A Conversation for Ask h2g2

How to respond to accidental/non-malicious racism

Post 161


Br. Robyn Hoode

Yes, I remember stepping on an up-turned 3-pin plug while running for the remote control to the turn the TV off in bare feet (I had bare feet not the TV)...

How to respond to accidental/non-malicious racism

Post 162


So 3Dots you clearly even have the balls of Stephen Fry then, who is happy to sit in a telly studio with her. smiley - tongueout

How to respond to accidental/non-malicious racism

Post 163



How to respond to accidental/non-malicious racism

Post 164


"the balls of Stephen Fry"

Is that a new empirical measure of male bravery?

How to respond to accidental/non-malicious racism

Post 165


I actually like Jo Brand now she has matured and calmed down a wee bit. Ner radio 4 documentary stuff is really good.

How to respond to accidental/non-malicious racism

Post 166

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

I'm just popping by to say what a wonderful conversation this has been to date.

TRiG.smiley - biggrin

How to respond to accidental/non-malicious racism

Post 167

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

"Yes, I remember stepping on an up-turned 3-pin plug while running for the remote control to the turn the TV off in bare feet (I had bare feet not the TV)..."

smiley - laugh

How to respond to accidental/non-malicious racism

Post 168


90 posts in three weeks at the start of this thread, then 77 in three days when it gets religious. It's easy to see what buttons to push round here to liven things up.

How to respond to accidental/non-malicious racism

Post 169


You mean Carol (Is Mark lost again?) Thatcher?

How to respond to accidental/non-malicious racism

Post 170


Assumption - the mother of all F-- ups. smiley - blush

Make it 30 in a day, then. Although thirty in a day after 90 in three weeks leads to much the same conclusion.

How to respond to accidental/non-malicious racism

Post 171


Not much religion in the recent flurry though. More 3dots sureptitiously putting the boot in on Joe and then casually backtracking.

How to respond to accidental/non-malicious racism

Post 172


You mean Jo? Got me confused for a bit saying 'Joe'!

More playing smiley - devil's advocaat.

How to respond to accidental/non-malicious racism

Post 173


"Joe" would explain a lot though.

How to respond to accidental/non-malicious racism

Post 174


I've actually met her IRL. She opened an art event I was involved in by igniting a cannon full of banannas. And in her youth she was a psychiactric nurse in a hospital I have frequented smiley - laugh She's got a heart of gold....and she even made a joke at the art event about the fact that lots of people think she's a lez. She's been married for years...poor bloke smiley - winkeye

How to respond to accidental/non-malicious racism

Post 175

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

No...I don't think that even Jo Brand's anti-male humour is comparable to Thatcher's 'joke'. (and btw...the circumstances seem reasonably clear. The people she was talking to appear to have been offended. Initially they took her on, and then complained when she didn't see the error of her ways.)

To understand why the golliwog comparison is particularly offensive, perhaps you'd have to have had it hurled at you as abuse throughout your life. Or, failing that, to have the imagination and intelligence to put yourself in the position of someone who has.

How to respond to accidental/non-malicious racism

Post 176


> The people she was talking to appear to have been offended. Initially they took her on, and then complained when she didn't see the error of her ways.<

Where do you get your info from Ed? MI5? Tabloids?

I repeat my earlier point. If we are going down this route then all public figures should be treated *equally* if we are going to have trial by media.

How to respond to accidental/non-malicious racism

Post 177


I'm with you mate. When I read the initially letter that started this thread, I thought it was just a bit of a tongue in cheek gee up.
I mean seriously, if this catches on, there'll be comedians out of work all over the country.smiley - cheers

How to respond to accidental/non-malicious racism

Post 178

Researcher 815350

From post 1: "with a name like that I'd expect you to own a chain of pizza restaurants."

smiley - huh

I'd probably not do anything official, but be psmiley - bleeped off. I've had the "WHERE does THAT name come from" routine done to me many, many times...

Answer "...it comes from my father, do you know your fathers name?"

How to respond to accidental/non-malicious racism

Post 179

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

>>Where do you get your info from Ed? MI5? Tabloids?

smiley - huh No. From the various press reports yesterday that, rather than speculating idly, quoted BBC sources.

This has all now been officially confirmed. I invite you to listen to the interview with the Head of BBC1:

From this we now have it firmly established (at least, to *my* satisfaction) that:
- The comment was 'He is a golliwog'.
- The comment was made about a black international tennis player.
- The comment was made in a public space on BBC premises.
- The comment was made in the presence of various people (not only Jo brand).
- The comment was note made in a jocular manner and was not taken that way by those present.
- Those present were offended.
- Complaints were made at the time and subsequently to BBC executives.
- Carol Thatcher has offered no form of apology, depite having been given repeated opportunities to do so.

Any other questions?

Out of interest...now that the facts are fully clear and there is no need for speculation, has this changed anyone's mind as to whether the remarks were offensive? Or is the issue a wider one as to whether or not such remarks are acceptable?

How to respond to accidental/non-malicious racism

Post 180


I also wouldn't be suprised if the fact that she is the daughter of one of the most right-wing PM's in living memory (apart from Tony Blair) was a factor in a few people wanting to stick the boot in.

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