for them to intervene
If it came to a point when a government couldn't get a budget through parliament, it would have to go re-election wouldn't it?
I am not saying that sort of stalemate is any better or worse from the one that is occurring in America
the same sort of political and economic uncertainties would still come in to play
just differently
Government Shutdown
hygienicdispenser Posted Oct 2, 2013
Do you really believe, Pastey, that the Queen has any say whatsoever on whether or not the budget is accepted?
Meanwhile in America, federal jobs have been declared "essential" or "inessential" with the result that some 800,000 people have had their pay stopped. Immediately.
I wonder which side of the essential/inessential divides the politicians pay-packets have fallen on?
Government Shutdown
Pastey Posted Oct 2, 2013
The politicians pay cheques are on the essential side, that's been in all the newspapers.
As to whether or not I believe that the Queen has a say, I do. It's done in her name. I very much doubt that she'd allow something done in her name that she really disagreed with.
In general I think she just lets it slide and doesn't have much to do with it.
Government Shutdown
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Oct 2, 2013
My take on this particular crisis is that Republicans have gotten so used to being in power that they think of power as their exclusive privilege. When the other party gets in, and wants to put forward a program that Republicans oppose, Republicans think the people will rally to their side in the dispute.
Government Shutdown
Peanut Posted Oct 2, 2013
'As to whether or not I believe that the Queen has a say, I do. It's done in her name. I very much doubt that she'd allow something done in her name that she really disagreed with.
In general I think she just lets it slide and doesn't have much to do with it.'
I'm a little flummoxed by that post Pastey
Constitutionally though I would say that the Queen doesn't rock the boat
Government Shutdown
Pastey Posted Oct 2, 2013
How is that flummoxing Peanut?
I'm sure that you must know what the phrase "just lets it slide" is the same as "doesn't rock the boat" ?
Government Shutdown
Peanut Posted Oct 2, 2013
Maybe it was the bit that you said she had a say and if there was something she really disagreed with she would not allow it her name?
No I didn't read your 'let it slide' as the same as my 'not rocking the boat'
Key: Complain about this post
Government Shutdown
- 21: Icy North (Oct 1, 2013)
- 22: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Oct 2, 2013)
- 23: Sho - employed again! (Oct 2, 2013)
- 24: Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!" (Oct 2, 2013)
- 25: Peanut (Oct 2, 2013)
- 26: Sho - employed again! (Oct 2, 2013)
- 27: pebblederook-The old guy wearing surfer beads- what does he think he looks like? (Oct 2, 2013)
- 28: Peanut (Oct 2, 2013)
- 29: Sho - employed again! (Oct 2, 2013)
- 30: Peanut (Oct 2, 2013)
- 31: Peanut (Oct 2, 2013)
- 32: Pastey (Oct 2, 2013)
- 33: Peanut (Oct 2, 2013)
- 34: hygienicdispenser (Oct 2, 2013)
- 35: hygienicdispenser (Oct 2, 2013)
- 36: Pastey (Oct 2, 2013)
- 37: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Oct 2, 2013)
- 38: Peanut (Oct 2, 2013)
- 39: Pastey (Oct 2, 2013)
- 40: Peanut (Oct 2, 2013)
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