A Conversation for Ask h2g2

the law

Post 21


Tony Blair had to run ...

the law

Post 22


Maria - meet Stone Aart
Stone Aart - meet Maria

You should both get along famously smiley - hug

the law

Post 23


smiley - biggrin

Dear, I think that for the sake of appearing coherent and not biased*, you should say to PP something about bringing his political views to this thread. He has make a serious comment about a very serious issue: the victims of war. As you know, there is a lot of politics and laws around that topic.

On the other hand, nothing prevent you nor anyone else to post whatever amusing inanity you like, ( I like lighthearted threads too)

*DonĀ“t bother, anyone knows my and your political views.So, it seems to me that your overreaction to my words is an evidence of how bored you are, among other things.

the law

Post 24

Milla, h2g2 Operations

smiley - offtopic
Not my idea, but R.A. Heinleins:
If there comes a time when some think a country should go to war, there should be a referendum/vote. But only the ones eligible to actually serve as military are allowed to vote.

And not a secret vote either - those who vote Yes would be the first ones to actually go out in the war. Those voting "perhaps/maybe" would be the second batch, and the No only as third batch.

At first, I thought this was preposterous. Most of society being blocked from voting? But on the other hand, is it right to vote for war and send *someone else* out? Sitting safe and demand others to do the dirty job?
And open voting? And the Yes people be the first to go out? How does that follow my concept of what democracy is? Perhaps this is just a form of democracy that I wasn't used to?

I'm still not sure what I think about it all. But it's an interesting proposal, and I'd be curious to know what you think.

smiley - towel

the law

Post 25

Icy North

I think it's a bit out of touch with modern warfare.

the law

Post 26

Milla, h2g2 Operations

A bit. It was written many decades ago. But there are still soldiers out there, with guns, getting killed.
smiley - towel

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