A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Who are you, what are you, and what do you get out of h2g2?

Post 141


Anyone else? smiley - smiley


Who are you, what are you, and what do you get out of h2g2?

Post 142


Gotta be some more people around here. smiley - book

Who are you, what are you, and what do you get out of h2g2?

Post 143

The Reverend Something or Other

Just fell into this line of thought/conversation/what-ever-it-has-devolved into. Looks like a fine jumping in point.

Logged into H2G2 last week after accidentally find a book about a doubtful fish. Sure do miss the writings, ramblings and ravings of Mr DNA. In any case, ...

Ex Canadian military, techie-type, contracted back to the same branch of "her Majesty's Armed Forces" fixing anything they have that may or may not be related to comms or air navigation. Been through the "civil union" discussion explaining why I'm still happily in my 2nd marriage, 16+ years worth, a VERY young 29, with 16 years experience at that, a 22-yrs-old wench who has not only given me a step-grand-daughter (6) smiley - biggrin and a superbly named grand-son (2)smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin, she is now formulating / baking / fermenting what appears to be twin grand-somethingssmiley - hug. Or perhaps just the pro-genitor of Zaphod? Who knows?

And a happy (thankfully) nearly spring-time to bunches of us smiley - smiley (I'm sure the bears, skunks, etc have the right idea about winter)

Who are you, what are you, and what do you get out of h2g2?

Post 144

Universal Granny

Hello - you got room for a Granny on this thread?

You all seem so *young*!

Who am I? Granny

What am I? A Granny.

A Granny to 3 lovely grandchildren (not that I am biased, you understand), given to me by two daughters and their husbands. My eldest daughter has a 5 year old girl who has just started school, and a 3 year old boy who has just started throwing things if he can't get his own way! My youngest daughter has a two year old boy, who goes absolutely loopy when I arrive and aforesaid daughter is thinking of banning me because, she says, I come with E-numbers!!

There may be a fourth somewhere in the ether, a wrecking partner for the 2 year old, but I don't ask - just wait to be presented with the scan photo!

What do I get out of hootoo? Apart from my daughters and their families, there is no one else, except my elderly mother who I visit regularly. I am in full time employment on night work, in an unforgiving and harsh environment, with little opportunity for conversation with my (6) fellow workers - so hootoo provides me with conversation, friends, information, comfort, advice which I cannot get from fellow human beings IRL.

Will stop rabbitting on now, as you may not want a Granny cluttering up this thread.

Take care, Universal Granny

Who are you, what are you, and what do you get out of h2g2?

Post 145

The Reverend Something or Other

Sorry, Granny, but you can NOT be that terribly old. The quantity and ages you just gushed about your grands are pretty much in-line with my own. (See the entry just before yours ...) And I KNOW that I'm not old. Ergo, you too cannot be .

Enjoy them then send 'em back to their parents! The blessing of grand-parenting, even at (perpetual) 29 !!!

Who are you, what are you, and what do you get out of h2g2?

Post 146

Universal Granny

Oh, I don't think I am OLD, just everyone else on here seems so young - even you at 29!!

My body thinks it is old and lets me down quite a lot, but my mind is still racing and I enjoy hootoo because I can exercise my brain, and hone my conversational skills, not to mention keep up my typing speeds, without having to creak the knees into compliance and the back into anything but bent.

I give my grandchildren back quite often, but that's only because I ask to have their company quite a lot! Individually they are all a delight - corporately they are exhausting!!

Take care, Universal Granny

Who are you, what are you, and what do you get out of h2g2?

Post 147

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

Me-39, male, British, bored nightshift worker

First came on because 12 hour nightshifts need filling
Stayed on because I found lots of interesting articles, conversations and people ranging from frivolous to very serious

Who are you, what are you, and what do you get out of h2g2?

Post 148


I'm a geology student (soon to have a BS- next spring) in Akron, OH. I first came on a few years ago, after I finished all five books of the Hitchhiker Trilogy, signed up, and forgot about it. Got back into it a few weeks ago when I needed somewhere to go on spring break and never left!

I signed up for the articles, and I've got one in process (which unfortunately won't be done until April, or else I won't HAVE a BS), but I stayed on for the chance to slip off my starving student identity at the end of the day and pretend to be something a little more glamourous.


Who are you, what are you, and what do you get out of h2g2?

Post 149


Blackberry is a male cat??? smiley - biggrin


Who are you, what are you, and what do you get out of h2g2?

Post 150


Shouldn't the question be: "Who are you, what are you, and _how_ do you get out of h2g2?"

Who are you, what are you, and what do you get out of h2g2?

Post 151

Dark Side of the Goon

That last question has been asked already.

By smiley - zen N i g h t h o o v e r smiley - zen

And you know what that started.

Who are you, what are you, and what do you get out of h2g2?

Post 152

Jimbob - Got a Favourite Band? Tell Us All About It at A2464355

Hmmmm. Maybe it's time for a competing cult:

smiley - zen d a s i l v a smiley - zen

smiley - yikes

smiley - run

Who are you, what are you, and what do you get out of h2g2?

Post 153


Leave - you want to leave? smiley - erm no one's ever asked that before..

Who are you, what are you, and what do you get out of h2g2?

Post 154


Welcome to Ask H2G2; you'll never leave...

Who are you, what are you, and what do you get out of h2g2?

Post 155

Lady Pennywhistle - Back with a vengeance! [for a certain, limited value of Vengeance; actual amounts of Vengeance may vary]

smiley - whistle*Hotel California*smiley - whistle

"so i got stuck here"

Who are you, what are you, and what do you get out of h2g2?

Post 156


No it can be done!

I am living proof that you can leave ask and survive

Come join us at The Forum A335864

You'll never look back

Oh bugga

Who are you, what are you, and what do you get out of h2g2?

Post 157

Noggin the Nog

I'm 51, male, an Englishman exiled in Wales. Currently unemployed (more or less).

And I get to meet people of ages and places that I wouldn't meet in RL, and have the sort of conversations I wouldn't have in RL either.

It's just the smiley - zen of hootoo. 'nuff said.


Who are you, what are you, and what do you get out of h2g2?

Post 158

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

To praphrase Withnail;

'We've come to h2g2 by mistake...'

smiley - shark

Who are you, what are you, and what do you get out of h2g2?

Post 159

Spiffy - Always glad to see you

Yesterday it appeared I had suddenly 'left' Hootoo; I couldn't log in, my PS was erased - no journal, no name, no conversations... It was terrible! I've only been here for two weeks and I felt kicked out. I missed it instantly.
The moment I discovered how I kept thinking about Hootoo I decided i should leave alltogether.

Of course everything was restored to 'normal' within an hour, and I decided I would just check my conversations, and then I answered some, and read some more. If I ever leave it won't be soon.

All this aside I'm a 23-year old student from the Netherlands. On Hootoo I'm learning not to be afraid to say what I think. Maybe I'm even learning not to be afraid to think.
I found a large group of really nice people here, and even though I'm mostly lurking at the moment I do feel welcome.

Who are you, what are you, and what do you get out of h2g2?

Post 160

Lady Pennywhistle - Back with a vengeance! [for a certain, limited value of Vengeance; actual amounts of Vengeance may vary]

smiley - biggrinWell, I see you've already found the Thingites...

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