A Conversation for Ask h2g2
Petty Hates
Baron Grim Posted Nov 16, 2016
Ugh... I hate that. Also, similar flyers taped to the glass doors at work. Once they go up, no one worries about taking them down.
Also, traffic cones around the sidewalks at work. They drop traffic cones for the most trivial thing, like a bit of water from the sprinkler. Then they'll remain there indefinitely. They multiply.
Same with "Caution: Wet Floor" signs. The custodians properly set them up in the hallways before mopping, but then they go home at the end of their shift and the signs are still there.
OH! And campaign signs! I am so sick of seeing Trump/Pence signs and all the others for various candidates!
Petty Hates
Teasswill Posted Nov 16, 2016
I agree with Cheerful Dragon about illnesses in dramas. Even when they have done research, they alter things to fit the plot, or their whim. In my case it's eye conditions I moan about, or hospital dramas where one doctor does all sorts of specialist operations at the drop of a hat & in super quick time - and the patients are sitting up chatty with makeup on immediately afterwards.
Also get fed up with posters etc hanging around after the event. I keep an eye on our barn wall which is commonly used locally & am quick to get rid of anything out of date.
Petty Hates
Cheerful Dragon Posted Nov 22, 2016
Christmas seems to get earlier every year. If it wasn't for Halloween and Bonfire Night, the shops would have their Christmas merchandise out in October. Channel 5 is offering a Christmas film every day, something Movie Mix has been doing (actually at least three films a day) for several weeks. And don't get me started on the Christmas advertising!
Last night I told Hubby that I don't want Christmas - and I meant it. I don't want a Christmas tree or decorations. I don't want the hassle of Christmas dinner. I definitely don't want to go anywhere near shops as we get closer to the day. Actually, we did visit one shop recently that wasn't playing Christmassy songs. I'm sure that will change.
Maybe I'll get more into the spirit of things some time in December. Maybe a visit to a Christmas market will help. Just don't expect me to be full of Christmas cheer when it's still more than a month away.
Petty Hates
Bluebottle Posted Nov 22, 2016
If you retune your Freeview box you can pick up 'True Christmas', which has been broadcasting really cheesy, cheap Christmas TV movies for about a month already. I quite enjoy a good Christmas film, but not these tacky, saccharine stocking-fillers – and not before December, either. The only Christmas film that can be watched any earlier than December 1st is 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' as it is equally about Halloween.
Petty Hates
Pastey Posted Nov 22, 2016
Stolen from elsewhere on the 'web: There are 12 Days of Christmas, and not a single figging one of them is in November.
Petty Hates
You can call me TC Posted Nov 22, 2016
Re illnesses in drama - I've just remembered that, when we did Othello for A level English, we had trouble believing that Desdemona would be able to say anything (Sorry - spoiler alert) AFTER she had been suffocated.
Was just trying to work out how I got an "l" into "suffocated" (I corrected the typo just in time) and then I remembered that I grew up in Suffolk. Fingers hadn't forgotten after over 40 years!
Petty Hates
Icy North Posted Nov 22, 2016
I have distant ancestors from Suffolk too. Like you Pastey, they moved to Manchester, but worked in the mills. None of this new media web design/trendy craft beer malarkey for them.
Petty Hates
Cheerful Dragon Posted Nov 24, 2016
PHotD: knitting in Fisherman's Rib. I didn't notice that I'd dropped a stitch. Normally I'd correct it using a crochet hook and a lot of patience. With Fisherman's Rib I had to undo several rows to reach the point where I could pick up the stitch. It wouldn't be so bad but I'm knitting a cardigan for Hubby and I'd like to have it finished well before Christmas as I want to knit a top for me to wear on Christmas Day.
Another PH: Vertigo. There's a load of things I need to do, but I can't stand up for long because it feels like the room's moving. I've taken some tablets that a pharmacist recommended for Vertigo, but they haven't taken effect yet.
Petty Hates
ITIWBS Posted Nov 25, 2016
The most helpful thing I've found for vertigo is metaprolol, taken first thing in the morning, prescribed to prevent irregular fluctuations of blood pressure.
PH: Difficult to open polyethylene bags in the green-groceries section of the food stores.
One should be able to open them one handed on the first try and usually can if they're properly manufactured.
Petty Hates
Pastey Posted Nov 25, 2016
New PH: Pubs.
Okay, it's a bit more specific than that.
