The Whoa that is Me

Initially embarking on this life thing in June 1970, it's working out fairly average so far.
My upbringing on a succession of RAF camps led to an unhelpful tendency to wander off every so often, although I find I cherish staying put a lot more of late.
I have been so far disinclined to spawn, having no wish to saddle future generations with my surname, my hairline or the strong possibility of left-handedness. Don't get me wrong, I'm proud of what I am, dammit, but the unthinking ergonomic chauvinism of the right-handed engineer and the naked profiteering of those purveyors of southpaw scissors - may their nethers be itchy! - is not something I want any descendant of mine to have to endure.
I play bass - very well, according to local legend - but I have very little idea of what I'm actually doing, like what the notes are. I never knowingly learned any scales. My bass is a Westone Thunder III, the neck-thru, oh yes. Weighs a ton, but gorgeous. There's also a cheap P-bass copy lurking in my flat for occasions when a more BMX approach is required.
I also play the guitars - about as capably, but that's my little secret. You notice I pluralised there. Ha! Electrically speaking, I have a left-handed (+15%) Encore Strat-copy mit der custom pickup and that is my joy-rider. I play it like I stole it, and all my most shameful excesses were perpetrated thereon until recently, when I acquired a wondrous left-handed Ibanez. This is a guitar I could happily settle down & have children with. I also have my 'orthodox' £17.99 catalogue acoustic which I approach as if it were an entirely different instrument; reversing the chord shapes is not as straightforward as you might think.
I sing, but only if I think nobody will notice. I am rather good at harmonising, which is somewhat hampered by the nobody noticing thing. Hmm.
I don't play the drums or the piano, but that's only because I have neither. Obviously there are many instruments I don't play, but I'd prefer not to go into why.
I, like many others, put 'Jedi' on my census return. I wasn't kidding. May I stress that I don't actually think I have superhuman abilities and mystical powers, I'm speaking philosophically here. Would be cool though.
I'd like to live out my final years tending an allotment, with a police box for a shed.
In the meantime, some occasional smooching never goes amiss.

I am LiftLiker, applied bystander, accidental lothario.


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