A Conversation for Ask h2g2
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It seemed like a good idea, but I was wrong.
FWR Posted Jul 21, 2013
feel the back of your fridge in this hot weather and you'll get an idea of how much harder your engine works to power AC!
It seemed like a good idea, but I was wrong.
KB Posted Jul 21, 2013
They are two completely different systems. Your fridge uses a *lot* more energy than the A/C in your car.
It seemed like a good idea, but I was wrong.
FWR Posted Jul 21, 2013
about 3HP for the average car, fridges are second most uneconomical gadgets in the home..after aircon!
It seemed like a good idea, but I was wrong.
swl Posted Jul 22, 2013
I'd wager teenage kids score highly in the " uneconomical things lying about the house" league.
It seemed like a good idea, but I was wrong.
Beatrice Posted Jul 22, 2013
I'll see your 3 teenagers and raise you 2 dogs!
It seemed like a good idea, but I was wrong.
FWR Posted Jul 22, 2013
lets carpet the hall and stairs in white was also a good idea but we were VERY wrong! ( 3 kids and a dog!)
It seemed like a good idea, but I was wrong.
U14999187 Posted Jul 22, 2013
I can sympathize with your discomfort.
The summertime temperatures in southern Arizona, hover around the 40's C° during the day.
We use "evaporative coolers" to cool our homes. Which are quite effective during our dry summers (april thru october).
Evaporative coolers are essentially fiber pads, with water flowing over them, and air blowing thru the pads to cool the air.
Works quite well when the relative humidity of the outside air is less than 15%.
Once our "monsoon" rain season begins the relative humidity climbs to considerably more than twenty%, at which point your home becomes a sauna.
The use of air conditioners is an extreme example of energy use, as they rarely cease running, even if the thermostat is set for 86° (or 30°C).
I look forward to the fall temps of 86°, which should arrive near the end of October.
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It seemed like a good idea, but I was wrong.
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