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Petition: Doctor Who Fans Who Want Christopher Ecclestone Told Off

Post 121

Mol - on the new tablet

*drags conversation away from science and back to fiction*

Wasn't Rose's sceptical and yet perceptive comment an indication of the limits of her experience ... "the North" being to her a big, strange place, but at least on this planet and within her understanding. And the Doctor's response was a simple way of demonstrating that her knowledge could be transferable beyond her own planet and More smiley - bubbly anybody?

This Doctor is just particularly good at smart answers, I think.


Petition: Doctor Who Fans Who Want Christopher Ecclestone Told Off

Post 122

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

smiley - footprints

Petition: Doctor Who Fans Who Want Christopher Ecclestone Told Off

Post 123

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Having seen Davis Tennant in last night's rather spiffy Quatermass re-make (did it REALLY run twenty minutes short or had they allowed a twenty minute over-run?) I have toi say he'll do fine.

Kudos all round to the actors and the production team on a thoroughly enjoyable re-visitation of one of the seminal moments of British Tv. smiley - cheers

smiley - shark

Petition: Doctor Who Fans Who Want Christopher Ecclestone Told Off

Post 124

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

I think there was some slack in the shedule. It's hard to precisely time a live broadcast.

smiley - ale

Petition: Doctor Who Fans Who Want Christopher Ecclestone Told Off

Post 125

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

schedule, even.

smiley - ale

Petition: Doctor Who Fans Who Want Christopher Ecclestone Told Off

Post 126

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

I must say I really, really enjoyed Saturday nights tv. I shall be looking forward to seeing Quatermass again on dvd.

If Tennant doesn't want it, it occurs to me that Jason Flemying might be good, and give him a unique double of playing the two greatest characters in the history of british SF...

smiley - shark

Petition: Doctor Who Fans Who Want Christopher Ecclestone Told Off

Post 127


When did he play Kerr Avon from Blakes 7?smiley - biggrin

Petition: Doctor Who Fans Who Want Christopher Ecclestone Told Off

Post 128

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Yeah right, Kerr Avon.

Is to make me smiley - laugh.

Not even fit to be mentioned in the same breath as Bernard Quatermass or the Doctor.

smiley - shark

Petition: Doctor Who Fans Who Want Christopher Ecclestone Told Off

Post 129

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

smiley - laugh Due to being away this weekend and having the choice of taping Doctor Who or Quatermass, I haven't actually seen it yet. I'm hoping for a BBC 2 repeat or a DVD release pronto.

smiley - ale

Petition: Doctor Who Fans Who Want Christopher Ecclestone Told Off

Post 130

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

As an aside, nice to see that Doctor Who outgunned the grinning one in the ratings.

smiley - ale

Petition: Doctor Who Fans Who Want Christopher Ecclestone Told Off

Post 131

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

It occurs to me that Quatermass' non-violent resolution to problems was probably a very big influence on Dr Who in the old days.

smiley - shark

Petition: Doctor Who Fans Who Want Christopher Ecclestone Told Off

Post 132

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Oh, indeed. Quatermass was I'm sure a big influence on the series. Having your hero as a scientist/engineer rather than a classic 'man of action', for starters.

smiley - ale

Petition: Doctor Who Fans Who Want Christopher Ecclestone Told Off

Post 133

Researcher U1025853

Nearly worked through the backlog, I liked the line "Lots of planets have a North" as well, but because it reminded me that the first prog I saw him in was 'Our friends in the north'.

Oha dn I know its silly, but just think of Bill Bailey being the Dr, actually I think he would make a great assistant!

Petition: Doctor Who Fans Who Want Christopher Ecclestone Told Off

Post 134

Researcher U1025853

I loved Quatermass, Jason is one of my fav actors, as is Steven Mackintosh, can we fit him in anywhere?

Or maybe Julian Rhind-Tutt, Alan Rickman, Dougray Scott, Clive Owen, Hugo Speer, Terrence Stamp, Steven Tompkinson or even Tim Allen.

I must go do some work now.

Petition: Doctor Who Fans Who Want Christopher Ecclestone Told Off

Post 135


Quatermass was great ~ just finished watching the tape.
Why bury it over on BBC4 ~ hope it gets a terrestial showing so everyone can see it.
Maybe the beeb could remake some more shows or even just re-run the originals.

Petition: Doctor Who Fans Who Want The BBC Told Off

Post 136




"The BBC failed to speak to actor Christopher Eccleston before revealing he was going to quit Dr Who after the first series, it has admitted."

"The BBC further regrets that it falsely attributed a statement to Christopher and apologises to him."

"The BBC regrets not speaking to Christopher before it responded to the press questions on Wednesday 30 March.

"The BBC further regrets that it falsely attributed a statement to Christopher and apologises to him."

Altogether now:

"smiley - musicalnoteRegrets...I've had a fewsmiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnote,
But not as many assmiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnotethe Beeb seem to have had
over smiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnoteEcclestones leaving the Who Show.

smiley - laugh or smiley - wah

Petition: Doctor Who Fans Who Want Christopher Ecclestone Told Off

Post 137

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

We never did see Quatermass here in NZ, but I did pick up the scripts in book form in the 1980s. A scientist hero - yes, it would have been radical back then...

Petition: Doctor Who Fans Who Want Christopher Ecclestone Told Off

Post 138


<< Having your hero as a scientist/engineer rather than a classic 'man of action', for starters.>>

You obviously do not realise the mainstay of process engineering on a production site. Whae something on plant isn't working the first thing you do is get something heavty and hit the piece of equipment that isn't working. If it still doesn't work you hit it harder.

So, if Quatermass had been a true engineer the story would have basically gone:

Scene 1:

Strange alien attacks London.

Quatermass works quietly in his office block.

The police and army can do nothing.

Send for Quatermass is the cry.

Scene 2:

Army Major runs into Quatermasses office.

"Professor, we have an unstoppable alien attacking London."

"Have you tried tactical nuclear weaponry?"

"Yes, but it isn't working."

"Not working you say? Pass me the scaffold pole and stand well back"

Scene 3:

Quatermass walks back into his office bloodied but triumphant.

"That was a toughy. I had to give it a kick in the happy sacks with the old steel toecaps before it went down."

Petition: Doctor Who Fans Who Want Christopher Ecclestone Told Off

Post 139


NEWS FLASH : Chris Eccleston not to blame :


Anyone feel like appologising?

Petition: Doctor Who Fans Who Want Christopher Ecclestone Told Off

Post 140

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Well, he still quit after one season, he's just not to blame for the timing of the announcement, a point I made some time ago.

smiley - ale

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