A Conversation for Ask h2g2

h2g2 G&S Adaptations

Post 41

Mrs Zen

Eat Ba... smiley - nahnah

h2g2 G&S Adaptations

Post 42


Just because you did it doesn't mean the rest of us weren't thinking it. You just got to the keyboard first.

h2g2 G&S Adaptations

Post 43

hairy the horse ~ dances the vaultz

>> Sorry, still don't know why I feel the need to do that. <<

Becuz every now and then somebody's gotta. smiley - ok
We can haz pedants.
Needs bee.

~ smiley - pony ~

h2g2 G&S Adaptations

Post 44

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I do hope your all recording your parts so I can edit them and add in the music smiley - evilgrinsmiley - musicalnotesmiley - handbag

h2g2 G&S Adaptations

Post 45

Mrs Zen

You really don't want me to record anything. I can make autotune crash. Think of Jeremy Hardy!

h2g2 G&S Adaptations

Post 46


Brilliant - an AViators project!

what sort of file would you like, legsy?

h2g2 G&S Adaptations

Post 47


"Think of Jeremy Hardy!"

Jeremy Hardy has an excellent voice... as long as he's doing an impression of Morrissey. To the point that Tim Brooke-Taylor, when he'd finished singing "Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now" in Pick Up Song, said "Who are you, and what have you done with Jeremy Hardy?".

h2g2 G&S Adaptations

Post 48

McKay The Disorganised

That was really good Ben - reminded of seeing an open air production at Kenilworth Castle where the Executioners Wife was played by Brackett (or possibly Hinge) and the little list started with "Men who dress as women and take work from honest girls."

smiley - cider

h2g2 G&S Adaptations

Post 49

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Luckily... or not... I refuse to use autotune on principle... instead it'll just be... err... 'free-form'... I can't hold a note for a second either, when it comes to singing smiley - snork

.wav is best, as I've more flexability to mangle it smiley - evilgrin err I mean manipulate it without loosing quality smiley - zensmiley - boingsmiley - musicalnote I'm not sure how it'll work... we each or, I shoujld say, you each, seem to be on differnt musicals... so maybe just a ... err... medly smiley - snorksmiley - rofl I'm sure it can be turned into something though no matter how its sung smiley - snork

h2g2 G&S Adaptations

Post 50

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Remember to lettuce know when this opus is ready...we'll feature it in smiley - thepost, and h5ringer and Awix can write reviews...we'll give them hazard pay...smiley - run

h2g2 G&S Adaptations

Post 51


Oh, is there not one entry here
Well-constructed and compelling
That makes its subject matter clear
And gives a nod to proper spelling?

That would not share quite willingly
Copyright for publication,
Inclusion in the Guide to Life
And Front Page click linkation
Inclusion in the Guide to Life
And Front Page click linkation

Alas! there’s not one entry here
Whose researcher felt motivation
To submit it to Peer Review
and see it through to publication!

(more available upon request)

h2g2 G&S Adaptations

Post 52

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

It is now the law anyone who's submitted some lyrics has to go and record them! smiley - evilgrinsmiley - snorksmiley - sillysmiley - boingsmiley - musicalnote

h2g2 G&S Adaptations

Post 53


I think that's a brilliant law!

h2g2 G&S Adaptations

Post 54

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - laugh Unfortunately, I have no recording equipment and no microphone, so 2legs will have to do mine for me. smiley - whistle

And yes, let's hear more, please. smiley - grovel

h2g2 G&S Adaptations

Post 55


Oh, is there not one entry here
Whose genre-bending complication
Have caused all hope to disappear
Of ever winning publication?
To such an one, if such there be,
I swear if you appear in
Alternative Writing Workshop
However odd you be – I’ll read you!
However strange you be,
If you appear in A-Dub-Dub,
However weird you be – I’ll read you,
I'll review you, comment too, I'll read you!

Chorus: Alas! there’s not one entry here
Whose bizarre imagination
Has caused all hope to disappear
Of ever winning publication!

Not one?

Chorus: No, no, not one!

Not one?

Chorus: No, no …

(more? smiley - evilgrin)

h2g2 G&S Adaptations

Post 56

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - evilgrin and helpless laughter. Absolutely.

h2g2 G&S Adaptations

Post 57

clzoomer- a bit woobly

smiley - musicalnote

Three little pendant peeps are we,
Not so concerned with hypocrisy,
Spelling's good (but not so free!),
Three little peeps are we!

We will comment on what you've done,
If we don't like it we'll toss a bun,
Don't be hurt, it is all in fun!
Three little peeps!
Three little pendant peeps are we!

Three little peeps are very wary,
Backing their jibes with dictionaries,
Grammar conforms like the military,
Three little peeps are we!

One little peep might be taught in school.
Two little peeps might be teaching- cool!
All little peeps know the golden rule,
All of the peeps might not!

Three little pendant peeps are we,
Not so concerned with hypocrisy,
Spelling's good (but not so free!),
Three little peeps are we!

h2g2 G&S Adaptations

Post 58

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - applausesmiley - yikes I must go dig out where I hid my MIDI keyboard and fire-up the orchestial soundbanks in anticipation smiley - whistle

h2g2 G&S Adaptations

Post 59

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - rofl Good one.

I...almost...hate to do this...almost, but not quite:

Did you mean 'pedants'?

............................smiley - runsmiley - runsmiley - run

h2g2 G&S Adaptations

Post 60

Mrs Zen

SUCKered! smiley - laugh

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