A Conversation for Ask h2g2

On not hating Christians

Post 301

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

But we've had Vicky's reprehensible views often enough, haven't we? Maybe it's time to draw a line under them. I'm happy to stop having to make it known that It's Just Not On, as I believe one is duty bound to, just so long as she's* happy to stop voicing them.

The intention of the thread was to discuss the perception of an attitude of hate towards Christians in general arising from certain heated battles. I guess we can see how at least some of the battles start now, and that it's a specific rather than general phenomenon.

*No offence intended. The taboo that some have against personal pronouns is known to run in families. Not all families regard it as insulting to refer to someone as 'she'.

On not hating Christians

Post 302

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

I've said many times, I am happy to get off the subject, you're the one who can't leave it alone. Will you ever be happy with anything less than 100% compliance with your views?

On not hating Christians

Post 303

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

>>they don't like Tolkien

I don't like Tolkien - but I thought that was a matter of taste. Can't say the other bits sound in any way like me. No SUV...definitely appreciate art - but don't own any. I don't even like Russell T Davies particularly, and I've not heard of Andrew Davies.

Hey ho!smiley - yawn

On not hating Christians

Post 304

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

>>I've said many times, I am happy to get off the subject, you're the one who can't leave it alone. Will you ever be happy with anything less than 100% compliance with your views?

It's a deal, then. Constructive contributions only, and no derailing with homophobic views.

On not hating Christians

Post 305


>> Will you ever be happy with anything less than 100% compliance with your views?<<

I personally am still mystified as to what's actually wrong with being a homosexual male.

But yes, let's move on.

On not hating Christians

Post 306


>>I personally am still mystified as to what's actually wrong with being a homosexual male<<

I think it's simply because Vicky had a bad experience with a gay man once, whereas she's had a flirtation with lesbianism. Therefore gay man=bad, gay woman=okay.

On not hating Christians

Post 307

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

Explanatory Note:
It is still, I feel, quite legitimate to discuss the homophobic beiefs and/or practices of *some* Christian groups. As I said, fully acknowledging that these are not a general feature of Christian groups, Christianity seems to be a general feature of groups campaigning against equality of sexuality.

Can we be clear, though, that I am not extending my disapproval of such views to all Christians? I am simply judging people according to secular moral criteria. And if someone tries to justify homophobia...well, I think one has a duty to object.

Obsession? Perhaps. But in counter to this, Archbishop Tutu does bemoan the Christian obsession with sexuality.

On not hating Christians

Post 308

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

And what makes you think I was speaking particularly about you? Although you are undeniably middle class... smiley - biggrin

*Some* defining characteristics, I said... and I gather all the rest fit you to a T?

On not hating Christians

Post 309

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

smiley - musicalnote She's the cat's mother, the mother of the smiley - catsmiley - musicalnote

*Several* * gay men, no flirtation with lesbianism, let's move on! Please!

*I was what's known as a f*g hag in my yoof...

On not hating Christians

Post 310

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

Vicky, you're being silly. No. They don't fit me. Only the Tolkein one that amused me because to some on this site it's a known idiosyncracy of mine. I really didn't think anyone took it seriously.

On not hating Christians

Post 311


>>no flirtation with lesbianism<< Post 2 of this conversation says otherwise: http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/alabaster/F71014?thread=1766327 It's not the fact that you lie which gets to me, it's the sheer transparity of your lies. >>I was what's known as a f*g hag in my yoof... << I don't believe you. While I know some gay guys can be exceptionally self-destructive, I don't believe there'd be any so self-hating as to associate with you.

On not hating Christians

Post 312


*transparency* even. I knew transparity wasn't a word even as I was writing it.

On not hating Christians

Post 313


All differences aside, V's rant on what makes middle class was so funny I laughed til a bit of wee came out. I don't think even she takes it *too* seriously, but way smiley - cool for someone who says she doesn't have a sense of humour.

On not hating Christians

Post 314

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Sigh.. you think you've caught me out and start screaming "Lies, lies" like the villagers with the flaming torches in an old film... Pathetic. Don't be a stereotype, man, be yourself!

It wasn't a flirtation with lesbianism. It was one event, with one woman, and it didn't even go as far as you're no doubt imagining, in fact it was simply a silly, friendly affectionate part of a much larger friendship - nothing dirty or nasty about it...

As for your last remark, you really have no idea have you?

Let's see, there was Graham, the insurance agent, with the long blonde wig, we shared a bottle of Mateus Rosè, and slept chastely together in his flat next door to my ex... who was less than thrilled..

There was Gary, who took me to his local Metropolitan Community church and talked about the problems of the gay man over 40..

That'll do for now...


On not hating Christians

Post 315


I agree that it would be best *now* to move on from sexuality. I think all parties have made it abundantly clear what they think.

I continue to be upset by some of what Vicky says. She's been challenged on it. But least she's been upfront in what she thinks. I find some people that won't voice their true feelings about gays more difficult if I really think about it.

On not hating Christians

Post 316

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

<< I don't think even she takes it *too* seriously, but way cool for someone who says she doesn't have a sense of humour.>>

Ah, grasshopper, you're not so slow after all! smiley - biggrin

On not hating Christians

Post 317

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Hello Effers! smiley - smileysmiley - biggrinsmiley - ok

It's good to see you here...


On not hating Christians

Post 318


>>As for your last remark, you really have no idea have you?

Let's see, there was Graham, the insurance agent, with the long blonde wig, we shared a bottle of Mateus Rosè, and slept chastely together in his flat next door to my ex... who was less than thrilled..

There was Gary, who took me to his local Metropolitan Community church and talked about the problems of the gay man over 40..<<

I just called you a liar - do you think I'm likely to believe you if you come up with a few names? I can invent names too.

On not hating Christians

Post 319


>>"Not homosexual, or a parent of any sort, and not I believe American, so that leaves - oh, you're middle class!"<<

Or maybe I just disapprove of rudeness masquerading as morality?

On not hating Christians

Post 320

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

What were we talking about again?

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