A Conversation for Ask h2g2

The Facts Of Life

Post 241

The Groob

"The walk" - the walk that Tony Blair and George Bush have where the elbows are 2 inches further from the body than the hands.

(I'm told this is the 'alpha male' walk)

The Facts Of Life

Post 242

I am Donald Sutherland

You mean just like a silver-back gorilla!


The Facts Of Life

Post 243

Musashi Himura, the ronin returns, is happy to be back

Call centres in TV commercials always have staff that are permanently smiling.

and i know, working in a call center that no one ever ever smiles.....at least i dont.smiley - sadface

The Facts Of Life

Post 244

The Groob

If you say you hate christmas the words 'bah humbug' will be said by someone within ten seconds. (try it!)

The names of successful assassins spring to mind readily, but failed assasins names are harder to remember. The names Marc Chapman, Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby spring quickly to mind but I can't remember who fired shots at the Pope, Reagan and Queenie.

Hitchhikers always write their destination request on a bit of old brown cardboard. smiley - erm

A football team struggling to avoid relegation will always pull off one shock result against a top side.

Pet shops smell horrible.

The Facts Of Life

Post 245

Musashi Himura, the ronin returns, is happy to be back

kids will always iritate you with guys on halloween

The Facts Of Life

Post 246

The Groob

At a kids' party there will always be one kid behaving ten times worse than any other.

The Facts Of Life

Post 247

Musashi Himura, the ronin returns, is happy to be back

fireworks will always irritate me before bonfire

The Facts Of Life

Post 248


Had to comment on a few:

>People who don't drive slam car doors too hard
Not just non-drivers - any door closer apart from you!

>Rummaging in an overgrown garden will always turn up a bouncy ball.
Do they still make these??

>Nobody has ever dared to make cup-a-soup in a bowl.
I've tried. Doesn't work - the requisite amount of stirring to make it disolve makes it spill before "soup" is made!

>Everyone who grew up in the 80's has entered the digits 55378008 into a calculator.
WWhy the 80s? Don't tell me calculators have proper non-lettery numbers now????

>Triangular sandwiches taste better than square ones.
It's coz the hypotenuse of the sandwich is longer than a straight line across, so psychologically it seems like there's a higher filling to crust ratio!

The Facts Of Life

Post 249

The Groob

You never see a rubber duck any colour other than yellow. And also they're not made of rubber!

Celebrity female classical musicians are always photo/telegenic

People who operate the rides at fairgrounds always look miserable and bored

Every boyband has a member who irritates you

Someone will drop the baton in the Olympics relay finals

And is it just me, or do dictators who make thousands/millions of people's lives a misery always reach a ripe old age?

The Facts Of Life

Post 250


EVERY member in a boyband usually irritates me

The Facts Of Life

Post 251

Baron Grim

The mere concept of boybands annoys me.

The Facts Of Life

Post 252

Musashi Himura, the ronin returns, is happy to be back

dictators do dont they?

The Facts Of Life

Post 253

The Groob

A song covered many times gets progressively worse with every cover.

American magicians are creepy

Old people always have noisy clocks

Drizzle leads to drizzle - it never turns into hard rain

A cat will always climb inside an opened paper bag or box

Repairing a bicycle puncture is easy. The hardest part is getting the inner tube and tyre back on the frame.

In the 1980s no variety performance was complete without Bernie Clifton on his ostrich or Michael Barrymore chucking somebody out.

The Facts Of Life

Post 254

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

The time between throwing something away that you have kept for ages but never used, and needing it, is approximately 2 weeks

The Facts Of Life

Post 255

Musashi Himura, the ronin returns, is happy to be back

final fantasy VII is the best piece of storytelling ever, unsurpassed by any book movie tv show etc etc

and i love movies and books smiley - biggrin

The Facts Of Life

Post 256


I have a black rubber duck.

It also has orange horns, and was given to me by my son (then ten) for Mothers' Day. Probably says somethng about what kind of mother I am!

The Facts Of Life

Post 257

Baron Grim

Getting a little bleed over from the useless facts thread, I think.

The Facts Of Life

Post 258


I think you're right, however for Spinks' benefit; replacing a bicycle tyre and tube is easier if you pump a little air into the tube first. Assuming one tyre bead is already on the rim, pop the valve through the hole in the rim then tuck the tube into the tyre. There should be just enough air in the tube for it to hold its shape. Start by the valve and reseat the tyre bead into the rim, taking care not to pinch the tube. Work your way round in both directions with your thumbs until, at some point opposite the valve, you can no longer press the bead into place by hand. Use two tyre levers (strong tablespoon handles work well if you don't have tyre levers) at the same time - one to hold the bead in place at one side and the other to work the bead over the rim at the other. Work the levers alternately until the bead is fully seated.

Fact of life: post an innocuous rhetorical question and some smartarse will always come along with an unsolicited answer.


The Facts Of Life

Post 259

Baron Grim

Very true...

Here's another bicycle related fact of life: The likely hood of getting a flat tyre on a bicycle is directly proportional to the distance from home or camp.

The Facts Of Life

Post 260


The rubber that bicycle tyres - and car tyres to some extent - are made from goes soft when it gets wet. How else would you explain the fact that you ony ever get a puncture when it's raining?


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