A Conversation for Ask h2g2


Post 61



Well, OK, no, perhaps not entirely certain. But definitely lacking the more visible ones in the more usual places...


Post 62

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

Apparently, at the premiere of Spiceworld, Scary Spice asked Prince Charles if Prince Albert had a Prince Albert.


Post 63

Thatprat - With a new head/wall interface mechanism

I'd like to think so. They are named after him after all. smiley - winkeye


Post 64

Liftliker - Share And Enjoy

I'm going for the Prydonian Seal next, left arm though.

A few years back got a red question mark (a la Colin Baker's collar) on the right shoulder but I reacted badly to the red ink & had to get it re-coloured blue.

Slightly annoyingly, people occasionally ask if it's a reference to the Riddler. I'm a Batman fan too but that's not the reason...


Post 65

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

Starting to look like a job lot of Prydonian Seals...smiley - winkeye


Post 66

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

No! No! I can't have that! I will NOT have people going around advertising their over-fondness for TV SciFi!


Post 67

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

*decides not to get the heroes-style BBC2 logo on face after all*

seeing as how you think it's a bad thing...


Post 68

Sho - employed again!

that would have been a cool tattoo - but I bet there are zillions of them now

what about a Stargate-SG-1 stylee jaffa tattoo on the forehead?


Post 69


How can the enduring myth of the sailor being a poof co-exist with the legend of having a girl in every port?


Post 70

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

They take it and they put it where ever they can.


Post 71

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

And good for them!


Post 72

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

Prof Steve Jones was on the radio a while back, trying to explain the concept that dispositions (eg genetic) don't automatically define outcomes, but can be turned on or off depending on environmental conditions. He said,
"For example, the Royal Navy used to have a law that said homosexuality was illegal until you were forty-six days out from port."
smiley - biggrin


Post 73


smiley - rofl


Post 74


After 46 days a man would probably shag a hole in a barber's floor.


Post 75

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

A story from Brendan Behan's autobiog:

In the late forties, Dublin was populated by a number of US 'remittance men' with easy access to money and therefore to smiley - stout. One was a former USN sailor who'd been quietly dismissed with a healthy pension after kidding on that he was gay. This gave a visiting British naval officer a cunning plan. On returning to his ship after leave, he went to see his CO.
"Sir," he reported, "I've started to have certain feelings towards my oppo,"
"Oh, I know," the CO told him, "He is rather gorgeous. Just try and be discrete, will you? He's already seeing my XO and I don't want him to get jealous."


Post 76

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

That is beautiful.


Post 77

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

Yes, very touching. smiley - love


Post 78

Secretly Not Here Any More

Tattoos... Where do I start?

I absolutely can't stand them. People I know with them fall into three categories: Morons, my mother* and my girlfriend**.

My Uncle has a faded Manyoo crest with two black bars under it - one to cover up each of his ex-wives names.
My cousin has a scribbled-over name of an ex-girlfriend masquerading as a celtic hedge.
My mate Joe (who hates being called Joseph) has the word "JOSEPH" tattooed on his own forearm for all eternity - at least he won't need to change it any time soon.
My policeman mate has the sort of crappy flame decal you see on a 1980s muscle car tattooed on his ankle and up his shin.

All of those people are branded for life with moronic symbols because they thought it was funny at the time. Why would you do such a stupid thing, of your own volition, and pay for it?

*I can't call my own mum a moron.
** See above, only moreso.


Post 79

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

Because what falls into moronic or crappy design is somewhat subjective...


Post 80

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

the flaming shin sounds rather sexy if done right. I susally find that these things depend a lot on the artist and their relationship to the canvas... Your average joe who wanders in and asks for a huge piece of flash, decided upon at that moment is less likely to get the artists' attention in the same way as someone who has considered and thought about what they want and discussed it with the artist....

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