A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Think of a word

Post 1


that has been invented for something that doesn`t exist and never has.

I`ll start you off: Telepathy or Telepathic.

Think of a word

Post 2


There must be loads

Utopia, phlogiston, Philospher's stone, democracy, my pay rise

Think of a word

Post 3

HarpoNotMarx (((2*1)^6)-6-(2*8)=42

New Labour

Think of a word

Post 4


Allow: Philosophers stone, Phlogiston.
Not Allow: Utopia, Democracy, Pay rise, New Labour.

Any more?

Think of a word

Post 5

HarpoNotMarx (((2*1)^6)-6-(2*8)=42

You can't disallow New Labour
It's just another way of saying Old Tory, and slightly more right wing!

Think of a word

Post 6


Vampire, werewolf, ghost.

Think of a word

Post 7


New labour is a label that describes a `real thing`. You may not agree its very different to some other real thing but that does not invalidate its existence.

Yes. Thank-you Sarah for vampire,werewolf,ghost. All allowed.

Think of a word

Post 8

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

For that matter, any number of place names from fiction. Hogwarts, Pern, Middle Earth, Ambridge, Walford, etc.

Think of a word

Post 9


Valhalla is o.k. but strange you didn`t mention `Heaven`?
However, lets leave names from fictional works aside as we `know` they are just that- fictional. Thinking more along the lines of words used as if they describe `real` things.

Think of a word

Post 10

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

I steered clear of Heaven, Hell, God, etc. as they are very much debatable. I don't think there are any followers of ancient Norse paganism on h2g2, though, so Valhalla seemed reasonable.
Vulcan, the planet that was once thought to have an orbit within that of Mercury.

Think of a word

Post 11

Ythika the purple giraffe - Minister for Unusual Musical Instruments

Yeti, Yowie, poltergeist

Think of a word

Post 12


I like Yeti & Poltergeist. Yowie?

Think of a word

Post 13



Think of a word

Post 14

The Groob


Think of a word

Post 15

The Groob


Think of a word

Post 16

The Groob


Think of a word

Post 17

The Groob


Think of a word

Post 18

The Groob

Man in the moon

Think of a word

Post 19

The Groob

Phantom limbs

Think of a word

Post 20

Ythika the purple giraffe - Minister for Unusual Musical Instruments

Sorry for the delay - a Yowie is an Australian "mythic" bush creature possibly a relative of Bigfoot and the Yeti. We even have a Tim, The Yowie Man who has changed his name by deed poll who goes out to look for yowies and ghost etc. I'm pretty sure he is trying to debunk them.

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