A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Offence taken, none intended!

Post 8301

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Here's something to yikes then.

In favour of the invasion of Iraq - Charles Krauthammer, Richard Perle, Bill Kristol, etc.

Read this
"Indeed, it is the charge of “anti-Semitism” itself that is toxic. For this venerable slander is designed to nullify public discourse by smearing and intimidating foes and censoring and blacklisting them and any who would publish them. Neocons say we attack them because they are Jewish. We do not. We attack them because their warmongering threatens our country>>

From an American conservative.

Have you never even heard of Jewish anti-Zionists? They certainly exist. Would you call them anti-semitic? Yeah, I suppose you would!

The men named above, like Ariel Sharon himself, shame the majority of peaceable Jews.

A person's name doesn't indicate religious or political leaning.

Post 8302


Vicky there's all the difference in the world between Jews as a race and religous Jews, because many Jews are atheist. You've never seen me give religious Jews any easier time than christians or Muslims

A person's name doesn't indicate religious or political leaning.

Post 8303

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Read the title line, Vicky.

Offence taken, none intended!

Post 8304


Hi there just checking in on the postings, as a nonbrliever I've been trying to come up with a OH my God sub. How about Oh Vonnegut or OH Adams! As a voice from the wilderness, may I ask would there be a God without humans to think of one? Critical thinking 101, authors do write for their own selfinterest.

A person's name doesn't indicate religious or political leaning.

Post 8305

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

>>Oh grow up, Edward!

>>Why do Jews and Buddhists get a pass, from atheist fundamentalists and yet no other religion does?

Well...as it happens, Hitchens has a pop not only at Judaism but Buddhism (the latter as represented by WWII Japanese sects and by the Dalai Lama. Gotta respect someone with the chutzpah to attack the latter!). And I don't recall having given a free pass to either myself. In fact, the suggestion that Judaism has a free pass is also, I suggest, indicative of anti-semitism.

As for growing up...perhaps as part of my education towards maturity, Vicky, you'd like to explain more clearly why you drew a connectiion between the background of the three people I named? If you weren't simply being anti-semitic, what point were you trying to make?

I'm giving you a chance to explain.

A person's name doesn't indicate religious or political leaning.

Post 8306

clzoomer- a bit woobly

The aforementioned nephew has a Jewish last name, my neice kept the Italian one she got from my brother-in-law. What do you think their political beliefs are, Vicky? And what ceremony were they married under?

I wish the majority of those wasting time with this fight would go to oblivion.

Post 8307


'A person's name doesn't indicate religious or political leaning.'

indeed: both Diocletian and Constantine used the title 'Augustus'.smiley - winkeye

I wish the majority of those wasting time with this fight would go Valhol and take a big swig of mead before and after hacking each other to bits.

Post 8308




How about just keeping 'Oh my god!' but not capitalising it when you say it?

If you put a human name in there, the religious will think that you are worshipping that human which, I suspect, is not your intended message. Just go ahead and appropriate the myths of the religious for your own purposes, I say.

I wish the majority of those wasting time with this fight would go to oblivion.

Post 8309

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

Since Vicky is now using the distraction tactic of trying to widen the discussion into a not strictly relevant one on general middle eastern issues, perhaps it would be useful to remind ouselves of her original comment:

"I see a whacking huge elephant in the room right there! I am not going to name it... I am sure you're capable of recognising it. Clue. What nationality/ethnicity (religion) uis shared by Hitchens' mother and second wife, and these gents?"

Would anyone - even Vicky herself - care to explain how this can be taken as anything but anti-semitism?

I wish the majority of those wasting time with this fight would go Valhol and take a big swig of mead before and after hacking each other to bits.

Post 8310


That would be less complicated and in keeping with cultural up bringing Yah But not nearly as much fun or provacative. Sorry humans are humans!

Damn the apologetics: pass the Trebbiano

Post 8311


Perhaps Vicky meant that Hitchens should be nicer to religious people because he's a Jew.smiley - erm

Damn the apologetics: pass the Trebbiano

Post 8312


Are you two some kind of morons?

