A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Neighbouring Threads with surreal connections

Post 801


Tell Us A Joke
H2G2 Technology

- -

Who am I? No googling you muckers.
May I conduct an experiment?

Neighbouring Threads with surreal connections

Post 802


Eurovision 2013
Lock your doors

Neighbouring Threads with surreal connections

Post 803


Forget Eurovision: How About that Song for King Willem?

I need tips on container gardening
Will you leave a lasting impression?

Neighbouring Threads with surreal connections

Post 804

SashaQ - happysad

Eurovision 2013
Background music in documentaries

Neighbouring Threads with surreal connections

Post 805


Survival techniques
Out of date food.

Neighbouring Threads with surreal connections

Post 806


Your favourite caramel shop?
Out of date food

"What news story has caught your attention today?"
Ground control to Major Tim.

Have you sent a Quote to [email protected] today?
May I conduct an experiment?

Neighbouring Threads with surreal connections

Post 807

Cheerful Dragon

Ground control to Major Tim
What films have you seen recently?

Neighbouring Threads with surreal connections

Post 808


"What news story caught your attention today?" thread
Boredom And Maps Are Bad Bedfellows

Neighbouring Threads with surreal connections

Post 809

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

Guess who's visiting for a few days
The fireflies are back!

Neighbouring Threads with surreal connections

Post 810

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

Napoleon was
Wet wet wet

Neighbouring Threads with surreal connections

Post 811

Cheerful Dragon

Petty Hates
The strategies of 'All-You-Can-Eat'

Neighbouring Threads with surreal connections

Post 812


"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread
why is there always one teaspoon?

Neighbouring Threads with surreal connections

Post 813


What can we blame 2legs for?
21st Century Thicko


Neighbouring Threads with surreal connections

Post 814




Neighbouring Threads with surreal connections

Post 815

You can call me TC

Somewhat macabre:

Deathlist 2013 - not on the list

Where can I find some nice friendly girls?

Neighbouring Threads with surreal connections

Post 816

Cheerful Dragon

why is there always one teaspoon?

Neighbouring Threads with surreal connections

Post 817


Petty Hates
I don't like Mondays

Scanning the Edited Guide
Chronologically and carefully.
Well, 2legs is Doomed


Neighbouring Threads with surreal connections

Post 818

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

smiley - rofl at Geggs second one.

Neighbouring Threads with surreal connections

Post 819


Well, 2legs is Doomed
How did this happen?


Neighbouring Threads with surreal connections

Post 820


swl - More research needed to establish whether Icy North Bird = Word
Posted to A87799081 - Mersey Beat - From Newspaper to Sound

(oddly displayed in Pliny)

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