A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Most Common Birthday?

Post 21

Demon Drawer

I agree I was born in September, a week after by grandfather's birthday, went out with a girl born on the same day, was bullied by a guy born in the same hospital three days after me, had a friend with a sister born a year exactly before her, she was six days before me. My parents did inform me it was because of it being the first night of the Christmas holidays, cold nights, early to bed, a way to stay warm.

Most Common Birthday?

Post 22


Are you by any chance talking about horses?

Most Common Birthday?

Post 23


No. but I suppose they are given the first of january too!

-=# : -)

Most Common Birthday?

Post 24

The Other Marvin

At my primary school the register was called in order of Date of Birth and we "September people " certainly
out numbered the rest.

Most Common Birthday?

Post 25


FWIW, I have a lot of relatives (Mother, Sister, Aunt, 2 Cousins, 2 Grandparents on opposite side of the family, and a Great-grandmother) that share my birth-month: March. Some famous people poking around here and there I know have March as well. smiley - winkeye I even share the same birthdate as my favorite guitarist, David Gilmour (March 6). There used to be a website somewhere that you could use to check what notable/famous/notorious people share your birthday. Dunno where that was, now.

Most Common Birthday?

Post 26


The majority of my relatives seem to be born under the star sign of Leo (late July/August). That would be Me, Dad, 3 Grandparents, 1 Uncle, 3 Cousins

In my opinion its the best time of year to have a Birthday due to good separation from christmas and generally able to organize a holiday for that time too.

Most Common Birthday?

Post 27

The Other Marvin

Shouldn't that be That would be I, Dad, 3
Grandparents, 1 Uncle, 3 Cousins ?

Most Common Birthday?

Post 28


So do a lot of people have birthdays around the same time as their relatives? My birthday is in May, and so is my mum's, my grandmother's, my grandad's and my stepmother's. And my dad and my stepdad share the same birthday, April 21st, as does the queen. These people are all Taureans.
Is it coincidence that my dad would remarry someone whose birthday was in the same month as my mum's? And that my mum would marry two people with the same birthday?
By the way, is Tony Blair's birthday May 6th? If so, then it's the same as mine.

Most Common Birthday?

Post 29

aPerson, An Angelastic (and alliterative) Acronymaniac

No, it should be 'That would be Dad (or my dad), 3 grandparents, 1 uncle, 3 cousins and me/myself.'

Although it would be even better to spell out one and three. smiley - smiley

Most Common Birthday?

Post 30

Project Manager Extraordinaire

Taken from [email protected] on 10-Jan-2000


According to 1980 figures, August registered 9.2 percent of the year's births. The second most popular month was October, with 9 percent of the year's births.

Most Common Birthday?

Post 31

The Jester (P. S. of Village Idiots, Muse of Comedians, Keeper of Jokes, Chef and Seraph of Bad Jokes) LUG @ A458228

Actually, no. They're given the 2nd (?) of August.

3smiley - biggrin

Most Common Birthday?

Post 32


Seems like late December has the most birthdays.... out of 20 cousins, three of us are born on December 26th ALONE!

Most Common Birthday?

Post 33

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor

Ah yes...immigrants. Am I right?

Most Common Birthday?

Post 34


Everyone secretly celebrates the Ides of March? smiley - winkeye

Most Common Birthday?

Post 35


Be a little more specific, you're almost there.

-=# ; -)

Most Common Birthday?

Post 36


August, eh... Must be a lot of early xmas prezzies going around. smiley - winkeye

Most Common Birthday?

Post 37

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor

My birthday is in July, and I don't quite agree...it's true that it's nice to be far from Christmas, but when I was in grade school no one ever came to my birthday parties because I had to give out the invitations in May or June and everybody'd forgotten about them by July.

Most Common Birthday?

Post 38


Think of it this way... At least you don't have to be in school on that day.. Erm.. yet, that is.. though I guess there are already some places caving into the 'all year school' cries.. which are sadly mostly working parents who don't want to find a babysitter for the summer months. I think if I have any progeny in school if/when that stupidity gets here, they'll be playing hooky for 3 months out of the year. smiley - sadface


Most Common Birthday?

Post 39

aPerson, An Angelastic (and alliterative) Acronymaniac

I always wanted to have a birthday in the school holidays. That way you can have the party during the day and you don't have to go to school on your birthday.

Most Common Birthday?

Post 40

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

I'm another November boy. Anyone thought of doing a proper poll on his one?

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