A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Offence taken, none intended!

Post 8281


smiley - laugh I haven't been called 'lady' in a while.

She was not correct, Vicky.

I'm highly intelligent, and I frequently swear.

Offence taken, none intended!

Post 8282

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!


No. You call it 'disgusting anti-Semitism, I call it a theory.

He has?
Not that I've read - and he's often published here in our local paper.
<< Cohn - I don't know about.>>



Filth? Give me a break! I am not anti-semitic, I am anti-Zionist, and for good reason.

Anti-Christian and anti-Muslim views are okay, but (supposed) anti-Semitism is filth? That's the rankest foulest hypocrisy. Shame on you!

Offence taken, none intended!

Post 8283


Oh for christ sakes calm down, Vicky.

Offence taken, none intended!

Post 8284

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Oh Effers, why should I? I am supposed to let your foul insult about my mother pass. Tell me why?

If I was to sneer at your family, there'd be hell to pay, and that'd be a double standard you'd refuse to recognise.

I am not happy with you - not that you care.

Offence taken, none intended!

Post 8285

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.


You made a connection regarding the ethnicity, not religious beliefs, of three people at least one of whom and probably all three are Atheists. You attributed their views to their ethnicity.

That is plain, simple, old-fashioned anti-semitism.

In what way is it not?

In what way is it not putrid?

On what grounds would the mods overturn a Yikes?

Offence taken, none intended!

Post 8286

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

Can you not at least admit a stupid error?

Offence taken, none intended!

Post 8287


smiley - laugh

Vicky you are more than welcome to sneer at my mother. She was endlessly critical and undermining of me. From what you've told me, not dissimilar to yours.

Offence taken, none intended!

Post 8288

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!


Whoop-de-freaking do. If you're so intelligent, find a better way to express yourself than the language of a plumber or a rugby-playing knuckle dragger.

(Perfect example. The little girl next door lost her temper with her brother. Instead of calling him a ****** **** she called him a knuckle-dragger. Their quarrel came in through our open windows on Sunday, abnd I nearly wet myself laughing at her cleverness.)

Offence taken, none intended!

Post 8289

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Further, note for future reference - if I call someone 'lady', it's the opposite of a compliment.

It's almost the same as calling her a ******


Offence taken, none intended!

Post 8290

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

A misjudged remark on someone's mother surely pales into insignificance besides blatant anti-semitism?

Offence taken, none intended!

Post 8291

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

My stupid error lay solely in using the word 'ethnicity'... it just seemed a weird stretch to use the word religion, when referring to Hitchens.

Israel was founded not on religion, but ethnicity. Its frequent making of wars and threats against neighbours is based on ethnicity not religion.

Israel abuses Palestinians on the basis of their ethnicity, not their religion, which includes both Christianity and Islam. Like it or not.

Offence taken, none intended!

Post 8292

clzoomer- a bit woobly

I think before we go off on a tangent here, I have a question. What made you think that they Zionists because of their last names, Vicky?

Offence taken, none intended!

Post 8293


I don't think an Arab would necessarily agree with that statement, Ed smiley - winkeye

Offence taken, none intended!

Post 8294

clzoomer- a bit woobly

sorry- *are Zionists*

Offence taken, none intended!

Post 8295

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!


Yes, but that wasn't all there was to mine, and I don't loathe her because of one part of her character. She did what she could, as I am sure your does. I am not going to slag anyone off, welcome or not.

Offence taken, none intended!

Post 8296

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Oh, and I call a lady a lady even if she isn't, because I'm a gentleman. smiley - winkeye

Offence taken, none intended!

Post 8297

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

>>I think before we go off on a tangent here, I have a question. What made you think that they Zionists because of their last names, Vicky?

Indeed. Vicky's implication was, surely, that their views on the Iraq war are bound to be tainted by their Jewish background.

Certainly stinks of anti-semitism from where I'm sitting.

Offence taken, none intended!

Post 8298

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Oh grow up, Edward!

Why do Jews and Buddhists get a pass, from atheist fundamentalists and yet no other religion does?

I've asked that before, but no one has ever answered. Is it trendy political correctness, or fear?

Only Hoo, oddly, was even-handed in his hatred.

So, grow up.

I wish the majority of those wasting time with this fight would go to oblivion.

Post 8299


I haven't read the bloody book and I have no intention of bothering with it as I'm quite sure it would be simply reciting conclusions I have arrived at independently. I have, however, read 'God is not Great' and pretty much all of Dennett's books, and, more importantly I think, pretty much all of Hofstadter's books.

Now, as an expression of opinion, please see the subject line.

A person's name doesn't indicate religious or political leaning.

Post 8300

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Sorry, caesar. smiley - winkeye

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