A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What music are you listening to at this precise moment?

Post 61

Demon Drawer

hehe. Let's really do the time warp again.

Sacred Spirit - an album of Native American tribal chants, I'm in the mood for mellow music. smiley - smiley

What music are you listening to at this precise moment?

Post 62


I'm listening to All Saints. Never Ever.

Please don't do horrible things to me

What music are you listening to at this precise moment?

Post 63

Demon Drawer

I'd never ever do anything like that. smiley - smiley

What music are you listening to at this precise moment?

Post 64


*g* I asked for that, didn't I?

What music are you listening to at this precise moment?

Post 65


Probably one of my favourite songs of all time.
Sometimes by James

Sometimes, when I look deep in your eyes I swear I can see your soul...

What music are you listening to at this precise moment?

Post 66

The Cheese

I'm listening to my favorite song - The Decline by NOFX. It's eighteen minutes long, very political, very punk, VERY GOOD.

What music are you listening to at this precise moment?

Post 67


Talvin Singh and the Master Musicians of Jajouka

What music are you listening to at this precise moment?

Post 68


Bach's Pachelbel Canon on guitar... beautiful piece of music...


What music are you listening to at this precise moment?

Post 69


I think Johann Pachelbel might have been a bit cross if he'd thought his masterpiece was going to be attributed to Bach smiley - winkeye

What music are you listening to at this precise moment?

Post 70

Biggy P (the artist phormerly known as phord)

Taste in Men - by plecebo

What music are you listening to at this precise moment?

Post 71

Demon Drawer

The Doors the Best of - current track People are Strange

What music are you listening to at this precise moment?

Post 72

Triv, Patron Saint of Merry-Go-Rounds; Maker of Sacred Signposts CotTB; Foxy Manor's Head Butler; ACE (GROOVY!)

Eve6's New Album, Horrorscope. I'm listening to "Rescue" currently. Good stuff.


What music are you listening to at this precise moment?

Post 73


Grin, that's what I get for taking Napster's word on the matter...



What music are you listening to at this precise moment?

Post 74

Biggy P (the artist phormerly known as phord)

I can only dissapoint you - Manson

What music are you listening to at this precise moment?

Post 75

Demon Drawer

In a REM state of mind so Green is currently playing.

What music are you listening to at this precise moment?

Post 76

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

One of my favourite songs, S.O.F.T. by Elastica, is belting out over my speakers. smiley - smiley

What music are you listening to at this precise moment?

Post 77

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

I've just put on "Deserter's Songs" by Mercury Rev...

What music are you listening to at this precise moment?

Post 78

Dream (keeper of nightmares)

I'm listening to Kid Rock. Don't really like him but its the only cd I could find within arms reach.

What music are you listening to at this precise moment?

Post 79

Triv, Patron Saint of Merry-Go-Rounds; Maker of Sacred Signposts CotTB; Foxy Manor's Head Butler; ACE (GROOVY!)

Just moved on to...Ben Folds Five. "Uncle Walter" all the way. smiley - smiley


What music are you listening to at this precise moment?

Post 80

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Bingo, by Catch. I'm loving it. It's so cool.

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