A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What's your claim to fame?

Post 41


smiley - smiley

What's your claim to fame?

Post 42


I was in a live BBC radio interview (most of which I spent under the table) and a TV documentary. Both were about my brother.

My mum was in a school play with Neil Morrissey.

What's your claim to fame?

Post 43


http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/F55607?thread=192835&skip=26017 Post 26018: Justin the Preachers claim to fame!!!!

What's your claim to fame?

Post 44


My claim to fame?

..banged into the Beatles 1st Manager, Alan Williams, in a pub toilet in Liverpool....he fell flat on his face as he was drunk...!

What's your claim to fame?

Post 45

badger party tony party green party

Id had a photograph taken to publicise some event or other and thought nothing more of it.

The next day I let myself into my then girlfriends house to feed the cat and water the plants. A couple of minutes later I heard something come throught the letterbox. It was the Local paper. I knew Liz didnt have a paer delivered and thought it a bit odd. I was totally amazed to see my mug in full colour on the front page.

I went out side to look for whoever was hoaxing me, but saw nothing. When she and her friend from across the road arrived back they wanted to know why they both had newspapers featuring me. It was only then that I realised that I wasnt the but of an elaborate hoax but free promotionl deliveries in that area had coincided with what must have been a very slow news day.

My fame and my absentmindedness collided again. I got invited to a sports personality awards dinner but couldnt go as Id arranged to take some of our under-14 players moutaineering. A few days after I got back a bloke in the pub I know came up shook my hand and said well done.

"for what"?
"Sports personality of the year"
"I didnt go"
"But you won, it was in the papers"

What's your claim to fame?

Post 46


I stuck my two fingers upto a driver who cut in front of me on the M4 in his Rolls, the driver waved at me and mouthed sorry.

So my claim to fame is the Paul Daniels waved to mesmiley - smiley now thatssmiley - magic

What's your claim to fame?

Post 47

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I used to play guitar, get drunk and stoned with the drummer who went on to be in the Darkness smiley - doh I've played guitar with a drummer who's name I forget who played with Frank Zappa in the late 60's and early 70s smiley - musicalnote I've played guitar with the only person (as far as I know), who's a degree in playing harmonica smiley - huhsmiley - weird The Deparment for education/DRC changed the UK law as a result of a case I brought (unfrortunately they changed it for the worse smiley - doh ) smiley - erm I had a day on an athletics track many many years ago and got some training on javin throwing by some guy who's name I forgot who briefly held the world record smiley - ermsmiley - dohsmiley - erm if Only I could remember thinggies... names this would make some more sense smiley - blushsmiley - erm I got the highgest percentage ever awarded for a degree at my University (still stands as far as I know) smiley - ermsmiley - weirdsmiley - scientistsmiley - erm I was forceably pushed out of a building by a body guard to some member of the royal family, and then she pushed past me and I swore liberally at her smiley - erm Princess Anne I think... smiley - ermsmiley - blushsmiley - weird No one beat me from the whole of three universitys at drinking copious amounts of alcohol smiley - erm though they tried.... one of them ended up in hospital after 'challenging' me to a drinky competition smiley - yawnsmiley - erm

What's your claim to fame?

Post 48

Moving On

smiley - rofl

H'mmm. 2 leg's acheivements pales me asking the late Yehudi Mehnuin what instrument he played into utter insignificance.

So I won't bother mentioning it, after all

smiley - whistle

What's your claim to fame?

Post 49

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

When I worked as a waitress in a restaurent in Terminal 1 at Heathrow I served Keifer Sutherland with a pizza, tight git never left me a tip smiley - steam

What's your claim to fame?

Post 50

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

perhaps he was too busy saving the world?

What's your claim to fame?

Post 51

Spankmunki: The Answer is Lemons. Next break in the current workload due mid-December.

I was in http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0097667/ (uncredited). I bought a remote control airplane with my earnings. Denholm Eliot didn't just play a drunk, he was drunk. smiley - biggrin

What's your claim to fame?

Post 52

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

I taught Jesus the wine and water trick

the bugger never gave me credit

What's your claim to fame?

Post 53

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

No this was in the days before he join CTU

What's your claim to fame?

Post 54


John Craven introduced me rudely at a conference. He wasn't rude about me personally, just about what I do.

I had a comedy Scottish accent confusion moment with John Reid - I though he was saying (to me) "Who are you?" In fact he was saying (to someone else) "How are you?". Doh.


What's your claim to fame?

Post 55

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

2Legs - would that have been Martin Lickert by any chance? One of my very tenuous claims to fame is to know the founding drummer of the Mothers of Invention who is now quite a succesful barrister.

I've instructed Clive Anderson, who wisely gave up his day job as a very indifferent barrister.

I interviewed Roy Castle for the Poly newspaper.

Tim Brooke Taylor once awarded our dog 'second best in show'. About five seconds later, 'best in show' bit it's owner. smiley - laugh

I've shaken hands with Dave 'Honeyboy' (Living Witness to Music History) Edwards, and I've shifted amps for Tony McPhee of The Groundhogs.

I'm sure there's a few other famous musicians I've met (oh wait, an ex of mine was chatted up by Jona 'Stop the Cavalry' Lewie), but I'm damned if I can remember them now.

Oh, hang on, one of my favourites - I once spilt Joe Strummer's pint over him, and he apologized to me. What a gent! smiley - magic

smiley - shark

What's your claim to fame?

Post 56

STRANGELY STRANGE ( A brain on a spring )

Blues Shark,
was the amp shifting for the Groundhogs at The Winning Post pub in whitton/Twickenham by any chance?
I saw the Groundhogs there years ago when cordless guitars first started and he had one of the first in the country. One of the audience made a comment about guitar not being plugged in and he proved he was really playing by getting one of the audience to twang the strings to prove it was a new invention and he wasn't mimeing to a recording!

What's your claim to fame?

Post 57

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

No, 'fraid not. I used to help out at a local blues festival here in Brentwood (which is sadly no more). Although i was a paying customer, the organiser often used to give me a tug if bands needed a hand with gear. Which was ok - I never really missed a great band and often gotr to chat much more than others did with the guys in the bands.

smiley - shark

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