A Conversation for Ask h2g2
The GiGaTHREAD (a clean slate)
kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website Posted Jul 26, 2004
ignoring advice:(
GiGaBaNE Posted Jul 26, 2004
to be perfectly honest there are 3 reasons for this
1: i miss some of them.
2: i forget some of them.
3: its like the first time you get in a car with the driving instructer,
he keeps telling you what he want's, but you just want to tell him to shut up and just leave you alone for twenty minits to get the hang of the controls.
you dont mean to be ignorant or impolite, you just got to do what you got to do, try to learn it all at once and youll just stall the car.
ignoring advice:(
kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website Posted Jul 26, 2004
Also understandable. I tend to be a bit of a hands on learner myself. I do like to read the instruction book first (or alongside) for things that are complicated.
ignoring advice:(
GiGaBaNE Posted Jul 26, 2004
right im off to bed people.
i have decided i will call an end on midnight monday.
so if you need to clarrify any point before i go please state it here, and do ot well.
after midnight i wont be around here again for a good few years.
its been a great pleasure meeting so many minds. even the ones that dont understand how precious your seconds on this world really matter.
and i hope you guys will remember me when you see the first shoots of my new empire, sprout throught the veil of secrecy.
GiGaBaNE (of the 13th Zodiac)
"may our childrens lives be better than our own"
ignoring advice:(
Mrs Zen Posted Jul 26, 2004
Well, GiGaBaNE, if we don't have the chance to interact before you leave, it has been interesting and fun getting to know you.
I hope you got something useful ouf of this site, even if you weren't able to recruit anyone here.
I, for one, have certainly enjoyed your visit.
Good luck, and may life deal you some better cards than it has so far.
Drop by again, sometime.
Please don't leave!!!!
Loup Dargent Posted Jul 26, 2004
The subject line might not change your mind but, at least, it will let you know that some of us did like having you around [and, I guess that even those who mocked you did as well somehow...]...
I can't say that I agree with everything you've said on here and, I certainly have some hang-ups about what you're offering, but I sure learned a few things through your threads...
So, in a way, you have used <./>Askh2g2</.> as it was/is intended to be after all: a questions/answers/discussions thingy...
All the best...
Please don't leave!!!!
Loup Dargent Posted Jul 26, 2004
Regarding the sock puppet thing... I would not worry too much about that... and that doesn't actually apply to you...
To cut a long explanation short, a sock puppet is another persona/account created by someone who is losing an argument and wants to make his/her opponents believe that s/he has some people supporting his/her views...
[That was the short version...]
As I said that doesn't apply to you...
I noticed that you left an email addy somewhere in one of the threads and, in case you leave h2g2 [though I do hope you won't], is it still ok to contact you through it?!...
Please don't leave!!!!
GiGaBaNE Posted Jul 26, 2004
for all intrested parties.
the email address is valid, and purely for the purpose of you guys.
for those who have actually written with regard to a new work life.
1: dont expect anythign in the next year, im busy but will take care of it.
2: dont give me your life history, your born name will be suficient.
i more than have the capability to locate and identify you, and if you are genuine, you will be contacted.
just remember, the type of job you would do is entirely dependant on what you can do.
no taxes
full medical for life
incmoe is normaly based on an anual basis, even if you dont have enough work to do. why would your needs reduce because your workload has.
and probably the one thing that makes it worth it.
minds like my own would spend their lives, trying to improve the quality of your life.
Please don't leave!!!!
Teasswill Posted Jul 26, 2004
Gigabane, I'm at a bit of a loss to know why you are planning to leave h2g2 so soon. Did you intend drop in in merely in the hope of recruiting some employees? You haven't allowed yourself much time - some people are here daily, others infrequently.
I feel it is a shame not to stay & get to know the place a bit better.
There's just one point I'd like to pick up from another thread.
I think you have little insight into the human psyche if you think that forcible agreement is feasible.
Please don't leave!!!!
Xanatic Posted Jul 26, 2004
Gigabane, I also don´t think you should be leaving. I know you´ve had to put up with a lot of mockery. But still, there are some great people on h2g2. If you want to educate yourself, I think this would be a pretty good place to do it. Might help you achieve world domination And as you have noticed in the Tolkien thread, there are a lot of other interesting things to talk about on here.
Please don't leave!!!!
