A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Inutile Data

Post 9201

Baron Grim

The flight speed of a European Swallow (unladen) is 40 km/h (24 mph).

Inutile Data

Post 9202

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Summer or winter plumage? smiley - run

Inutile Data

Post 9203

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

The first song performed simultaneously on Earth and in space was 'ISS (Is Somebody Singing?) by Chris Hadfield and Barenaked Ladies:


Inutile Data

Post 9204


Not German?

Inutile Data

Post 9205

Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed )

Dzere iss no sonnk in Chermann. Ve vallk in shtep.smiley - cheers

Inutile Data

Post 9206

Baron Grim

Cannibalism is not specifically illegal in most countries. Rather, those caught cannibalizing are typically charged with murder or desecration of a corpse.

If someone were to voluntarily slice off a chunk of themselves and serve it to you on a platter with a nice garnish, feel free to nosh away.

Inutile Data

Post 9207

Baron Grim

By the way, if anyone finds the above information useful... we can't be friends. smiley - run

Inutile Data

Post 9208

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

So you aren't a 'Fannibal', BG? smiley - rofl

Inutile Data

Post 9209

Pink Paisley

There is a reason why human flesh for consumption is referred to as 'Long pig'.

(Some time ago, I saw a chart on teh interwebs that showed the relationship between meats and their flavours - I can't find it now).


Inutile Data

Post 9210

Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed )

Our forefathers ate parts of grandpa to keep his wisdom in the family - do you awfully mind if noone here snacks you?smiley - cheerup

Inutile Data

Post 9211

Baron Grim

In March 1910, Harry Houdini became the first person to successfully to achieve powered flight over Australia. (Another pilot, Colin Defries was the first to fly, but he crashed on landing.)

After his success, Houdini proudly proclaimed that while history would likely forget him as a magician and escape artist, it would always remember him as an aviation pioneer.

Personally, I value his work debunking psychics and other frauds. He was the inspiration for folks like The Amazing Randi and Penn & Teller.

Inutile Data

Post 9212

Baron Grim

The Guinness World Record for book most often stolen from public libraries is held by the Guinness World Records book.

Inutile Data

Post 9213

Baron Grim

While Christopher Reeves was in hospital awaiting surgery to reconnect his spine to his skull following his riding accident, a man in surgical scrubs burst into his room claiming (in a thick Russian accent) to be a proctologist and demanding to perform a rectal exam on Reeves.

It was Robin Williams. Reeves laughed for the first time since his fall.

Inutile Data

Post 9214

Baron Grim

The Super Bowl was named as a joking reference to the toy, 'super ball'.

Inutile Data

Post 9215

Baron Grim

The plural, gender-neutral term for "nieces and nephews" is "niblings"

Inutile Data

Post 9216

Pink Paisley

Yep. That's properly useless.

I won't ever use that and in fact will probably never even remember the word.

In fact it is worse than useles since I have wasted a minute of my life responding to the post.


Inutile Data

Post 9217

Baron Grim

Thank you. smiley - biggrin

I take pride in my work.

Inutile Data

Post 9218

Pink Paisley

Obviously, I'm not going to respond further because that would mean that even more of my......Doh!


Inutile Data

Post 9219

Baron Grim


Here's another nice one from Neil deGrasse Tyson.

>>The letters that spell "eleven plus two" also spell "twelve plus one".<<

Inutile Data

Post 9220

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Excellent. That information is TOTALLY useless. smiley - biggrin

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