A Conversation for Ask h2g2

h2g2 Manchester meet Saturday 18th February

Post 101

Mu Beta

Actually, 'proper' hotels are pretty damn affordable in February in Manchester.

I can get 2 nights in a single for £65, and a twin for £80.


h2g2 Manchester meet Saturday 18th February

Post 102

Secretly Not Here Any More

There's an Etap hotel (amongst others) on Salford Quays. From there to St Peter's Square (where the Waterhouse is) is about 9 minutes on the tram, and it may be cheaper than the city centre.

Then again, the only time I slept in a hotel in Salford was when I couldn't be arsed walking all the way home and kipped in a laundry cupboard at the Copthorne.

h2g2 Manchester meet Saturday 18th February

Post 103

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

Yeah, and tonight I'm paying €15 for a bed in a hostel in Galway. That is, I think, a bit more affordable. I'd be up for sharing a hostel room. Who else is interested?

TRiG.smiley - surfer

h2g2 Manchester meet Saturday 18th February

Post 104

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

I can do a hotel if necessary, but a bunch sharing a hostel room could, in some ways, be more fun. And cheaper.

TRiG.smiley - surfer

h2g2 Manchester meet Saturday 18th February

Post 105

Malabarista - now with added pony

I'm up for the hostel thing. It's not like we intend to spend any time in the hotel beyond what we need to sleep, so as long as it has a bed, who cares?

h2g2 Manchester meet Saturday 18th February

Post 106

Mrs Zen

I've lost track of who we are staying with when, but in prinicple, and being one of those internet wierdos, I am up for it too. Not sure about Z. He might have other plans. Or friends. Or something.

h2g2 Manchester meet Saturday 18th February

Post 107


Yeah no, I'm up for it, thoughit would also be good to stay with my brother in Sheffield, that's not so far away from Manchester is it?

h2g2 Manchester meet Saturday 18th February

Post 108


It's not far, but it's cross-Peaks. Just over an hour to drive (40 miles) and last train is 10:20pm.

smiley - rose

h2g2 Manchester meet Saturday 18th February

Post 109

Secretly Not Here Any More

The last train used to be about 4am smiley - winkeye

When I lived in Sheffield, I'd occasionally jib the train back to Manchester, hit a club, have a kebab and then grab the train at ridiculous o'clock.

But that could've been on Fridays...

h2g2 Manchester meet Saturday 18th February

Post 110


Ah, Mr603, have you tried Port St yet?

h2g2 Manchester meet Saturday 18th February

Post 111

Secretly Not Here Any More

I've not. I'm off to the re-opened and rebranded "The Brew House" in Altrincham on Saturday though. Used to be Le Trappiste. Wonderful place that was. Hopefully the spiritual successor will be much the same.

h2g2 Manchester meet Saturday 18th February

Post 112

Mrs Zen

Quiet, was it?

h2g2 Manchester meet Saturday 18th February

Post 113


Usually yes. It kept weird opening hours as I remember. I used to work just around the corner from it. It had a good range of beers, but there was some serious variability in their availability. It's all well and good having a beer menu that runs to pages and pages, but when you try to order anything and you get to your ninth choice before they stop saying "sorry, we don't have that one at the moment", well it gets a bit annoying.

smiley - rose

h2g2 Manchester meet Saturday 18th February

Post 114

Secretly Not Here Any More

Surprisingly raucous after a few ales, actually! No idea how the monks manage.

Might pop down to Port St after work. The Mrs is at a Twilight marathon, so I've got time for a swift ale after work.

h2g2 Manchester meet Saturday 18th February

Post 115


Annoyingly I'm heading to the Corner House tonight for a swift one else you'd see me sat in a corner getting drunk smiley - winkeye

h2g2 Manchester meet Saturday 18th February

Post 116

Secretly Not Here Any More

Can't stand the Corner House. Which is a shame, as I work on the other side of Oxford Street from it...

h2g2 Manchester meet Saturday 18th February

Post 117

Mrs Zen

smiley - elf Ooops. There's one here, Pastey.

h2g2 Manchester meet Saturday 18th February

Post 118


It's "not bad" but tends to be full of a "certain type" of person. We're just going there to meet someone.

I wonder if I can skive out of it and get a proper beer instead...

smiley - rose

h2g2 Manchester meet Saturday 18th February

Post 119


Right, go fetch the Gnome Net!

We seem to have an outbreak!

Don't Panic!!

smiley - rose

h2g2 Manchester meet Saturday 18th February

Post 120

Mrs Zen

smiley - elfsmiley - elfsmiley - elf Ooops. They're spreading.

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