A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Why you should believe in God

Post 81


That's alright I think we're alone and I promise not to tell.... smiley - smiley

Why you should believe in God

Post 82

Zebedee (still Pool God after all these years)

I tend to get a little too passionate about my football at times, rather hot under the collar. Especially when some cheating midget knocks us out of the World Cup!

Why you should believe in God

Post 83


You'll be pleased to hear that my hubby who saw Maradonna on t.v. a couple of days ago, said he looked really fat and unwell... I expect he'll be with you very soon if he carries on abusing his body....

Why you should believe in God

Post 84

Zebedee (still Pool God after all these years)

Absolutely - he was hospitalised last week with a very dodgy ticker after hoovering up huge mountains of charlie (as per usual). The dwarven genius is now roughly the same shape as a football, with his rather impressively swollen gut lending him a certain spherical charm. And dying his hair bright yellow was a particularly daring move for someone who keeps trying to shoot photographers. Maybe, just maybe, if he wasn't so determined to stand out from the crowd and make such a spectacle of himself he wouldn't attract so much attention......

Why you should believe in God

Post 85


See, who has to wait for some deity to inflict terrible revenge when the stupid sod can do it to himself.... smiley - smiley

Why you should believe in God

Post 86

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

yes, it seems mankind in general is inficting more trouble and plagues upon itself. the job of God is now a relatively easy one. i'd be happy to fill in on weekends. that's when i'm at my drunkest and most God-like, anyway. i'll do it for nothing, and everything. i've been living in heaven all my life, and i know all the important rules, since i've broken every one of them. is there any of those purple mushrooms left?smiley - fish@

Why you should believe in God

Post 87

Zebedee (still Pool God after all these years)

Sounds like a healthy compromise to me. I'll need the odd evening off as well - interested?

Why you should believe in God

Post 88


Righto - that appears to be settled then.

*Gwennie produces a rather large roll of toilet paper...*

Here's a contract of employment I've just knocked out, if you'd both like to sign it please...

Don't bother reading the small print smiley - smiley

Why you should believe in God

Post 89

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

*signs on the dotted line* that's great. i think i'll go check out the party on Zitlurub VI. you coming?smiley - fish@

Why you should believe in God

Post 90

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

Yes, Zeb, let us sign. Then, from now on, GOD can be everything, from A to Z. smiley - fish@

Why you should believe in God

Post 91


Wait for me chaps .......

Why you should believe in God

Post 92

Zebedee (still Pool God after all these years)

*scribbles furiously*

Party? It won't clash with the stag night I hope.

Why you should believe in God

Post 93


Which stag night would that be, then? smiley - smiley Or should I say whose?

Why you should believe in God

Post 94

Zebedee (still Pool God after all these years)

EV's - don't ask me where it is though, it seems to have spread over several fora. Go to my homepage and check out the conversation called E Vibensteins Pre-Marital Piss-Up. That should be a good starting point.

Why you should believe in God

Post 95

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

no strippers at the stag,eh. *winks* hi Zeb. how do you like being God? pretty cool, eh? smiley - fish@

Why you should believe in God

Post 96



Why you should believe in God

Post 97

Zebedee (still Pool God after all these years)

Sorry - very long weekend. I'll start today.

Pascals wager

Post 98


It was either DNA or Prachett who wrote that Pascal woke up in the after life surrounded by a mob of Gods holding big sticks who told him: Let us show you what we think of smart arses up here

Pascals wager

Post 99

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

sounds like pratchett

yes olli, i am stalking you. smiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeye

Pascals wager

Post 100


Definitely Pratchett, possibly Interesting Times, I've been flicking through at random for days trying to find it

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