A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What does R.S.V.P. mean?

Post 1

Kimsanee (formerly S10)

I fear this is a foolish question, but this is something that has bothered me for quite awhile. I've seen the term "Please RSVP to..." several times. But although I know the general meaning, I don't know what the letters stand for.

What does R.S.V.P. mean?

Post 2

Walter of Colne

Dear S10,

You are quite correct to fear that it was a foolish question, but then it occurs to me that anyone bobbing up on this site cannot be regarded as the full quid, hence my increasingly frequent excursions. RSVP is from the French respondez s'il vous plait, or something very close to it, meaning literally respond if you please.

Walter of Colne

What does R.S.V.P. mean?

Post 3

Truffy (dazed and confused)

Dear Walter,

It was someting so "very close" as to be a direct hit.

Truffy of Folkestone (although not any more)

What does R.S.V.P. mean?

Post 4


Dear Walter,

Many people who do not speak French probably wonder about this phrase. Questions only appear foolish to people who are looking for reasons to point out fools. If you are wondering what I mean by this, the literal meaning (or something very close to it) is: "get a life".


What does R.S.V.P. mean?

Post 5

Researcher Rex

It a French expression: Respondez, sil vous plait
(sorry Frenchmen, I have no idea if that's the right spelling).
Anyway, it means something like "please answer"

What does R.S.V.P. mean?

Post 6

Walter of Colne

Dear Gena,

Sorry, the arch tone of your note indicates that I have somehow offended you, which was entirely unintentional since that is something I restrict to people I know. Still, let me move on. 'Get a life' indeed! I already have one and while it may be that you think it could do with some improvement, and you are probably correct, I have to tell you that I am very grateful for what I have, warts and all. And Gena - smile. It suits you much better than getting testy with (im)perfect strangers.



What does R.S.V.P. mean?

Post 7

Random Task

In the zany United States. In order that we can feel better about ourselves, it is thought that R.S.V.P stands for (R)e(S)pond (V)ery (P)romptly. While this is obviously a far stretch, it is in fact much easier to say then Respondez Si'vous Plait... and the meaning is still yanked through.

What does R.S.V.P. mean?

Post 8

Is mise Duncan

Moreover, "Respondez s'il wous plait" is in the polite form but most people would use it irregardless...rstp, is surely better in these less formal times?

What does R.S.V.P. mean?

Post 9

Wand'rin star

The illocutionary force (there's a good bit of linguistic jargon) is "send me a WRITTEN reply as soon as possible"

What does R.S.V.P. mean?

Post 10

Wand'rin star

and there's no such word as "irregardless"

What does rstp mean?

Post 11

LL Waz

And trust the Americans to ignore the existence of the entire French language AND to drop the "please".smiley - smiley

(No offence, I just wish I'd had the opportunity to ignore all French lessons too.)

What does rstp mean?

Post 12


Excuse me, but I happen to resemble THAT remark! RSVP translates to: please let us know you & a guest won't be coming, as this is already costing a fortune & we're hoping you'll send a gift instead. BTW I
have a life too. (Just incase anyone wants to be rude, thought I'd get there first) smiley - winkeye

What does R.S.V.P. mean?

Post 13


irregardless...is not a word

What does R.S.V.P. mean?

Post 14



What does R.S.V.P. mean?

Post 15

Researcher 137856

jrregardless, turregardless, ilrregardless??
(I am shortsighted, you are shortsighted ....)

Still don't know what rstp means, but I agree with Pandora's definition of RSVP and will use it in that way in future.smiley - smiley

What does R.S.T.P. mean?

Post 16

Is mise Duncan

Well, less formal (and less well taught) than the "vous" form is the "tu" form, so RSTP would be "responds s'il te plait"...although I'm not positive that respondre is regular.

Irregardless is going to be a word - I'm just ahead of my time. smiley - tongueout

What does R.S.V.P. mean?

Post 17


Please note that the correct French verb is répondre not respondre

What does R.S.V.P. mean?

Post 18


Picky-picky-picky-picky. Let's all have a nice glass of something and relax. BYOB smiley - winkeye

What does R.S.T.P. mean?

Post 19

LL Waz

Thankyou for the explanation. I think you're talking grammer here, something which I managed to miss entirely at school. I won't comment on it as I don't understand irreregular verbssmiley - smiley

I support the campaign for irregardless to be a word. It has real punch to it.

Little-used words in the English Language

Post 20

Afrael (keeper of angelic guidance)

Two words not in sufficient use include "seldom" and "astonishing" both of which have a nice wartime English feel to them.

Also "preternaturally" as in Miss Marple declaiming "I've been preternaturally stupid."

Irregardless has quite a quality to it, too.

NB I also have a life. These things have just hung around in my head for so long, it's a relief to get them out there. Sorry to bother...

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