I wish the majority of those wasting time with this fight would go Valhol and take a big swig of mead before and after hacking each other to bits.

Post 8313


How about 'Oh huitzilopochtli!' (cf. http://www.windows.ucar.edu/tour/link=/mythology/huitzilopochtli_sun.html : 'His mother Coatlicue became pregnant with Huitzilopochtli when a ball of feathers fell from the heaven and touched her. Huitzilopochtli's siblings thought that their mother Coatlicue had dishonored them with her mysterious pregnancy.

One sister of Huitzilopochtli, Coyolxauhqui, encouraged her star sisters and brothers to kill their mother Coatlicue. However, Huitzilopochtli sprang out of his mother and saved her. Coatlicue regretted such violence. Thus, Huitzilopochtli cut off Coyolxauhqui's head and threw it in the sky to become the Moon.

Aztecs used to offer human sacrifices to Huitzilopochtli. The victims were usually prisoners captured in the frequent wars that Aztecs were fighting against their neighbors. The sacrifices were intended to secure rain, harvests and success in war.The most common form of sacrifice practiced by Aztecs was to tear out the heart of a living body and offer it to the Sun. '

If anyone objects, start ranting about religious freedom (as you cut out their heart with an obsidian blade.)

Damn the apologetics: pass the Trebbiano

Post 8314


'Are you two some kind of morons?'

smiley - erm

which two?

For what it's worth, I agree with Edward: Vicky showed her nasty knickers on this one. I was just trying to imagine some way that her allusion to Hitchen's ancestory and conjugality might not be construed as what it appeared to be.

smiley - erm

I wish the majority of those wasting time with this fight would go Valhol and take a big swig of mead before and after hacking each other to bits.

Post 8315


Snowflake Obsidian is so much prettier (sorry bad at spelling)not to, or, yeah I'am making Light of this. Human's patern, it is would makes us who we are!

Damn the apologetics: pass the Trebbiano

Post 8316


No less ons. Sorry old joke!

A person's name doesn't indicate religious or political leaning.

Post 8317

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!


Let me connect the dots. There's a very strong likehood that people called Aaronovitch and Cohn are Jewish. There's a strong likelihood (it'd be near-certainty if they were American, as Hitchens now is, and as he proclaims on virtually page 1 of "God is not Great" that his mother and his second wife was/are Jews)that being Jews they are Zionists. Although as I've pointed out, not all Jews, are Zionists. In fact the more likely they are to be strongly religious, the more likely they are to be opposed to Zionism and some of the horrible things done by the IDF.

Zionists are more likely to have supported the war on Iraq, and to be supporters of attacking Iran.


And then you'll what? Get me banned? (Hoo's been there done that. It'd be no loss.)

A person's name doesn't indicate religious or political leaning.

Post 8318


Anecdoticly haveing been raised with a surname that could be taken as either Jewish or Gentile is possed great fun as being received as either. Judge not....!

I wish the majority of those wasting time with this fight would go to oblivion.

Post 8319

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!


Give me a break! You're the one who has made a federal case out of it. Middle Eastern issues *are* the whole point, as you well know. Neocons (most but not all of them Jews, and all of them Zionists) inveigled his great vacuousness, Dubya into attacking Iraq on flimsy pretexts.

<<"I see a whacking huge elephant in the room right there! I am not going to name it... I am sure you're capable of recognising it. Clue. What nationality/ethnicity (religion) uis shared by Hitchens' mother and second wife, and these gents?"

Would anyone - even Vicky herself - care to explain how this can be taken as anything but anti-semitism?>>

It's anti-Semitism if you want to think that it is. Did you read the extract from the Buchanan article?

I wish the majority of those wasting time with this fight would go to oblivion.

Post 8320


Tribalisim sucks.... Sorry yah but etc. Think! reason dictates and (no I do not have the links)that we are all from the same gene pool.

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