As you may be aware, I run a brewery. It's a one-man-band sort of thing, I'm the owner, brewery, cleaner, salesman and delivery driver. Recently this has been getting a bit much, and I was told of a wholesaler who was actually pretty good, paid on time, got empty casks back, that sort of thing. So I started dealing with them, and they are pretty good so far.
The petty hate comes from where they've got my beers into. Places I've been popping into, phoning, emailing, and not having any joy with. Yet a wholesaler has got my beer into those places in the first week of dealing with me. And because they're a wholesaler they'll be making their mark-up, and charging more for the beer than if the pub bought directly from me.
So far I've seen three places they've done this, along with pubs I'd never even heard of.
I should be happy they're selling my beer, and I am. So it's only a petty hate about the pubs being stupid.
Petty Hates
Orcus Posted Nov 25, 2016
My petty hate is - and I apologies in advance for this - it's not personal - is people moaning about Christmas getting earlier every year.
Because I distinctly remember in September (maybe August) of 1986 flying back from a holiday in Spain and my mum moaning about how they already had christmas advertising and selling their Christmas stuff at Gatwick airport.
In 1986.
So it doesn't get earlier every year, it's been ubiquitous for a very very long time now.
In fact, if anything they've broken it up a bit with all this Halloween and Black Friday baloney that *has* appeared recently (compared to that).
That doesn't stop it ALL being very irritating of course. I'm definitely with you on that.
Petty Hates
Sho - employed again! Posted Nov 25, 2016
gosh yes - Fisherman's Rib. Many years ago I knitted a jumper in that stitch - it grows so flipping slowly, never again.
lots of PH from me because I've not been here in a while:
people who eat bananas on trains. The smell!
my colleague who makes his breakfast in the office (not a problem if he does it in the kitchen but he does it at his desk) but he's stirring his quark in a plastic bow and the sucking/scraping noise it makes drives me bonkers. Or he's cutting a breadroll and spreading butter on them - do it in the freaking kitchen!
And he drinks a lot of coke. 2 bottles a day. and he doesn't burp but makes that weird sort of deep in the throat burping noise.
Petty Hates
Cheerful Dragon Posted Nov 25, 2016
Regarding Fisherman's Rib growing slowly, I guesstimate that I'll be knitting 50% more rows for this cardigan than if I was knitting stocking stitch. I have some similar wool that I'll be using for a simple cardigan for myself. If I remember to do it, I'll compare the number of rows knitted for both garments.
Petty Hates
Teasswill Posted Nov 26, 2016
It's awfully strong! Lingers in rubbish bins too.
Can't stand the smell early in the day - more tolerable later on.
I don't like eating bananas 'raw' but enjoy them in a dessert.
Black Friday - now seems to last all week, if not longer. As for the traffic it generates, disrupting local travel for other people...
(But I did buy some boots with a hefty discount online.)
Petty Hates
Cheerful Dragon Posted Nov 26, 2016
I don't like the taste of bananas and the smell makes me feel sick.
Petty Hates
Sho - employed again! Posted Nov 27, 2016
you really can't smell them? the riper they are the worse it is. Seriously sick making in a confined environment.
I have finally trained my coworkers to put the peel in the closed bin in our kitchen.
Key: Complain about this post
Petty Hates
- 16361: Baron Grim (Nov 16, 2016)
- 16362: Teasswill (Nov 16, 2016)
- 16363: Cheerful Dragon (Nov 22, 2016)
- 16364: Bluebottle (Nov 22, 2016)
- 16365: Pastey (Nov 22, 2016)
- 16366: You can call me TC (Nov 22, 2016)
- 16367: Cheerful Dragon (Nov 22, 2016)
- 16368: Pastey (Nov 22, 2016)
- 16369: Icy North (Nov 22, 2016)
- 16370: Cheerful Dragon (Nov 24, 2016)
- 16371: ITIWBS (Nov 25, 2016)
- 16372: Pastey (Nov 25, 2016)
- 16373: Orcus (Nov 25, 2016)
- 16374: Sho - employed again! (Nov 25, 2016)
- 16375: Cheerful Dragon (Nov 25, 2016)
- 16376: Pastey (Nov 26, 2016)
- 16377: Teasswill (Nov 26, 2016)
- 16378: Cheerful Dragon (Nov 26, 2016)
- 16379: Pastey (Nov 26, 2016)
- 16380: Sho - employed again! (Nov 27, 2016)
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