A Conversation for Ask h2g2


Post 721


Well, I'm flabbergasted K, blame the dictionary, not us! Mind you, its a spoken word, not written so the spelling might be negotiable. Try Gubbings. and Palava.


Post 722


Besides, its probably against the law to fib on h2g2.


Post 723


Having done a general websearch for gubbins. The word is out there, indeed there are several people who are called Gubbins.


Post 724


Palaver is in. Gubbins (or even Gubbings) definitely is not.

Perhaps those of you who think the word exists are experienced a shared delusion.smiley - winkeye


Post 725


Oops... that should be 'experiencing'.smiley - smiley


Post 726

Percy von Wurzel

We are all experiencing a shared delusion. It is called 'life'.
I will vouch for 'palaver' (predominantly NW areas of the UK.

Palaver Gubbins

Post 727

You can call me TC

No they aren't - I agree with those definitions of gubbins, although I would plump more for the contents of green box than what was behind the fridge. And I hadn't been North of Norwich until I was something like 18, so it's not geographically limited.

What about fibs, palaver, flabbergasted - who was trying to smuggle them in to confuse us? Etymologists unite. This is fun!

Palaver Gubbins

Post 728


It was Pheroneous who was making a palaver because he was flabergasted when Kaeori said that I was telling fibs over the word gubbins.

Does that make sense?


Post 729


Don't get stroppy K, trust your friends.

just now

Post 730


goodmorning...what the hell does btw mean?is there a entry on much used abbriviations.is desire an emotion that can be controlled?if it is its something less than desire i would think.gotta run.........

just now

Post 731


By the way, James. Another popular one here (H2G2) is imho (In my humble opinion) with or without the h. Good idea for entry..why dont you do it?

just now

Post 732


by the way james, btw smiley - winkeye


Post 733


Kaeori. Dictionary.com defines gubbins as "something whose name is forgotten or not known" As to the Britishness or otherwise, who knows where it comes from?


Post 734


Stroppy? No, no, no - I'm innocent.

Can I plead guilty to the lesser charge of being mischievous?smiley - smiley


Post 735


Name forgotten? But that's not what you guys said!

Is it?smiley - bigeyes


Post 736


I thought it was, nearly. I mean we all know whats in those boxes (wires) its just that when confronted by the apparent anarchy therein we are flummoxed, and thus forget.

Recently I have often heard the phrase "so and so's got a bit of a strop on" which comes from stroppy, presumably a derivative of obstreperous. There a slight chinese whispers effect here, as obstreperous, to my mind, means a wilful or stubborn crossness, whereas 'got a strop on' just implies a tantrum.

The only 'strop' I can think of, hangs in a Barbers shop and is that piece of leather that is used to hone an open razor. And I cannot connect that to stroppy.


Post 737


The other thing with strops was they were also used as corpral punishment tools (like belts and canes).


Post 738


but I cannot see any connection from the strap type strop to a temper tantrum, so it must be obstreperous. But I don't see K leaping at this, so I suppose we shall have to accept her plea to the lesser offence, in the hope she will return to the fray and absorb some of these words into the vocabulary.

I imagine that British English has two roots, the Germanic Anglo Saxon invasion and the Latin French that came with 1066 and all that. Thus there are two almost equivalent words for most things, (beer/ale, odd/peculiar, old/ancient) only one of which has gone forward to International English, leaving the other to languish in this backwater of h2g2 (Perhaps this has been said before, but if you think I am going back through 700 (700!!!) odd entries...)


Post 739

Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2

So what is a flabber and how precisely is it gasted?


Post 740

Beatrice Joanna

I'm with you - "palaver" (pronounced perlarva) is actually in the Oxford English dictionary:

1. n. fuss and bother, profuse or idle talk, cajolery; sl. affair, business; (esp. hist.) parley between African or other natives and traders etc.
2. v. talk profusely, flatter, wheedle.

- cajolery - there's a few Scrabble points there......

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