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I am definitely not, however, chopped liver.

Post 8421

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

Don't talk to me about Gilles de smiley - bleeping Tourette! He was a smiley - bleeping smiley - bleep.

I am definitely not, however, chopped liver.

Post 8422

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

My favourite sentence in the whole of Scottish literature is from Irving Welsh's 'Trainspotting':

'Yis could jist f***ing tell that some f***ing c**t wis goantae f**k that c**t.'

Now, if that's not witty, intelligent play with grammatical form, show me what is.

I am definitely not, however, chopped liver.

Post 8423

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Vicky once again (still again? forever again?) you are not addressing the point. I am not saying that you said anti-Zionism = anti-Semititism or Aunti anything. You made an assumption about a group of people because they had Jewish names. *That* is what is upsetting, *that* is what is racist.

Read the words slowly, over and over if necessary.

I am definitely not, however, chopped liver.

Post 8424

clzoomer- a bit woobly


By all means, address the spelling and not the content if that will deflect it enough for you, Vickster!

I am definitely not, however, chopped liver.

Post 8425

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Taliesin, don't be absurd. I work with people with disabilities, including Tourettes. That's a whole other matter from monotonous effing and blinding because the person "expressing" themselves can't think of anything cleverer... As you well know.

Why this rabid defence of idiocy? It's weird.

I am definitely not, however, chopped liver.

Post 8426

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!


smiley - erm, how about precious, self-indulgent, twee and the kind of thing that would have all over it "Supported by the Scottish Council for the promotion of Literature". Poncy, is what it is...

I am definitely not, however, chopped liver.

Post 8427

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

<< I am not saying that you said anti-Zionism = anti-Semititism or Aunti anything.>>
No, I didn't say that. You did and Edward did. Stop trying to confuse the issue.
No, I didn't. You and Edward assume I did. My assumption about Mr Aaronovitch was based on the articles by him that our local paper reprints. My assumption about Hitchens was based on his own claims.

My assumption wasn't wrong. All of those people supported the invasion of Iraq. My assumption as to why they do may have been wrong, but I am not convinced of that. Yellow cake uranium and Al Quaeda are clearly wrong grounds to support it. What's left?

I am definitely not, however, chopped liver.

Post 8428


Hah, you're just anti-Touretteite!

smiley - erm


smiley - erm


smiley - erm


smiley - tongueincheek

I am definitely not, however, chopped liver.

Post 8429

badger party tony party green party

Its not idiocy, its fredom of expression and you and your like havent got the wit to tell the difference.

My Grandmother raised 9 children, kept the household solvent and worked full or part time jobs most of her adult life. Dont call her an idiot.

What you have failed to answer is the question if you like Stephen Fry so much how do you square that with the uneducated assumption of your mothers that people who swear are poorly educated, lack intelligence and imagination.

As I have said before I wont argue over poorly educated. As Fry was Educated in a chool where he was raped and Miss Flavell was educated in a pooorly funded school when she actually could be haragued into going.

Yet I have never seen a moment where they showed a lack of intelligence or imagination.

Ed, its not a rabbit hole it is the very pith and marrow of religionist schtick.

Some idiot says something they think elevates them above others some other idiot buys into the argument because they admire the speaker and it seems like a good idea to them.

When Della as with her religious ideas is asked to examine this in the light of widely known facts she dodges the question rather than fess up to the obvious conclusion that her argument from authority is nothing more than a regurgitated, crock of shit opinion.

one love smiley - rainbow

I am definitely not, however, chopped liver.

Post 8430


I think it says a lot about the education, intelligence, and wit, that so far on this thread that so far no one has used the word, 'Belgium' smiley - smiley

Oops! smiley - blush

smiley - run

I am definitely not, however, chopped liver.

Post 8431

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Indeed! That reminds me, I have to write to my friend the Belgian Poet...

He's black - just saying... What do you make of that, Blicky? smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

I am definitely not, however, chopped liver.

Post 8432

clzoomer- a bit woobly

*What nationality/ethnicity (religion) uis shared by Hitchens' mother and second wife, and these gents?*

So you divined the fact that they were all Jewish through research, did you? Totally independent of the fact that they have Jewish names? How amazingly thorough of you considering that just taking note of the fact that they were Jewish with that *research* is odd. To what end did you collect information about their *nationality/ethnicity (religion)? And given that you included *religion*, what sects are they?

I am definitely not, however, chopped liver.

Post 8433

badger party tony party green party

What do I make of it?

smiley - erm

Very little, that there are Belgian poets: I knew that.

That there are black poets: This I also already knew.

That there are black Belgians: Ive met a bunch of them while there.

That there are black Belgian poets who you know: So what?

Id really like to know why you havent retracted your statement about people who swear?

Ive answered your question how about you do the decent thing and answer mine.

smiley - rainbow

I am definitely not, however, chopped liver.

Post 8434

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!


