A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Billy's Balls

Post 441

The Groob

I agree with you totally; I am just a little envious because my darting abilities are fading with age and I could do with some of his ability!

Billy's Balls

Post 442

Researcher U197087

More child-pain; a kid gets too excited about winning Mousetrap.


Billy's Balls

Post 443


And just to put things in perspective for this first day of a new year...


smiley - earth

(yeah, it's probably been posted here before...)

smiley - cheers

Billy's Balls

Post 444

clzoomer- a bit woobly

I'm too hung over to check the backlog, but here are some commercials:


Billy's Balls

Post 445

Researcher U197087

Hellboy II looks rather good.


Billy's Balls

Post 446

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

I was listening to the score from Hellboy this afternoon and thinking about when this movie was coming out. Cheers for the link. smiley - popcorn

Billy's Balls

Post 447

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Interesting. Check out the still frame at 1:53. The B.P.R.D appears to have expanded to include Johann Krauss. smiley - ghost


I wonder if Roger The Golem will be in it?

Dick Cavett & Eddi Murphy

Post 448

YalsonKSA - "I'm glad birthdays don't come round regularly, as I'm not sure I could do that too often."


Spectacular idiocy with tin hats on. I have no idea how this managed to happen, but it's amusing to see the guy's comrades weren't particularly moved.

Re: post 433. I got caught by a set of those when i took a wrong turn in Cambridge once. Ended up stranded in front of a set of bollards. I sighed, attempted to back out and turn around and discovered that the car behind me was a police car. The two officers inside then asked me to get out of the car and proceeded to argue for five minutes over what I should be done for. I ended up getting a £30 fine, but one of the officers was arguing I should be done for something that would have got me a £60 fine and a mandatory three points on my license, so I guess i got off lightly.

Dick Cavett & Eddi Murphy

Post 449

Researcher U197087

Certainly. You could have been killed by the bollards.

Wot I did this morning

Post 450


Here's what Norn Irn looked like this morning...


Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 451


After the basically laughably amateurish Keith Barrys 'magic' show on ITV last week here are a couple of videos showing what can happen when the trick where bags/cups are placed over 4 'pedestals' one which has a sharp metal point or a knife beneath one(the magician does not know where the spike is...in these cases he *really* doesn't know!)

The magician then flattens the ones without the spike beneath and reveals the one that does at the end.

Ouch and ouch...two videos on the one link.


(Obviously, no one reveal how the trick is done please...though if you know you know you shouldn't expose the technique...)

Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 452

The Groob

Definitely a double ouch! Thanks for posting that. Slightly irritating was the unfunny prick who said that people who do tricks like that should "get a life". I find many tricks very entertaining and I'm sure that amazing people with tricks is more rewarding that being painfully unfunny.

Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 453

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.


Offiside Ref! smiley - winkeye

Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 454

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.



smiley - laugh

Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 455


Groob Roghan Josh

I got into card magic and slpping into others types last year and it is brilliant to see peoples reactions when you do a trick especially having spent hours trying to perfect it.

The losers who say 'get a life' a) have no idea about magic and b) do not realise that to be good enough to do anything to the point where one can entertain others you have to have practice to the point that some would say you have 'no life'.

Of course, if you enjoy doing it then you have a life. As I said on another thread everything one does apatr from breathe, eat and earn a living is pointless and a waste of time. But we all waste our time in ways we enjoy.

Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 456

The Groob

Yup. One way to draw *anyone* in to a trick is to give them the opportunity of winning money. The joy of these tricks is that they are usually done with normal objects - no fancy props! It's great seeing someone's face when you con them out of money when they were absolutely totally convinced they couldn't lose. (I don't mean that in a nasty sense - I was a soft touch and always gave the money back smiley - groan )

Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 457


When the sh** hits the fan, Russian style.
(It's a Sambo contest)


Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 458

The Groob

I love the way the cameraman bursts out laughing when they're trying to kill each other! smiley - rofl

Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 459

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Predictable ending but the costumes are a hoot:


Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 460

The Groob


Unbelievable prank. I'm surprised there wasn't a punch up.

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