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Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 281

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

I want to just add that, having just now sat down and watched the Stephen Fry episode of WDYTYA, it is very moving and more than a little upsetting. smiley - cry

So if like me you need some cheering up, try overdosing on this cheerful fellows.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXXm696UbKY <--- my favourite. smiley - rofl

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jG5rQ3D_Zrw <--- Evil Emperor Palpatine laugh. smiley - yikes

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_mBLWpdwnI <--- well, golf *is* funny.

Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 282

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

this = these.

"Preview!", they said, but did I listen? smiley - headhurts

Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 283

The Groob

An interesting and very simple scam to con a shop out of £10.


More alarming than the scam itself are the commenters who are willing to try - or have already tried - this scam for real.

Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 284



Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 285

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Atheism: A Rough History of Disbelief with Jonathan Miller.

Episode 1





Episode 2

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Episode 3

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Episode 4

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 286



An extended preview to the first "His Dark Materials" movie. I was a bit worried when I first saw the original theater trailer. This preview here is quite promising, though.


Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 287

The Groob

Shot of a Nippon jet being struck by lightning in Osaka


Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 288

The Groob

"The Most Amazing Accident On Road Produced By Rain"


That's one unlucky guy - gets out to inspect the damage and then whoosh!

Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 289

Pink Paisley

Clever guy. I can't even draw the curtains.


Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 290




Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 291

Researcher U197087

Trailer for the new Aliens v Predator movie.


Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 292

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

I reserve judgement but if it was anything like the travesty of the last film...I'll...I'll... I'll resign....or something. smiley - blue

smiley - bigeyessmiley - popcorn

oh lookit - they set it on Earth - again.

Have they really given up trying to be consistent with the first three movies? smiley - huh

Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 293

The Groob

Can't really imagine any movie series being good beyond the first two, to be honest.

Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 294

Researcher U197087

I think there's a three-movie limit on narrative consistency.

smiley - hug Never mind Clive, have some Alexei Sayle.


Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 295

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

The list of crimes that AVP committed are multiple and I won't sit here and list them tempting though it is.

I know consistency is a lot to ask for but what 1 set up 2 expanded upon and 3 juggled, stumbled but carried it. (Sort of: The new dvd cut with restored footage is much better but the film still flawed) and then it just comes to a screeching halt.

Let's resurrect Ripley 300 years in the future because we can't think of a better excuse - and let's make it a black comedy. Seriously Resurrection is a black comedy with Aliens in it. And actually a brave attempt to revive the franchise but I wouldn't consider it cannonical.

Then AVP came along and so royally undid everything that the previous movies did and stood for - it actually beggars belief. And it's not even as if it's a good movie. It's terrible.smiley - wah

So now we've got a sequel. with a sub-title. Requiem. I dread to think.

So now there's another pre- ripley Earth bound infestation with evil army generals skulking about and I'll wager probably not an original idea in 100 miles.

I'll probably end up seeing it and I'll be hop against all the odds that I'm wrong but this trailer does not fill me with much confidence. Bar from the fact they've clearly upped the violence levels but story wise I am confident it will be a no brainer which means it'll earn millions and they'll be more just like this.

I should write my own, my sense of disappointment is overwhelming..... smiley - erm

Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 296

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.


Hopping mad? smiley - boingsmiley - grrsmiley - boing

No, hoping. smiley - grovel

"Preview!" they said, but did I listen?

Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 297


The Hydraulophone...


Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 298

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

We are living in the future..... smiley - cool


Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 299



To liven things up a bit...


Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 300


Sean McKinney, died 2004, aged just 30. Here's what he could do before he did...


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