A Conversation for Ask h2g2

I am looking 4 elements / 4 of kind

Post 21

Is mise Duncan

Suck, squeeze, bang, blow - the four strokes of a four stroke engine.

I am looking 4 elements / 4 of kind

Post 22


Where, were, wear, we're
violin, viola, 'cello, double bass

I am looking 4 elements / 4 of kind

Post 23

philbo baggins

>>Suck, squeeze, bang, blow<<
"Induction, compression, ignition, exhaustion" as I was taught... but I prefer your version every time smiley - winkeye


I am looking 4 elements / 4 of kind

Post 24

Gnomon - time to move on

In Christian mythology, there are four Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel. There are also four Gospels written by four Evangelists: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

I am looking 4 elements / 4 of kind

Post 25

Is mise Duncan

born, eat, mate, die - Life of a caddis fly.

I am looking 4 elements / 4 of kind

Post 26


eeny meeny miney mo

4 horsemen of the apocalypse.. dont know their names, but I'm pretty sure one of them's called Fred.

sweet sour salty bitter (tastebubs)

I am looking 4 elements / 4 of kind

Post 27

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

Fred the Milkman was the fifth...
The others are in post 6.

I am looking 4 elements / 4 of kind

Post 28

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

Hammersmith, Ealing, Chiswick and Kew (the four districts of London surrounding Brentford, the initials of which form the word 'HECK', a Victorian pseudonym for Hell)

I am looking 4 elements / 4 of kind

Post 29

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Woodwind, Brass, Strings, Percussion

Fast Forward, Play, Rewind, Stop

I am looking 4 elements / 4 of kind

Post 30


Why do you need these?

I am looking 4 elements / 4 of kind

Post 31

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

To enjoy music.

I am looking 4 elements / 4 of kind

Post 32


I enjoy music with nothing more complicated than a sofa and digital tv.

I did mean the original request. I'm not sure that I should do.

I am looking 4 elements / 4 of kind

Post 33


what I should do, not that I should do.

I am looking 4 elements / 4 of kind

Post 34


4 movements in a symphony (usually..)

Rowan Atkinson, Pamela Stephenson, Mel Smith, Griff Rys Jones - the Not the 9 oclock news team.

I am looking 4 elements / 4 of kind

Post 35


Four Tops

(& there were lots of other pop groups that were Four something, but I can't recall any others at the moment)

I am looking 4 elements / 4 of kind

Post 36


4 non-blondes!

I am looking 4 elements / 4 of kind

Post 37


Sopranini, descant, treble, bass (4 standard recorder sizes)

I am looking 4 elements / 4 of kind

Post 38


acute, right, obtuse, reflex

I am looking 4 elements / 4 of kind

Post 39

Gnomon - time to move on

That's not strictly accurate about the recorders. Recorders come in six main sizes. The normal four are called Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass or Descant, Treble, Tenor, Bass depending on where you live. The other two (Sopranino and Great-Bass) are rare.

I am looking 4 elements / 4 of kind

Post 40


soprano, alto, tenor, bass

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