A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Movie Prequel Game

Post 381


The Club of Above Average Young Masters

(A bit convoluted, that one...)

Movie Prequel Game

Post 382

A Super Furry Animal

Yup, got me beat...what is it?

Movie Prequel Game

Post 383


smiley - sorry League of Extraordinary Gentlemen smiley - blush

Movie Prequel Game

Post 384

A Super Furry Animal

Ah yes... above-average heroes!

A Bit Overweight (and slightly green)

Movie Prequel Game

Post 385


And the forthcoming:

"The Credibles"

Movie Prequel Game

Post 386

A Super Furry Animal

Let's do the Indiana Jones ones properly...

1. Raiders Of The Ark
2. Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Quite Worrying, Really
3. Indiana Jones And the Penultimate Crusade

Movie Prequel Game

Post 387



(Zulu - phonetic radio comms alphabet, geddit?)

Movie Prequel Game

Post 388

A Super Furry Animal

Weren't there 24 other prequels to that movie?

(See the eight prequels to Plan 9 From outer Space)

Movie Prequel Game

Post 389


Well yes but using my Artistic Licence I chose to limit it to just the immediate prequel smiley - biggrin

Movie Prequel Game

Post 390


Wound Bill
The Matrix Protest Marches
Lukewarm Mountain
The Departing of the Prince
The Austrolopithicus Stain

Movie Prequel Game

Post 391


The Hitchhikers Guide To The Solar System

(Have faith folks, it will happen, we must believe)

Movie Prequel Game

Post 392


"Not the last samuraï, but the one just before"

Movie Prequel Game

Post 393


"Immigrant Kane"
"The Wounderer"
"Everybody says "I quite like you""
"2000 : Space Odyssey soon"
"Blade Walker"
"Slightly insane Max"

Movie Prequel Game

Post 394

Vestboy II not playing the Telegram Game at U726319

Reaching Out for the Void
There already was The Seven Samurai so perhaps there was:
The Six Samurai; the Five Samurai...
We've Only Got Two Samurai Left.

Movie Prequel Game

Post 395

HarpoNotMarx (((2*1)^6)-6-(2*8)=42

Platinum [Periodic table reference]
Four christenings and a barmitzvah
Three boys and an embryo
Thursday the twelfth
I know what you did last spring

smiley - sorry if all repeats, just browsed in during lunch without time to read the whole string
smiley - geek

Movie Prequel Game

Post 396

Rosemary {[(2+2+2)^2]+4+2=42}

before Paris met Helen (the prequel to Troy)
Cooling Mountain
Chicken Jog

Movie Prequel Game

Post 397

Trin Tragula

The Lord of the Rings: The King gets all the way to the end of his road, stands for seven minutes at the bus stop and then suddenly realises he's left his wallet on the hall table.

Movie Prequel Game

Post 398

kalan ( sits in his tree playing a lute!!)

The Conference League of Extraordinary Gentleman.

Losing Nemo.

The Mist.

The Rocky Horror Vaudeville Production.

Hurt Bill.

Elephant Boy.

Drizzle Man.

The Great Capture.

The Polishing.

Hamlet of God.

Ragging Calf

Movie Prequel Game

Post 399

Vestboy II not playing the Telegram Game at U726319

And here at Epsom we welcome you to the Samurai Handicap Cup Mile.
I'm passing you over to John McCrirrick for the commentary
"And they're off and we have a Samurai in first, second and third place followed by the field of Samurai. They come to the first fence. First and second over safely. Ohhhh, the third has fallen and the rest of the field has jumped it safely..."

Seven furlongs later "There's only two samurai left and they're heading towards the post, but what's that? A suffragette has thrown herself in front of the king's Samurai..."

To be continued.

Movie Prequel Game

Post 400

kalan ( sits in his tree playing a lute!!)

Prince Kong.
The Lion, The Witch and the Flatpack.

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