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When in Rome...
6*(-6+8+0+0!+4)= 4266-(8-0!-0!)*4 = 42
Version: 1.1
RD Y-->++ N++ SB A+ P:-- L M+ S+ V E-
PR- P a- B+ TV? r+ D T+ nh+ C?>+ m t+
-----END H2G2 CODE BLOCK-----
I'm a young woman (23) from the Netherlands, living in a rather small but very cosy room in a studenthouse - imagine 15 people sharing 2 showers, 2 toilets and 1 living room... This sounds crowded1, but it's very nice to have so many friendly people around. They're all about my age and we get along very well. But thank goodness we each have our own room!
The last few years I have studied Artificial Intelligence, so by now I could have known a lot more about it than I really do. I never completed my studies, you see. But hey, who wants to build evil flesh-eating robots anyway?
At the moment, I'm learning how to be an executive secretary. This may seem a bit dull (and my fellow students are), but actually I think I'll like it to know every decision made in a company while not being responsible for them. Besides, the financial compensation for my time will be really good and I'm sick and tired of always minding my money. So there. Now you know.
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Hi Spiffy - echt Nederland? | Mar 28, 2004 |
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Spiffy - Always glad to see you
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