A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What are our Researchers Reading?

Post 21


Well at the moment I'm in the middle of Polgara The Sorceress by David Eddings and might have to start reading one of his others as its got to back to the library soon.

In regards to Terry Pratchett, I think his newer books have got a lot more complex and so you have to really concentrate to pick up all the small clues he has with his plots. I always find that reading it twice is more enjoyable as once you know the story you can find all the little bits that make it up. I think they're also not as funny as the jokes are more subtle now and so I laugh less when reading them. Not a good thing (but it gets rid of the strange looks I get when I laugh out loud for no reason). smiley - smiley

My fave character has got to be Granny. Good example of girl power, but she would probably tell me to stop being silly and glare at people to get my way.


What are our Researchers Reading?

Post 22


Granny's pretty cool... as to my favourite character, though... hmmm. I might, perhaps, go for Coin, the sourcerer... either him or the Patrician... or perhaps Leonard of Quirm...

In fact, I can think of a lot of TP's characters that I like... it'd be hard to pick just one.

I'll think about it smiley - smiley


What are our Researchers Reading?

Post 23


Nah, come on, the best character is Death. Has to be. Even if it's only to remind him you said that when he comes for you. smiley - winkeye

What are our Researchers Reading?

Post 24


But who would you rather coming after you Death or Granny? smiley - smiley

What are our Researchers Reading?

Post 25

Researcher XXX

I am reading Aerospace Engineering at Southampton University! smiley - bigeyes

What are our Researchers Reading?

Post 26


Hmmm, it's worth noting perhaps that Death was in fact beaten by Granny on at least one occasion...

*grin* Okay, let's change the question... if all TP's characters were to fight it out, which one would be left at the end?

I'm going to go for... the God Om, just at the point when he's stopped being a tortoise and is the most powerful God on the disk... sounds pretty powerful to me... smiley - smiley


What are our Researchers Reading?

Post 27


Oh I don't know, I think perhaps the Librarian would still be hanging around, dropping peanut shells on the corpses, and feeling pretty happy that no-one was left to damage his beloved books!

What are our Researchers Reading?

Post 28


I'm reading Steven Baxter's 'Titan'.
It's about these old astronauts, right, that decide to fly on a one-way trip to Titan and stuff.

What are our Researchers Reading?

Post 29

Demon Drawer

Yeah great book.

*Carefully sneaks out again without giving away the ending*

What are our Researchers Reading?

Post 30


Surely it would be Rincewind he'd just run away until there was only one guy left and accidentally win due to some convenient plot device.

What are our Researchers Reading?

Post 31


Okay... since so many TP characters are candidates, let's reverse the question... which TP characters could TP *not*, with all the will in the world, have left over at the end of the aformentioned battle?

I think, perhaps, Eric, from 'Eric', is the best I can come up with...


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