I spent much longer than I should have writing a long piece explaining what it was really all about, and the computer or the server threw a wobbly. I really can't be bothered re-doing it.

Suffice it to say you're making a federal case out of nothing. I won't be bothered trying to 'defend' myself - I've done nothing wrong. I am neither anti-semitic nor anti-Jewish.

Conversely, I am not pro-Semitic or pro-Jewish either.
Are you trying to go with the old "all Christians are anti-Jewish" canard? It won't work, in the teeth of the abundant evidence to the contrary!

I am definitely not, however, chopped liver.

Post 8435

badger party tony party green party

Funny how your server often does that Della, throwing a wobbly after you have composed a long and indepth post which leaves you seemingly no option but to restate you earlier claims.

My question which you keep ignoring and Im begining to think its because you yourself cant cope with giving an honest answer is a simple yes or no affair.

You either stand by your mothers claim or you dont. Which is it?

smiley - rainbow

I am definitely not, however, chopped liver.

Post 8436

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Never mind blic, it's the old *the dog ate my homework* story again.

No conspiracies, Vic- you just don't seem to realise that intent needn't even be there (although I suspect it may be), the statement itself was racist. No need to apologise, just say that there was no intention by you of accidentally making the racist comment.

I am definitely not, however, chopped liver.

Post 8437

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Blicky, you really are a wee bit slow on the uptake aren't you? I don't answer you, period.

But as you won't stop throwing a tantrum, I'll give in, and answer.

Of course I stand by what my mother said. She was right. I don't care whether it's Stephen Fry, or that's Scots 'genius', as soon as someone resorts to effing and blinding, either they've run out of clever things to say, or they're facing a real tragedy. In the case of the drunks in the street slurring 'bl**dy F***ing c***s', at police who go by, or an angry husband calling his wife a **** when he's had a skinful, or a teenage gum-chewing girl with a nose-ring, calling her fellow schoolgirl a ****ing ***** because she won't 'giz a lend of $5', tragedy is most unlikely to be the explanation.

As to film and TV writers who think they are being clever and defying the middle classes (whilst remaining firmly part of the Ponsonby or Soho New York, or Canary Wharf dwelling media luvvies), words fail me. Saddos, who are not as brilliant as they think they are! smiley - laugh

I am definitely not, however, chopped liver.

Post 8438

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Unreal! Honest to goodness thought-crime! Orwell would be so proud that you'd proved his point...

I don't have to say it. You know it. You're just sh*t-stirring, because you've nothing better to do. (Or to keep your membership in good standing, of Honest Reporting.) smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Get a life.

I am definitely not, however, chopped liver.

Post 8439

badger party tony party green party

"Blicky, you really are a wee bit slow on the uptake aren't you? I don't answer you, period.smiley - book

Slow would be not being able to see through another one of your tranparent lies. If there is anyone who hasnt seen Della answering me in the very recent past please make it known and I'll be be happy with just a couple of mouse clicks to show ou different.

"But as you won't stop throwing a tantrum, I'll give in, and answer.smiley - book

Dont do tantrums, because of hysterical women like you who start to panic and scream about intimidation the moment a big scary looking black man so much as dares to express any emotion.

What I was doing was posting a question, please dont project emotions on to me that arent mine.

Of course I stand by what my mother said. She was right.smiley - book

Your mother was in possesion of an opinion a worthless and unfounded one I see that somethings run in the family, Della your sons opinions were based in falshood just as much as hers.

"I don't care whether it's Stephen Fry, or that's Scots 'genius', as soon as someone resorts to effing and blinding, either they've run out of clever things to say, or they're facing a real tragedy.smiley - book

Well at least Irvine Welsh can get his gramma right.

"In the case of the drunks in the street slurring 'bl**dy F***ing c***s', at police who go by, or an angry husband calling his wife a **** when he's had a skinful, or a teenage gum-chewing girl with a nose-ring, calling her fellow schoolgirl a ****ing ***** because she won't 'giz a lend of $5', tragedy is most unlikely to be the explanation.smiley - book

You just roll out the same old prejudices. Its a shame that your husbands got drunk and beat you but dont hate all men for it and its a shame that you had to give up your first son for adoption hwne you were a teen mum but why give out all this meaningless stick to whole groups of peope all the time? It does you no favours.

"As to film and TV writers who think they are being clever and defying the middle classes (whilst remaining firmly part of the Ponsonby or Soho New York, or Canary Wharf dwelling media luvvies), words fail me. Saddos, who are not as brilliant as they think they are!smiley - book

Agani with the meaningless stereotypes, give over take your foot of the prejudice pedal and put your brain into gear before you engage the gob.

I am definitely not, however, chopped liver.

Post 8440

Rudest Elf

"it's the old *the dog ate my homework* story again."

Which brought this to mind: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Gx_EYv8JYI&feature=usersmiley - bigeyes

smiley - reindeer

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