GiGaBaNE Posted Jul 26, 2004
Im afraid that my leaving has nothing to do with whether iam liked or disliked here.
I came here with ONE task in mind.
to find a name to the style of political system i am designing for a "utopian, but workable society".
yeah i know it seems inpossible, but if people dont strive then how can we achieve at all.
You have to reach for the stars if you want the best view.
the subject of emplyees just sort of came up. as did the rest, but only so people could get a basic concept. enugh to give it a name.
i really dont have time for chat rooms and forums, but when i came here i decided that it was worth a few days of my life.
i am not arrogant, i am scared. NO_ONE has ever really tried to dedicate their every waking thought to fixing society.
my opieons may be flawed in some areas, but at least im trying.
I would say i am on an official QUEST for humanity.
whatever i achieve in life, you the world, are only ever meant to take the partst you like the look of.
as too the rest, that is the business of me and my people.
we will leave you planet as soon as possible.
IF there isnt enough room on this planet for everyone to have there personal freedoms then we must get more space...
all you need to worry about is the fact that my core law system IS the rights of humanity, not just referenced to them.
IT will not exist if i cant make it follow this rule.
as to gay people, well i guess we will have figured it out in the next thousand years or so..
i am pro manogamy and anti gay, in much the same way a person would choose liberal or conservative.
nothing wrong with having a point of view.
especially if a person is the sum of thier experience.
just remember that science has already proved that no two humans physacaly see th world in the same way(something to do with the eyes discarding most of the information, and memory and other parts of the brain filling the gabs)(i think the brain does this because a parrales data burst will always be faster than a serial transmission)
if we can be so fundamentaly different in such a simple way,what else is different.
every mind on this planet is precious, and if we could cohesivly put together all of our knowledge and creativity. there is nothing we cannot achieve.
and if people still think immortality is impossible, then look again, because there are people smarter than me who could prove it wrong....some day.
in the mean time...ill be working on cryogenics and replacement bodyparts...
Please don't leave!!!!
Xanatic Posted Jul 26, 2004
Well, I did think it was good to have somebody here who cared that much about changing the world. It might never have been very realistic, but good to see someone with ambition to create something bigger than themselves.
Please don't leave!!!!
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Jul 27, 2004
>> ..every mind on this planet is precious, and if we could cohesivly put together all of our knowledge and creativity. there is nothing we cannot achieve. <<
I think I've finally figured out who GiGaBaNe is. It's HayZeus. And this has been the 2nd coming.
Not quite what we'd been expecting. So please forgive those who didn't recognise you or tried to crucify you.
Please don't leave!!!!
Doc U Posted Jul 27, 2004
Heyyyyy Zeus, Hey-ey Zeus
My Yahweh don't mess around . . .
Sorry about that. That whole savin' the world thing does seem a bit like a Messiah complex, though. Reminds me eerily of Catcher in the Rye. Holden wound up in a mental institution, remember. And Jesus was crucified. And, while I'm on the subject, Socrates was executed, too.
Sorry for being the voice of extreme pessimism. I didn't mean to imply that GiGa's on the verge of insanity, honest. It just seems like . . . a big task for one person. I mean, this is society we're talking about - the collective product of six billion people, or at least 293 million. To make a huge, huge difference, you've got to have something really revolutionary . . . which more often than not turns out to be a revolution. And we all know what revolutions can do (look at Russia from 1917 to 1991, or China, or Cambodia).
Yikes, I'm depressing myself now. Perhaps I should say that revolutionary changes can be positive (such as the effect of computers and widespread Internet access) and that revolutionaries, if they have the right ideas, can lead good, full lives (e.g. Bill Gates, George Washington, and so on).
Fine Diversion
Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit Posted Jul 27, 2004
I agree with Ben. I think the whole GiGa expisode has been refreshing and entertaining. Ask H2G2 generally consists of 3 conversations:
1) Who wants a ?
2) America sucks.
3) What have you got in your belly button right now?
with the occasional "What have I done to my PC?" to break up the monotony. But since Giga has been here, we've branched off into untapped conversational goldmines like:
1) "Science" - by the Unscientific
2) "Politics" - by the Politically Naive
3) "How to Heal the World" - by a Bloody Loon
And through it all, Giga has been alternately yelled at and ridiculed (obviously I've chosen the latter), but has maintained his composure (he called Hoo "Mr. Science", and Hoo certainly said worse to him), and has even (quite shockingly and totally out of place, which must mean it is against House Rules) admitted he was wrong when people showed him he was wrong.
