A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What are orbs?

Post 21

Gnomon - time to move on

I've checked back through a few hundred pictures I took with my digital camera. I find something similar to your orbs in four pictures. The orbs are very small (about 2 inches across). Two pictures are in dark rooms in the palace of Knossos, an ancient Minoan palace in Crete. The other two are in my own sitting room. There is no direct sunlight in any of the pictures. I can't explain them. I'll have a look through all 2500 pictures I have on my PC and see can I find any common thread.

What are orbs?

Post 22


The mark of a good researcher...

What are orbs?

Post 23

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Let me know what you discover, Gnomon. I put my orbs in here http://photos.yahoo.com/bc/britta_mog/lst?.dir=/
the My Photos album. Do they look like yours?

Please ignore the silly hat... smiley - laugh a friend stuck it on my head and I was just cool enough to let it stay there. smiley - smiley

What are orbs?

Post 24


i think i read/heard somewhere that the orbs are guardian spirits. the fact your friend sees spirits/ghosts though interests me more. does she see them often?

creachysmiley - biggrin

What are orbs?

Post 25


sorry that was to 'mother of god' (nice name, any particular reason for it?).

What are orbs?

Post 26

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Hi CREACHY smiley - smiley
My friend sees things like that quite often, doesn't always mention it, though. She's actually not a flake, just incredibly perceptive on some levels that I'm not. It's one of those things about her that I just accept because she can't show me the stuff she sees, but I've seen enough evidence that she notices things that aren't visible to everyone that I don't automatically discount it, either.

There are loads of reasons for my name. smiley - smileyI won't go into them here, but it's something I've run under for about 15 years now.

What are orbs?

Post 27


a very handy friend to have. i suppose she can see auras and any fluctuations in them? sorry for my over enthusiasm in your friend, i have a friend also who claims to be able to *sense* other things normal people can't. i have never come across anyone else and i do find this sixth sense interesting but maybe we should open another thread?

creachysmiley - biggrin

What are orbs?

Post 28

The Guy With The Brown Hat

Wierd things like that happen to a friend of mine. He reckons his house is 'haunted' somehow, 'cos in the years he lives there many odd things have happened including:

- Invisible horse sounds galloping across his back garden
- Floating, spinning discs visiting him and his brother during the night
- Moustaches appearing in mid air that followed wherever his finger pointed

I might ask him about orbs next time I see him. Another friend of mine can see auras in people's heads, but she doesn't like to admit it 'cause people tend to shun her. She has the ability to soothe the minds of others and tell if they are asleep when she is in a different room, sometimes seeing snippets of dream too. Very odd stuff.

What are orbs?

Post 29

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

It is odd stuff. My friend is a massage therapist, has studied a variety of styles and has this bizarre knack for being able to get at the source of people's illnesses and fix them. She does things with color and sees people's auras all the time. I've seen her tell someone to get a bunch of a certain type of blue color into her life, then two weeks later the person was diagnosed with thyroid problems (which were causing a bunch of other seemingly unrelated symptoms). Apparently that blue color is related to thyroid.

When she does massage it's way more than a body thing, she calls it moving around energy and opening blockages. I just know that when she did it to me all sorts of other things happened besides fixing my feet, which were where the pain was.

What are orbs?

Post 30

The Guy With The Brown Hat

That is fascinating, how does she massage? Is it just touch or are there other things like magnets or special thought processes involved?

I saw someone once .. I think she was a 'kineseologist' ...? Not sure. Anyway, it was really wierd. She lay me down and held my hand lightly, muttering yes/no questions half to me, half to herself. And through the minute twitching of my hand she could discern the answer.

From not knowing anything about me except my name and age when I walked through the door, she managed to discern an amazing amount of stuff. It was scary. I got so worked up at her line of questioning that I started deliberately twitching my hand so she didn't get the answers. Really really scary.

What are orbs?

Post 31

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

I've run across a couple of people in the course of my life who can 'see' things and see into people. I don't think it's especially common, but I think it's more common than most people realize. That's why I don't find these sorts of things outside the realm of science, rather unexplained at this time. Of course, there are a lot of charlatans out there, too. That's part of what makes it easy to be skeptical.

On the massage, I don't know exactly what she's doing right now... she's been through most of a year of different types of training since she fixed my feet. I've been promised a massage as a Christmas gift smiley - biggrin so I'll see more of what she's learned soon. But I think she relys on touch and this insight she has. I don't think she uses other objects like magnets.

What are orbs?

Post 32

The Guy With The Brown Hat

I think a lot of people 'afflicted' with it try to repress it and don't know how to handle it. Reminds me of a lady I knew in CA who smoked and drank more than most just to block out her sensitive extrasensory feelings, because she would sometimes accidently hurt people with them.

It's quite contradictory for people who claim to base their beliefs on 'science' to ignore and disregard such things. As you say, more unexplained than everything. The problem is that there is scientific method, which can be applied to almost anything, and popular scientific theories, which end up being beliefs for many many people. Applying scientific method to these extrasensory obversations, on the other hand, is a good thing.

Hope you enjoy your massage! With her new tricks and stuff.

What are orbs?

Post 33

Gnomon - time to move on

Mother of God, I looked at your three photos, orb1, orb2 and orb3. I could only see an orb on orb1. It was exactly the same as the ones I have on my photos except bigger. Is the picture you have here the full original picture or is an enlargement of a section of the original?

I'll try and do some research on these over the next few days.

What are orbs?

Post 34

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Orb2 is in the lower left corner of the photo and orb3 is sitting on my arm. They are smaller and not as bright as orb1. I'd cropped the darkness out of some of those pics before I thought to ask about the orbs, but they aren't enlarged or retouched in any other way. Wish I had a copy of the originals.

I'm curious to know what you find out. When I googled I mostly came across mystical kinda things, didn't find anything that looked like real, impartial research.

smiley - cheers

What are orbs?

Post 35


I'd also say lens flares. I remember reading about this phenomena on the Fortean Times website some time ago. There is another interesting thing called Roswell Rods. Some guy claims there exists some very fast-moving creatures that only show up on photographs, they should look like rods with wavy flaps along the side.

Personally I also believe in the existence of these small pink finger-like creatures that you can't see with the naked eye, but which shows up in the edge of pictures smiley - smiley

What are orbs?

Post 36

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

I've had them in photos too. smiley - smiley
I think they're manifestations of the Hand of God. smiley - winkeye

What are orbs?

Post 37

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

I think they are some sort of *good* energy, perhaps a being smiley - angel

What are orbs?

Post 38

Gnomon - time to move on

I think they're good energy too, probably of the electromagnetic sort.

What are orbs?

Post 39

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

In that relm of small creatures & folklore. I believe those are sprites. They are nature beings somewhat near to fairies, but NOT. Rarely seen, out of the corner of your eye, outside, small horizontal flashes of pale pastels when darting about to hide from view.smiley - magic

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