I for one have found the whole thing delightfully entertaining, and will miss it when it's gone. Take care, GiGa. I respect your convictions and I admire your attitude, even if I think every one of your ideas is daft.
One thing I have not found amusing is this habit of certain researchers telling him where he can post, and what he can post. I for one have not seen a single post of his that violated House Rules... even when he could have had very good reason to violate them with extreme prejudice.
Fine Diversion
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Jul 27, 2004
>> ..have not seen a single post of his that violated House Rules...<<
He was a quiet and loving peaceful man.
It was his gentle demeanor, his refusal to get riled and his patience that impressed me. The rest of it was just science-fiction, but hey this a sci-fi site, right!
He came as the stranger in a strange land and we ganged up and stoned him, trying to drive him away. Even when someone called him a sock puppet, which he took to be an insult, he barely grimaced.
Imagine if you didn't know what a sock puppet was:
Socks are smelly and unpleasant things; puppets are dumb and clumsy beings that rely on others to manipulate them. If one doesn't know that a sock puppet is an amateurish form of cyber-ventriloquism, one could easily and rightly take great offense at being called a smelly ragdoll.
But GiGaBaNe turned the other cheek.
This struck me as unusual, even 'saintly'. Then it struck me when I thought of his plan for world peace and harmony. Yup, I said straight off, that's gotta be HayZeus, he's come back.
And what better place to start than h2g2? Is this not the modern Temple of original thought and great ideas? Here, where no stranger goes unoffended, no newbie goes uninsulted and peaceniks wait to be bombarded with scorn. He has come to our Temple and found us unholy and unworthy.
Farewell HayZeus, see ya in another 2000 years. Drop us a postcard this time though willya? Let us know how the terraforming and colonisations are going out there in the void.
Fine Diversion
kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website Posted Jul 27, 2004
>>Imagine if you didn't know what a sock puppet was:
Socks are smelly and unpleasant things; puppets are dumb and clumsy beings that rely on others to manipulate them.<<
I've enjoyed the diversion too, and I found some of his ideas interesting as well as his thinking process. The enjoyment became less as the diversion went on in the Tolkien thread though. I've also found some of his ideas disturbing and not the kind of thing that any one else here would get away with syaing unchallenged.
>>One thing I have not found amusing is this habit of certain researchers telling him where he can post, and what he can post.
Blatherskite, that statement is vague enough to not be terribly useful - there has been a wide range of responses to GGB so it's hard to know what you are meaning.
If you are partly referring to me there I think that you will find that I initially made a suggestion to everyone to take the GGB convo out of the Tolkien thread, as it was negatively affecting that thread (as opposed to the usual kinds of topic drift). Later I gave GGB a way of being able to respond to posts about him and his ideas, without overly disrupting the thread.
Given he is a newbie I don't see the problem with this.
I for one have not seen a single post of his that violated House Rules... even when he could have had very good reason to violate them with extreme prejudice.
One of his posts (about telling an American to take his German friend to the top of the Eye and jump off) got modded. It's been repeated in one of GGB's PS convos if you want to see it.
Key: Complain about this post
The GiGaTHREAD (a clean slate)
- 41: kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website (Jul 26, 2004)
- 42: GiGaBaNE (Jul 26, 2004)
- 43: kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website (Jul 26, 2004)
- 44: GiGaBaNE (Jul 26, 2004)
- 45: Mrs Zen (Jul 26, 2004)
- 46: Loup Dargent (Jul 26, 2004)
- 47: Loup Dargent (Jul 26, 2004)
- 48: GiGaBaNE (Jul 26, 2004)
- 49: Teasswill (Jul 26, 2004)
- 50: Xanatic (Jul 26, 2004)
- 51: GiGaBaNE (Jul 26, 2004)
- 52: Xanatic (Jul 26, 2004)
- 53: Mrs Zen (Jul 26, 2004)
- 54: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Jul 27, 2004)
- 55: Doc U (Jul 27, 2004)
- 56: Ommigosh (Jul 27, 2004)
- 57: Mrs Zen (Jul 27, 2004)
- 58: Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit (Jul 27, 2004)
- 59: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Jul 27, 2004)
- 60: kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website (Jul 27, 2004)
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